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63 thoughts on “Chlo, é ♡︎ the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. My 2 cents… it doesn't go very far in today's world, but you can have it.

    As a bystander, the big dick discussion is a bit jarring. It makes me wonder what she would say about you if you broke up. It had no bearing on her decisions, so why say it?

    I wonder if there is an underlying issue that continues to gnaw at you. Maybe something unrelated to the exact events themselves. Regardless of what happened, it's still hanging in the air. Why is this affecting the trust? I don't think you trust that she won't do one of the following things:

    Do/say the same thing about you if you break up Ask to open the relationship at a future date Cheat

    I'm not saying these things will happen. But I think you are questioning the future of the relationship.

    I would take time to yourself to dwell on it. Get a journal and start filling it with all of your thoughts. Then review it to see if there are any recurring topics.

    See a dr about insomnia. There are non-addicting medications to help with anxiety or sleeplessness. Get some sleep. It is easy to tear into non-existent issues when you are exhausted. Also, fatigue can prevent you from getting to the true root of the issue (i.e., you aren't thinking clearly).

    If you wake up, create a plan to calm your mind. I developed an action plan for tackling the issue and review it in my mind to reassure myself that I have taken all of the appropriate steps to resolve it. Then I breathe deeply and count. I repeat it until I go back to sleep.

    Don't be afraid to ask for space. It could be you feel trapped and just need to sort it out.

  2. NTA. Your partner needs to find a new band, period, and cut all contact with that viper. She’s done this to you TWICE which is a very deliberate choice. If your partner won’t cut ties, you should seriously rethink the relationship because he is not showing any respect for it. If your partner is reading this, you sound like you’re almost hoping this chic will seduce you, and OP deserves better than a partner who is so dismissive of her concerns.

  3. I’d post on a subreddit catered to your culture. I find that I tend to get very bland advice when it comes to navigating cultural intricacies, ie setting boundaries with parents

  4. oh i'm sure at times i am guilty of same at times, and i'm also sure problem is i don't care half the time putting in little effort lol. but believe me i don't expect 8's and above to talk to me. i talk to a lot of girls i would say are at my same level. i just find a lot don't seem to take much interest, like meh you're just an avg typical guy. but i'm thinking uh yea and you're an avg typical girl….so who else you planning on ending up with?

    i know it includes men. but i just think women have way more unrealistic expectations, and way less self worth recognition. because of emotions. they can't handle feeling sad cause guys prefer other women. so they create a fake self worth propped up by swipes from men just looking for easy sex. it's really sad and pathetic.

  5. I don’t know… I definitely feel weird about it. This is also a larger issue about him thinking about other people (like literally everyone including my friends) and he masturbated to one of my friends. It just seems hurtful :/ and I’m not sure what is ok anymore

  6. Well this all depends on, do you still love this boy? Do the pros outway his cons? Is he mentally draining? Is no longer bringing you joy? Do you see a happy future with him? Have you tried communicating and now you just sound like a broken record and he could care less?

    Ask yourself questions like those, nobody can really decide this for you other than give you advice. Personally, this boy would NOT be my type. I like people who care about their education, and are well rounded. Now of course I don’t mind teaching people new things where their parents lacked. I myself also don’t mind learning. But that’s me and what I prefer. What do you prefer? If his personality is making it absolutely impossible for you to be happy. It might be time for you to let go if the communication is just NOT going anywhere.

    That’s honestly my best advice I can give, I hope you find a solution that makes you happy regardless. He might have unresolved trauma / conflict with his dad or 2 he doesn’t want to move out and just isn’t telling you. Just something to think about. Best of luck!

  7. u/StabsITD, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. u/the_infamous-one, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. u/lingthusiast420, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. If you don't like how he's treating you then you should end the relationship and leave. I don't know if you're waiting around for him to make it exclusive or what, but you're wasting your time.

  11. I think there's several right ways to go about this.

    For me, personally (!!!), it's nice to hear from a partner that they find me sexy with close to 200lbs/90kg, with 180lbs/80kg, and with 155lbs/70kg. BUT that's because I've been put down about my weight when I was less than 150lbs/68kg.

    However, I also do get your approach. Not everyone takes well to (unwanted) comments about their weight, no matter how well intended. Because if it makes a person really, really insecure, a well meant “I don't care about your weight” can be as hurtful as “don't you think you should get rid of some pounds?”

