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36 thoughts on “LaFlacaTorresss on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Aww you deserve better. Sexual compatibility is important. I think you can either try talking to him and/or move on if you can’t find common ground.

    What did you say to him that “hurt him”?

  2. It’s a long story, I kind of said something that would make her think I’m no longer interested in her, I made a mistake but it is what it is and I can’t go back on that.

  3. Cause it’s Christmas and he knows it’ll ruin the mood. And the glasses are returnable so if she’s really that upset he can get a refund and delaying the conversation does no harm anyway.

    There. Perfectly reasonable reason to delay. It doesn’t take a major amount of creativity to picture a situation like this. Sometimes it takes a little bit of time to build up the courage or resolve to have a tough conversation. Assuming there’s no immediate consequence to delaying (you can still reverse the purchase) I really don’t see the harm in waiting.

  4. So your husband has a history of falling with his colleagues? You have a long road ahead of you. Good Luck!

  5. Stop leaning on her emotionally. She’s not there for you anymore. Get busy finding things that bring you joy, Like your life depends upon it.

    Pour energy into other connections – that will fill your emotional tank and help you take the emphasis off Jen.

    Take up a pursuit you’re been wanting to do ages – that will give you hope and interest in the future.

    Declutter – that’ll help you bring peace and a sense of control to your daily life.

    Do something to help others in a worse off position – that will bring you the perspective you lack and stop you from spinning out so much.

    Be mindful, do some gentle, meditative activity like yoga or swimming or dancing around your living room. This will ground you in your body, and remind you that you are a seperate being and you are enough. You need to get back to a place we’re you feel centred and stable to remind yourself that your existence and well-being does not have to depend on some external circumstance that you have no control over.

    When you are doing all these things, if you get side swiped by a fresh memory of this pain, you will be able to cope with it better.

    When those waves of grief do come your way, instead of freaking out and being victimised by the pain, try to observe yourself and the feelings you are experiencing from a slightly detached viewpoint. Breathe deeply as you acknowledge how it hurts, and that you are feeling this grief because you loved her so much. Notice that even though it hurts, you are still breathing, and you will get through it. Be grateful for the strides you are making to become a better person and not be pulled down by another.

    I know these strategies help, because I have experienced heartbreak at the loss of a friend too. It happened in my forties, and was someone I had cherished for over a decade. I guess she felt that we had grown apart. I still feel twinges of pain when I think of that loss, but you give love and friendship to people who value you and what you bring to the equation. Unfortunately, people can change and friendships can die out, even when you pictured growing old together.

    You do need to let go and stop chasing her. You had an open heart and you gave her opportunities to fix things, but she is snubbing you. Remember you have expectations of her in friendship too. Keep you boundaries and your dignity. Detach a little. Acknowledge to yourself what you would need from her to repair the relationship. Witness that she is not providing that at this stage. If it helps, you can decide that if she reaches out in a genuine and remorseful manner, then you will respond with cautious openness. But until then, you are going to put effort into being happy and busy and well-rounded. And avoid giving her extra thought in the interim.

    You know that the hardest way to forget something, is to keep obsessing over it. So you need to crowd out thoughts of her with thoughts of other things.

  6. Hmm… I'll suggest a bidet. Great call. And I fully get that she'll use more than me. But it's just out of hand.

  7. Do not under any circumstance pay ANYTHING from her medical bills. If you pay a single cent, then they will say that you accepted responsibility for her medical bills. Forward any medical bills to her, or mark “return to sender”.

  8. Doesn't matter at all about the situation with your brother. She racked up credit card debt, she should live! with the consequence of her action. Your husband has absolutely no obligation to help her out with credit card debt.

    If you had said deposit on a flat or something necessary I'd be more inclined to see your side but your sister is irresponsible with money and the home situation has nothing to do with it.

  9. Agreed! Everyone here is screaming about boy autonomy but has the pandemic taught us nothing??

    What he did was wrong on so many levels. OP should leave him and never come back, there is no excuse for literally handcuffing someone to a bed without consent. But OP also should not be traveling, going to school living their life when they could expose their illness to other people.

  10. Don't even think about her or him. If he decided to stay with a cheater he deserves everything coming his way. Live! your best successful life and next time she tries to contact you, don't. Block her on all platforms, her friends to.

  11. Yes, things I didn’t know happened have been surfacing. I feel terrible because I want him to be happy and I don’t want to hold him back from living the life he deserves.

  12. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I’ll leave you with this again (but feel free to PM me if you’d like); big relationship steps don’t fix relationships. Moving in with her is about living together. Sharing a domicile and responsibilities. It has nothing to do with her health choices.

    Suggesting you work out together would be a step impacting her health. Suggesting you both eat better together would be a step impacting her health. Living together is her eating the same way she is now but under the same roof. The change needs to happen first.

  13. I’ve never had a “normal” relationship before. Of them all, this one seems the most normal. Am I asking for too much? I feel really needy. Do things really die down like this in a relationship when people get comfortable?

  14. Tell her flat out that her acting like one of her students is a massive turn off, bordering on being very wrong. That you are attracted to her, an adult, not a child and until she stops trying to act like a child that you will not be engaging in sex with her.

  15. I know I can’t compete with her mom and I wish I didn’t have to

    Well, of course! Ideally, this would have been dealt with before bringing a baby into the mix, but the 2 of you are your own little “family” now. That means, she should always put you and your child first and everyone else, including mom, is a distant second. This is one of the most basic rules of marriage. If one spouse's parents are interfering, it's that spouse's job to shut it down. It's the other spouse's job to hold that person accountable for doing this.

