Valentina online sex cams for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Valentina online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Move on….. Find a girlfriend who is financially responsible and enjoys her career working in it, splitting bills with you etc….

    Enjoying doing things together and having hobbies separately and also hobbies and activities that you enjoy doing together.

    So….. Run ?‍♂️ ?‍♀️ Forest Run. ………

  2. Counseling and years of teaching her what respect, boundaries, and responsibility are. Basically, re raise her. Or you could make a time machine travel back in time and tell whoever raised her to replace selfishness with self-sufficiency. The latter would be the easiest option.

  3. Unfortunately you can't do anything on her behalf as you are unmarried. You need to contact the state and have a social worker assigned to get her placed in a care facility. This is a terrible situation and you need to let go of the person you fell in love with. It's unfair to you to be a nurse. You have every right to move on. Good luck to you

  4. Honestly, this was nude to read all the way through. It sounds like you’re the side piece and he is her main squeeze. We all, you included, know she’s having an affair. Married women don’t spend copious amounts of time alone with single men at their apartments and keep secrets about it from their husbands. It’s not an emotional affair. It’s a sexual affair. Full on.

    For me, the affair would be a deal breaker. Like, done. One strike, you’re out.

    You need to sit down with her and figure out why the hell you guys are still together. A marriage certificate is not a good only reason to be together.

    If she wants out, tell her to get the fuck out. If you want out, make the decision for her.

    You need to think about the trust that’s been broken, and what it would take to rebuild it. Is it even possible to rebuild it or will you always question where she is and who she’s with, when she’s not with you?

    If you both want to work it out, you need to both be 100% committed to working it out, which means she needs to cut that guy off of her own accord. She probably needs to leave that job, too.

    If reconciliation is your path, find a good therapist with a track record of repairing broken relationships.

  5. How about telling her that it bothers you when she says things like that? I don't think that would be controlling, but Iust letting her know how you. Just an idea.

  6. This. OP is acting entitled to her parents time. They are not at all obligated to “chaperone” her to a photo shoot which doesn’t guarantee a career or even a gig, even if this was legitimate. Which btw it’s def a scam. OP is being selfish and shortsighted.

  7. u/Dyingtocumforyou66, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. u/Nestkitt, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. It's clear the partner has desires and preferences – their preferences and desires literally encompassed the proposal without a single piece of that proposal including something of OP. And she has a right to be upset about that. Lmfao.

  10. How about asking her why she wants one instead of making assumptions and immediately trying to tell her she's wrong?

  11. You are right telling him will probably scare him off even more. Get on with your life and treat your next partner better. If he wants you back he'll find a way to let you know and imo is more likely to if you give him space and appear to have moved on yourself.

    If you call him begging to get back with him or try to guilt him about the pregnancy he'll feel pressured and also know you are willing to sit around and wait for him. Neither things will make him rush back to you.

  12. She wants one because she wants one. I did ask that when I was told, and she only said it’s something she wants to do with no other reason.

  13. There was a reason your marriage of 6 years ended. Remember that. “Oil and water” you say.

    Her “knowing” you doesn’t mean you should get back together. Find someone else that’s good looking.” Block her.

  14. @ u/bbcdestroyer696969

    Looks like we have a cowardly moron here, who's too scared to stand by his declarations against Feminism.

    Feminism is a movement about the EQUALITY of the sexes, not the superiority of women. Secondly, troglodyte, this little boy thinks he's entitled to his wife's body at any point and that's bullshit. If she isn't interested in sex, he doesn't get to demand it and force it on her. She has every right to be put off by his behaviors and refuse to have sex until he either shapes up or they divorce.

  15. It’s not innocent they were not together but sleeping together at the time we met. I’ve stayed in contact w exes as well but I wasn’t sleeping with them

  16. No. Your mom loves you and you need to stop thinking like that. These DNA tests have opened up whole cans of worms for lots of people. There are support groups for people who got unexpected results. You are here, loved, and valued. Try to talk to your mom in person alone. Just don’t jump to any conclusions or start hating your mom. There could be a lot of reasons that she doesn’t want to participate in DNA testing. She could be afraid to find out if she or anyone in your family carries a gene that causes cancer or something like that. Maybe she just doesn’t want her genetic information being sold out there. For instance I was uninsurable for 20 years pre ACA. I don’t want my DNA being sold to insurance companies that could use that information to not cover something that I may or may not get but have a genetic predisposition to. There are lots of reasons that people don’t want to do these. My whole family did these and I was the only one who refused and it has nothing to do with infidelity or anything like that. These companies have the right to sell your information. That’s enough for a lot of people to opt out. They’re charging you 50-100 dollars for a test but you’re not the customer. You’re literally the product.

  17. you’re saying you’d take the blame for a crime for this person and would allow them borderline controlling behavior; this doesn’t sound like a healthy mindset at all.

  18. Can I ask what the symptoms were that ended up convincing you to be tested? My partner dated someone who didn't tell him she had hpv, and I've had some weird period stuff going on the last few months. I've been tested and vaccinated as well, but I always assume the worst

  19. No this is not normal? Think about it he’s literally watching another woman get screwed, he’s WATCHING ANOTHER WOMAN?? Oh my lord I feel so sick, I need help. My fiancé did the same, he asked to watch p*** w me and I accepted just to see how far he would go. I feel betrayed and I lost feelings for him. What do I do


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