  12. Having a conversation with your wife about transparency and expectations is important. If we have cultural differences, we shouldn’t take them for granted and make an effort to bridge those gaps for understanding and be open to discussion. Honestly, I would never think to talk to my husband about this because it’s so normal for me and mine. I would definitely want him to speak up so we could discuss it if it made him uncomfortable.

    Speaking as someone who grew up showing with the woman in my family, I can tell you that it was a definite factor in helping me be much less self conscious about my body and the changes that would happen later in life. A shower was a shower. If you were little and starting out, you were corrected in how you washed if you were missing spots. “See how mommy does it. Now you try.” Depending on where you lived, there was also the issues of short lived nude water.

  13. I always amusedly give my SO scores for her farts. Sometimes I'll write down a little score card and hold it up like the Olympics

  14. Uh, why did you get so bent out of shape over your husband's harmless comment about lunches? He idd nothing wrong, he was just making conversation.

  15. She needs to learn how to respect boundaries. It's not love if she's not listening to what you actually want and only doing what she thinks you should want. And then becoming upset when you assert your actual wants.

  16. I say that I didn't mean anything like that

    That could come off as defensive. You FIRST want to validate how they other person feels, only after they feel understood should you share how you feel. If you just talk about your perspective when they’re upset, you’ll have a lot harder time comforting them.

  17. Babies happen, it's a fact. Penis goes in vagina, risk of baby. Everyone knows this. Just saying afterwards “Oh sorry I was just kidding, I don't want a baby!” doesn't get you off the hook legally, because the support is for the child.

  18. She cheated on her fiancé with you….why would either of you think that you'd be faithful to each other?

    While they were together we were faithful, I think. And the question was raised, the answer is “It was just because to fulfill unfulfilled needs”.

    It's a bit too late for that.

    I know.

    Srsly it's time to be honest with her, and break up to work on yourself.

    That is what I fear the most.

  19. You DONT tell her this because you don’t owe her. You met this girl through gaming, so you already knew her lifestyle. You have no right of telling her to not hang out with her friends, men or women. You don’t trust THEM, but you date her. So grow up.

  20. Cut her off. She’s a pedophile. Nobody should seek that out because they’re “depressed”; makes no fucking sense

  21. One answer I can give, unless he acknowledges his affair and is willing to properly discuss it there is no remorse. He is putting effort only for the time being, it's unlikely to last longer.

  22. You need to decide if this is a dealbreaker for either of you, & that will only happen if you talk it out. She’s allowed to have preferences, but it seems it was cruel of her to approach it the way she did. She made you cry & still doesn’t get how mean that was??

    She may get used to it with time, as others have mentioned, which would be good if your relationship is otherwise healthy. There are some fringe cases where her reaction would be more understandable, but you haven’t mentioned any of them so I won’t presume anything.

    Most importantly: Your hair is part of your body, which means no one else gets final say in what you do with it. If you like your new look, that should be all that matters. It’s just hair, it’ll grow back eventually. And if she doesn’t care about you without it, I’m sorry to say that’s a bad sign for your relationship. I hope you get your confidence back, OP. I bet the buzz cut looks rad.

  23. Sometimes when you’re in the thick of it it can be nude to see, and all I have to go by it what you wrote.

    But I bet you’ll be shaking your head/cringing in 10 years.

  24. I would understand being upset if he brought up prenups out of thin air but the topic of marriage came up. If it puts you off it puts you off but I really don't see how its aggressive.

  25. It sounds like you have a lot of conflicting feelings and it can be difficult to navigate them. It's natural to want to explore and have new experiences in your late teens and early 20s, but it's also important to consider the feelings and well-being of your partner. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to continue the relationship is a personal one that only you can make. It may be helpful to talk to your girlfriend about your concerns and see if there is a way for both of you to compromise or find a solution that works for both of you. Additionally, seeking the guidance of a therapist or counselor can be beneficial in helping you navigate and understand your feelings.

  26. I did try to say no before, he kept pushing for it so I decided to get something out of this to than be a doormat.

  27. It might not. But it might. You never know how people will respond to it. Or how deeply they'll be affected. Plus his friend has been asking him every Sunday. And now that he's finally got him to go I think he's going to keep pushing him to go.

  28. If the goal is more important than a positive result then do whatever.

    The real issue is why you haven’t been normally dating for 12 years already. Rushing a process because you have been neglecting it for years won’t end well.

