Ashley and Bella live! sex cams for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Ashley and Bella live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. My boyfriend and I have a similar problem but I would never expect him to go that far.

    If my partner would wake up bruised because of something I did, I would cry too, even if they insisted on having me hurt them.

    Please don´t force him into making sex uncomfortable for him, it´s supposed to be nice for both.

  2. My ex has BPD and she found pics on my PC. That didn't end well. In the end I couldn't be happier I got out of that relationship, but at the time it felt like the whole world. I'm not mentally equipped to deal with somebody with BPD and/or any severe mental disorder. It's just not who I am. It never would have worked out. At the time I was still a teen. It was quite the learning experience honestly.

    For some people cheating is even looking the same direction as another woman, and that's the type of person that she was. It's totally her own write to set boundaries but I wasn't going to be along for the ride. It isn't the fact of having to avert my eyes from other women, it's the fact of always being under a microscope regardless of how faithful.

    I just couldn't stand to be in a relationship not built on trust. She was the type of girl who could never trust anybody. Not necessarily saying the OPs gf is the same but in this type of situation it'll be an uphill battle for sure. His gf will feel validated just like you said.

  3. I’m the same way as your girlfriend. I don’t know why it happens but I just get so angry when I’m half asleep. I wouldn’t take it personally.

  4. “She’s super easy going” unless she has a timeline for her life that she wants to make happen regardless of your feelings on the matter?

  5. Hello /u/demo12685,

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  6. Seriously. If he doesn’t think he’s ready for marriage he needs to be open with her about it. Especially if she is also wanting kids. She is 33 and the truth, unfortunate as it is, is if she wants children that she needs to probably find someone who wants the same things. Just because OP isn’t sure about her after a 6 year relationship doesn’t mean she should wait around because he doesn’t want marriage, but also doesn’t want to end the relationship.

  7. It's going to escalate to hitting you then saying it's because you made him angry and if you never did or said a certain thing he wouldn't have done that. You're bothered because it's not ok, your senses are right. You need to leave. Now. Don't minimise it, excuse it or try to understand or forgive. Just leave

  8. Is this the first man to give your sis attention? that might explain it. my cousin ran away and married her art teacher (there wasn't a big age difference, but the dude was a deadbeat) as he was the first man to ever give her any attention.

  9. But I would have to be allowed to do it.

    “Allowed”? Do you live in Saudi Arabia, Iran, or some other Sharia Law country? If your husband needs to allow you to do anything, I would divorce him and never look back.

    If it was that he's controlling, I would take his ultimatum as a chance to flee and never look back.

  10. I think mature adults can have a conversation around concerning behaviors from their partner vs ignoring it. Now, if after discussions on this something doesn't change you can possibly make that assumption.

  11. OP with your comments regarding the fact you explicitly asked him to stop discussing it and that your mom was uncomfortable at her own birthday celebration and he just wouldn't stop, coupled with him yelling for you to just shut up . . . . I'd be having a real serious talk about communication and boundaries with him. If he attacks and blames you for him telling you to shut up and isn't willing to take accountability and work on things up to and including pre marriage counseling you should be done. As a matter of fact if you want to be done based on him telling you to shut up that's your choice and valid. The only person who knows the right course of action for you here, is you.

  12. Thank you for the non-judgmental and non-condescending response. I really appreciate that.

    I did ask her out to an event during one of our workouts, to which she gleefully said yes to with no hesitation and even marked it on her calendar/notes. This is what confuses me. She is very communicative and touchy (and as stated would let me touch or poke her butt and that normally is off limits) when we are working out together but would not initiate contact throughout the day. We workout together everyday by the way and workout in the afternoon.

  13. He KNEW what he was in for.

    Very likely he has been more of a burden to her than a support.

    If lacking self confidence not to relate ones own self-esteem to the amount of time/ attention a partner can give, then don't date someone with such a strenuous job.

    Which isn't just a job.

    It's lives at stake, daily!

