Kinjenniex live webcams for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “Kinjenniex live webcams for YOU!

  1. But the guys in porn videos aren’t the norm.

    Why is she even saying things like that? I mean, as long as a man has a penis and keeps it clean and healthy, is good enough for me. It’s not all about size. If a man is giving his all in a sexual encounter and so is the woman, then they will both see and feel good results.

    And how dare she put down your feelings of insecurity. Just reading some of what she said is just cringeworthy. I mean I just want to shake her!

  2. Counseling is amazing bc it helps you learn tools to communicate – and tbh if he’s changing his words it really could mean that he meant something different than what you understood him to mean (if that makes sense)

    Our counselor had us paraphrase each other as we talked about our relationship and I was surprised at how differently we were heard vs. what we meant

    Maybe circle back to this morning’s conversation and just express that you are afraid your relationship literally cannot survive without taking the time to address some communication issues. I know it can be terrifying to bring up but he only has two options really – yes or no.

    Good luck OP, I really hope you feel better soon

  3. How can people be so stupid. It’s clearly a troll post,

    What are the odds someone would create a new reddit account and write about being insecure cause their significant other casually and seriously mentioned his dick was “too small” lmao..

  4. You're an idiot if you think making noise to annoy someone is abuse. Was he annoying? Without a doubt, just like a nagging wife. Should nagging wives be abused? Absolutely not

  5. This is may sound brutal, but you may need to tell him you're not asking him to cut her off. But she has no business in your relationship. That if things continue the way they are he's sabatoging the relationship. Considering your ages and what you've said. Maybe you never wanted to realize it, but it seems this wasn't what you signed up for by being with him. That's fine but at some point you need to also be willing to stop trying to change things and move forward.

  6. You absolutely can raise children with someone you love platonically. That's not the issue. The problem is that you want a romantic partner. If you want your romantic and sexual partner to be the father of your children, then staying married to your best friend probably won't be fulfilling for you. You don't have to stay in this just for him either. If you're ready to be on your own, then he has to respect that.

  7. I wouldn't really call that cheating… Though, If I was Matt, I would be upset to hear that my GF replied “That would be fun, but…” to the her male friend propositioning a threesome, instead of shutting it down naked and clear. That's probably why you feel guilty.

  8. Yeah, there's just so much that could go wrong here. Even if it's entirely on the up-and-up, the other woman could get the wrong idea. It's just a nonsensical thing to do. Does he want to blow up his marriage? Because this is how to blow up a marriage.


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