  29. U really helped thank you we eneded up getting down to the root of it and sorted it completly turns out it was acctually quite sweet the reason she was moody at me

  30. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My husband is a big road rager but recently he escalated to something I didn't think he would do.

    I hate riding in the car with him as it is always something. He speeds, tailgates, screams at the top of his lungs at the “idiot” drivers, and sarcastically gives people the thumbs-up sign when they do something he doesn't like. I have asked him many times, “Who are you yelling at? They can't hear you. I'm the only one that can hear you and you're hurting my ears.” He doesn't seem to care. This is literally every single time we get in the car. MY car to be specific, he doesn't own a car.

    Last week we were going to drive ~2 hours (each way) to a nearby tourist location for a day trip. As soon as we got into the car he began saying how I had been in a “negative mood” the last few days. Our relationship has been rocky, but FWIW I didn't think that I had been in a “negative mood”. I asked him why he thought that I had been or had I done something to make him feel this way. Nothing of note had happened between us in the last few days that I remembered.

    He didn't answer me with any coherent reason. Instead, he started calling me names (r*t*rd, f*gg*t, asshat), insulting me, and became ENRAGED. I have heard all of these names from him before and have asked him to stop. He refuses to for whatever reason, idk.

    It was raining and he started speeding up (way above the speed limit) and was screaming at the top of his lungs. I was just saying, “I don't understand why you are doing this. Please stop”. Then, he screamed that he was going to “run us off the road and k*ll us both”. Then I started screaming back asking him to please pull over. He just kept saying over and over that he was going to run us off the road and k*ll us and told me to shut up. I stop talking but he kept screaming.

    Once we got to the destination, I was exhausted and confused. We didn't stay long and drove back in total silence.

    Once we got home, I told him that wasn't okay, and that he needed to apologize. He refused and said he was going to k*ll himself (not the first time he has said this), leave (also not the first time) and I would “never see his face again” if I didn't let it go and “stop living in the past”. I told him I don't feel safe with him driving and he said he would never hurt me.

    I cried all that night and we haven't spoken in a few days. I feel like he should come to me if he wants to make this right. How do I get him to understand that this isn't okay for him to do to me? His WIFE. He NEVER apologizes, it's making me effing crazy and I think I'm beginning to hate him.

    Why won't he apologize???

  31. Mate…you are 19 FFS. You will not recognise yourself at 25, 35, 45 etc.

    Do NOT throw away your potential career on the alter of young infatuation.

  32. You’re both young. Stay home. Build you marriage, so that and Europe are both still there in a few years when you go together.

    I think, at 58M married 31 years, that the concept of being together and truly building a marriage by making memories and consistent togetherness (post wedding) are an often overlooked and forgotten thing. But, I think they are big and important things…

  33. What is the saying goes. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. She cheated. It's time to move on

  34. Honestly, I see how many downvotes this woman is getting and it’s unfortunate. She came on here, genuinely unsure of how to handle a situation that is clearly not a “norm” in her culture or the way she was brought up, and was met with assumptions of transphobia. Instead, the moral high horses want to tell her what she should inherently know. Since you all preach inclusivity so much – you know there is people who may come from different backgrounds and are not intending harm, that love their children but may not be sure how to approach something they have not known their entire life. To expect that a person will just casually nod at their family member coming out with a HUGE change in their life, with no questions, reflection, or skepticism is naive and bigoted. Being mad at people for not understanding something they do not understand… is creating another side of extremism against the extreme you frown upon. If I was a transgender person coming from a background that did not accept this, I would be happy that my parent was seeking other perspectives. There are many people who would immediately cut their child out of their life.

  35. You guys need some counseling. I predict a divorce in your future if this continues.

    Communication and empathy go a long way!

  36. You’ve already clearly communicated that sex isn’t fun or pleasurable for you, and he isn’t trying to make it better. This guy literally doesn’t care if you enjoy it, as long as he gets off. Why are you so worried about protecting his feelings and not making him feel bad, when he makes you feel bad on a regular basis?

    It’s time to dump him. I promise you, there are plenty of guys out there who are good at sex. They will make it their job to give you pleasure, and if they’re not doing it exactly right for you from the jump, they’ll study and practice and get better at it. That’s the minimum you should accept from any sexual partner. You’ve had a combo of bad luck and young/inexperienced partners until now, I assume given your age. You’re an adult now and it’s time to find an adult partner who’s not scared of your body and who understands that his ego is not directly tied to his penis. Any man worth having sex with is one who cares if you enjoy it, end of sentence, zero exceptions.