  14. No one here is being hateful or cowardly (or at least the person you were responding to wasn't. I don't like hateful people either, and I get that you're hurting now, and that people are being really blunt with you and that doesn't help the hurt.

    But you're 25 years old and already divorced with two children, and you've been making choices that are deeply impulsive, not healthy or smart, and justifying them with idealistic, “Everyone else is wrong and you just don't understand that this was the one exception in a million because it was True Love. And I know because I have ExPerIEncE and have dated plenty.” And then repeating a bunch of tropes about how good, strong relationships work so we know you've Done The Work. The problem with that is that what you're saying doesn't match up with what you're doing. And every single person here who is twice your age understands that everyone else who makes these impulsive choices also thought they were the Special Exception To The Rule. But they weren't, and you weren't. Moving in with someone at two months, meeting their kid within weeks, trying to HAVE a child within less than 6 months . . . and the fact that you're bipolar, even if you have it reasonably managed, means that your impulsivity is even more pronounced.

    I'm sure everyone here has compassion for how sad you are. You've gone through something absolutely heartbreaking, and your relationship falling apart doesn't help. But also, that's part of the problem, because taking a step back: you haven't even been with this man for SIX MONTHS and breaking up with him is already enough to shatter you because you sped through the process so fast that in less than 6 months you built a whole lifetime's worth of dreams around him. And that's not healthy.

    I'm sorry for what happened to you, but no one here is trying to be hateful, and we're not cowards. And most of us would absolutely say these things to your face. You need therapy, to grieve but also to learn to make healthier choices, for your sake and your kids.

  15. Why waste time with him? He sounds like he wants to cheat regardless.

    NO significant other worth their salt would ever do this. Relationships are built on trust, love and mutual respect.

    He does NOT respect you. There is no trust. And from the looks of it there isn't love.

    Dump him and cut contact.

  16. Ad that makes everything he does better how exactly? That's all you took from everything i said?

    God i swear people have no standards anymore. Good luck being a caregiver to this lame ass man.

  17. Long story short. I decided to give this guy a chance. I thought things were finally going good in the dating world for me. He seemed perfect..

    See: Love-Bombing Tactics.

    so… I had my reservations… but… I decided to give him a chance since he was so adamant on pursuing me.

    Yeah. Beware the Love-Bombers. this guy is less than for real. Her has something to hide.

    We had everything in common.

    Or so he claims.

    We were like friends… he SEEMED… like a good guy.

    That's easy to appear when you can't easily fact-check what he says about himself and you don't live together.

    I had my concerns with the fact he would disappear every two days but he’s a dad… he also works a lot and doesn’t seem to be the best texter..

    So yesterday my sister was going on about this group called “are we dating the same guy” I heard about it on the news and on the radio on my drive to work before but never really cared to look through it… So yesterday my sister brought it up again and out of curiosity I joined the group just to browse. I honestly thought for sure I would see my sons father since he’s the biggest cheat… ten minutes of scrolling I saw the guy I’m literally seeing and had plan to see this weekend.. on it. A woman posted a picture of him in March (2 weeks before we met).. my jaw dropped… my sister immediately took my phone and looked and we both were shocked…

    My stomach felt sick.. this is the guy that I was literally planning in the future to meet my son, this is the guy that I gave an out and he refused. This is the guy that would send me pictures of his adorable son…

    I brought it up to him and told him I’m not interested in going further into this.. he had his female friend joined the group and look through the post. He says he tried dating the girl who posted it on the group awhile ago but she turned out to look nothing like her pictures so he ended it…

    Tell him that's not your problem nor is it yoir business to fact-check these other women. Sort it out with a lawyer if he thinks she's making false statements and defaming him live!. On any case you're not interested in going further with that kind of baggage and drama in his life.


    there was another woman who commented and he claims he has no idea who she is…

    Don't act like you were born yesterday.

    Idk what to think…

    You don't have any reason to trust him at this point.


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