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28 thoughts on “SweetMaia online webcams for YOU!

  1. u/thatgirltpsk, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. It's a bad idea to wake up a baby. Since you have a guest room, just use it.

    But also, you should be transitioning your kid into another room at some point, so talk about that, and talk about if it would be OK to return to your room when that happens. If you care about the impact on your relationship, I swear that everybody being sleep deprived is a lot less healthy than everybody sleeping in different beds.

  3. How did the initial convsersation start?

    It's not just about being pretty, it's about someone they can manipulate, esp. if they're trying to hide this from a spouse.

  4. This is gross. She was 18 at the time she got pregnant. How old was she when they got together? Also if she kept it a secret and claims the breakup was rough then I’m thinking abuse of some kind. She acted with the best intentions for the baby

  5. Well first of all understand that’s she’s not upset because she’s misreading you’re “intentions” with these women. She knows they are just eye candy and that they don’t “mean anything” to you. She’s not under the assumption you are trying to sleep with these women. And that’s still a problem for her so yes, you are what she thinks you are.

  6. How old are you that you think that’s still a relevant joke? Marriages this day and age aren’t like back in your time. OP should speak to his wife as an equal and explain she’s being a hypocrite.

  7. Yeah, the guy could have gone to an orgy exclusively for guys named Brian, in the middle of the desert, where they all must pretend to be Abraham Lincoln, and it should be none of OP’s concern…

    …wow that was an oddly specific hypothetical :S lol

  8. it sounds like she only did sexual things in an attempt to please this guy who was pressuring her. I don't support cheating, but it also sounds like she was pressured into doing more than she wanted.

  9. Sudden reason? It’s an issue that OP has bc he did not think his wife would NOT accept his request.

  10. Sometimes, people will adopt chimpanzees. They can seem very smart and might come across as a great idea for a pet. The problem is, chimpanzees are smart and incredibly strong. So strong that they can literally tear a human from limb to limb. When they start to have emotional problems or develop dementia, they will attack their caretaker by gouging out eyes and tearing off limbs. For male caretakers, they will typically rip off the testicles.

    Some pets should not be kept.


    AFTER YOUR SISTER BETRAYED YOUR TRUST, she got the WHOLE FAMILY to turn on you… STOP apologising for her mistakes…. Cut them all out! You deserve MUCH MUCH MUCH better…. Your family really betrayed you and are blaming you for to….


  12. Then perhaps she needs to see a professional about her body dysmorphia, because it doesn't sound like she's coping well at the moment.

  13. On this sub, as opposed to u/sex, I'll probably get downvoted into oblivion for this, but this sounds like more of a you problem. Truly, I'm not saying any of this to hurt your feelings or to be rude in any way, but watching porn and masturbating in a relationship or marriage is completely normal and healthy.

    In many cases, it's actually helpful when the partners don't have matching libidos. Does your boyfriend have a higher libido than yours? If so, it can cause you both a lot of stress when one of you is being forced to suppress his or her sexuality.

    Despite all that, I'm obviously sensing that you have a lot of anxiety built up around the subject of porn. Is there a reason for that? Or do you mind explaining why you're so disgusted by the idea of your bf using porn?

    And if something I just said pisses you off, please, let me have it.

  14. I don't have any advice because you're in a super shitty situation due to someone else's selfish actions and no one deserves this. Also, seriously, fuck you, Bryan.

  15. He’s not forcing me to cook meat, he just feels that his dinner is incomplete without meat. I tried introducing him to vegetarian meat substitutes or vegetarian meals and he’s just not interested.

  16. I mean, does it though? I’m a lesbian. All my friends are women. Some of my friends are lesbians. And neither my wife nor I ever give a second thought to close relationships with people who could ostensibly be sexual partners. They’re just our friends.

    Not every friendship is an affront to a romantic relationship. I feel like that’s insecurity talking.

  17. The writing is on the walls man. You just need to confront it. Sorry about what you’re going through

  18. Yeah, this only came out because she told him about the feature of retrieving deleted messages. He knew that he couldn't get out of this without being obvious.

    The “you were drunk” thing is idiotic, since he could have, you know, waited until she was sober.


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