  37. “No it was a parking lot so anyone would think the next step is following them home. I definitely have not done that.”

    It's right there ^^ also we are still talking about the same kind of clubs. I haven't gone to a night club in over 10 years especially since they all shut down.

  38. I mean, you said it was alright until you started having kids. With a 2.5 year old and a 5 month old, she's spent more than the last 3 years of her life either pregnant or caring for a tiny baby or both, and you've said elsewhere that she has PPD. She may have not even got over PPD Round 1.

    You also recently got sober, which is great, but you also recently were an alcoholic, which still has an impact on your marriage.

    Staying together for the kids longterm is a bad idea, but damn dude, at least let her hair all fall out and grow back in from kid 2 before you decide.

    More counseling should be mandatory right now, though.

  39. did he not explicitly tell her that he met his friend “at an old job” when he actually met him through an ex who happened to be his wife? think wherever you want but to say that it isn’t a lie is just plain wrong

  40. That was the weirdest part. Man's built the house with his bestie and is now paying high ass rent for it. Lol. This fact would turn me off to any man immediately. Why don't you have your own damn house that you built?

  41. Document everything in writing and date it. Talk to a divorce attorney about this and see if you can get 100% custody of the children because your soon-to-be ex-wife is not in a good mental condition for sound judgment calls.

  42. Most of these comments annoy me for one reason or another.

    You say you told him a month or so ago that you wanted to book a solo trip at the end of may, you've been open about your dream to travel solo around the world the whole relationship, you've been open and honest at every single opportunity about what you want to do with your life.

    Solo travelling is not single behaviour, it's normal to follow your dreams and pursue them whether you're single or in a relationship, one of your dreams just happens to be travelling solo. That doesnt mean you ONLY want to do solo travelling, you can go on holidays with your partner and on your own. It's about you developing your independence and having a little something for yourself in this relationship right now.

    You arent a bad girlfriend because you want to and have booked a solo trip. He says he will be lonely and stressed out and while I can empathise with that, it doesnt at all mean you shouldn't go. Those are NORMAL feelings to have as a partner and usually people manage them and have open constructive conversations with their partners about those feelings instead of guilt tripping them by actively being in a mood all the time and saying things like “you will be a bad girlfriend if you go because I will be lonely and stressed”. He isnt saying that to express his emotions, he is saying it to manipulate you, so you cancel the trip.

    And it's working because you're making this post and doubting your decisions and actions.

    He is also trying to scare you with stories about getting drugged etc, that's really messed up. He likely is doing this to again manipulate you into doing what he wants you to do. Yes, they are valid concerns but it seems because of your wording that you genuinely dont think he was trying to talk to you about your worries but rather scare you with scenarios about what could happen.

    I've been in a toxic and controlling relationship before and the sad reality of it was that nothing I ever did was right. It was almost always a damned if you do and damned if you dont kind of merry go round.

    The reality of your situation is that you have no friends or family close to you, you have a boyfriend that you spend all of your free time with. And you want this one sliver of independence and he cant handle you having that. It's not like you go on nights out with your friends, or brunch, or go out with co-workers. You work from home, spend all of your time with him and you having 5 days away to do something you have been absolutely transparent about wanting to do, since the start of your relationship 2 years ago, is too difficult for him to handle… Or, he doesnt want to handle it because he is quite happy having you isolated and alone.

    Take the time to reflect on your relationship. My best piece of advice is never sacrifice your happiness every single day for a partner that cant/wont let you follow your dreams. A partner should be supportive and caring, should talk about concerns openly and constructively instead of treating you badly and blaming it on you.

  43. There’s an ethical way to go about this: talk to your husband. Negotiate this, with the same permissions for him as you (keeping it mind it’s usually harder for partnered men in their thirties who are open about being in a relationship to find NSA opposite sex partners).

  44. This is an excellent answer, OOP should give this to her bf to read.

    Just one bonus-info, which you should also tell your bf: I have a lot of friends/ relatives in the medical field. They call the motorcycle season here in Germany the “organ donation season” for a reason – lots of young healthy organs freshly scraped up from the asphalt…


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