    Don't address each issue as it arises, but rather have a more general convo that putting mom ahead of you isn't ok.

    This may not work, though. When she told you 3 years ago that her mom makes all her decisions, this was a huge red flag waving in your face. You may have to go more nuclear in your convo and tell her that the relationship won't last if she doesn't get her priorities in order. The other option is couples counseling, because it doesn't sound like the 2 of you are communicating well. You do need to consider this, esp with a baby in the mix. Kids always want their parents together.

  16. I literally wrote “it didn’t took me by surprise because he TOLD me, …” that’s why I asked if you read the post.

  17. Thanks for the comment!

    You’re not wrong!! Was very quick!! Felt like I was sucker punched.

    The quickness of it all has me wondering if I’m chasing the emotions of it all or if I really care for her.

    We both kinda love bombed each other. Buuutttt the things in common, the interests, the life goals, also the patterns and what not were kinda trippy?

    When I really give this whole thing a thought, I do care. When she crosses my mind I and hoping she is safe regardless of our outcome.

    I really think she thinks I would end up hurt by the whole situation:/

    Sooooo seems real? but I do have my guard up:P

  18. many people with autism are able to function just as well as neurotypical people, and even my husband is on the autism spectrum, and he functions perfectly fine

    Your husband and Racheal are two different people, with totally different backgrounds.You are generalizing a spectrum of a very complex mental disorder.

    Just because many people have it doesn't mean most of them know how to take care of themselves, etc. Rachel was neglected and abused, which is going to have an impact on her, and she is going to be different compared to your husband. I have to point out one thing, that not everyone who has Autism, acts the same. It is a spectrum, and everyone who has autism is affected differently. Clumping every autistic person together by generalizing based on how your husband acts just shows ignorance to ASD.

    If anything I just want to know that I'm not crazy and doing the right thing. I've got less than a week left of her but I'm still losing sleep over this whole thing.

    Yes, she may not be paying rent, but put it in a proper eviction notice to her, not just words. Put in down a paper, and have her sign it because after the 24, it would be trespassing. You're not crazy but you also need to educate yourself on ASD. You can't base everything off of it just because your husband has it. Racheal sounds like she's on the higher end of Autism and will likely need a support worker to help her throughout the rest of her life. Her Autism is not the same as your husband's and will need help for the rest of her life, unlike your husband.

  19. I’ve got a degree very similar to your girlfriend and I now make six figures, so you can suck a big one, my guy.

  20. Ah I see, you missed the part where I said I agree with all their points except the role reversal, so that means I agree with “not wanting genitalia in your face”, “nobody should have to do any sort of sex they don’t like or want, “don’t tease the guy”, and “if this is a dealbreaker move on.”

    That leaves me, disagreeing with “if you put a role reversal on this, everyone would be all over this guys case for being demanding about bjs.” The reason this stands out is because OP never wrote about forcing their bf to eat them out, so role reversal would just imply a boyfriend who would like a blowjob but respectfully understands his girlfriends boundaries and comes on Reddit to get an opinion about their desires. No one would be angry or going after him. By switching the gender and making it about aggressive demands, introduces the topic of gender roles without a fair comparable situation.

  21. You admit in comments you're still having the affair and aren't even sure you're willing to end the affair.

    The affair means more to you than your marriage.

    Tell your husband so he can file for divorce. Telling him is the only appropriate action to take. But, let's be honest, you absolutely don't deserve forgiveness. Nor do you even care what your poor husband wants.

  22. Lol, honestly the ring has nothing to do with it. My parents haven’t worn their wedding rings in 50 years.

    Him flirting is the problem. Not a fucking ring.

  23. So “in case” you two do break up, he already knows that he’s going to go after a coworker and has planned his pickup line? Even by his own excuse he already has a specific woman in mind to date after you. And that’s IF he’s telling the truth, which he probably isn’t because that’s so lame and pathetic it just can’t be real.

  24. So “in case” you two do break up, he already knows that he’s going to go after a coworker and has planned his pickup line? Even by his own excuse he already has a specific woman in mind to date after you. And that’s IF he’s telling the truth, which he probably isn’t because that’s so lame and pathetic it just can’t be real.

  25. I would hate to deal with him long term. A married friend of mine’s husband would give her the silent treatment for days-not say a word. After about 15 years, she said enough.

  26. The way I see it people generally fall into one of two different routines depending on their values around relationships and particular relationship dynamics. Either both decide to never have sex when they aren't specifically in the mood, and eventually almost never have sex at all, or they find their way to, and pick your term here because I don't feel like I have a satisfactory one, compromise, adapt, respond, take one for the team, placate, relent, humor, please, serve accommodate … whatever, their partner's needs. In this later case it only really works out in a healthy way if both partners are doing, whatever you want to call that, from time to time. Situations where there is a significant or large mismatch in libido are, in my opinion, completely fucking doomed to resentment in almost all cases. Not that this fact ever talks anyone out of continuing those relationships, but that's always what happens. Someone goes with the flow until they can't take it anymore and begin resenting their partner, or someone gets rejected so much that it breaks whatever magic leads to that sexual chemistry in the first place.

    I think you should have a think, then a conversation with your boyfriend about which of these kinds of couples you're going to be. Or, if the mismatch is that pronounced I honestly think the best decision is to move on, but it's very Reddit to suggest that and, like I said, nobody ever does.


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