StephanyBernal on-line sex chats for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “StephanyBernal on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I just want to know what other people think about this situation. Would you mind if your partner didn't have a college degree? Is it a deal breaker?

    EDIT: I wasn't gonna add anything but for the people who found this question absurd; this is reddit y'all. It was just a question. No need to make a big deal out of it. Thanks to the ones who shared their opinions, I appreciate.

    EDIT #2: Guys before commenting “Why would it matter?” please read the comments first and see how many people broke up just because of this. This is obviously a deal breaker for some people, so yes, it would matter.

  2. For one thing you’re an adult and capable of doing whatever you want. Setting a curfew and having to ask to go places as a 21 year old is ridiculous but they are your parents. If you want your freedoms, move out. If you can’t right now, there’s not a whole lot you can do. Finish school, get yourself a job and move out at the earliest time you can safely do so. Once you’re out, you can do whatever the hell you want lol.

  3. It took me a long time to realize my parents had to different discipline methods. Although both of them did spank me, my dad's method was borderline abusive.

    My dad would yell and hit me and my brothers if we “didn't learn”. If my dad was in a bad mood and if one of my siblings or I did something he thought was wrong he was yell. This ended up with me and my father having a strained relationship.

    My mother on the other hand would almost never hit us. The only time she did was when she was trying to prevent an even worse situation. If we did anything that would harm us she would hit our hands lightly and explain to us why she did it. She did this from the time we were toddlers and still does it when my or my siblings do something stupid.

    I think there is a difference between spanking with a reason and spanking without one. Personally I don't condone spanking it is not healthy and a lot of times cause a bad relationship.

    OP you can – leave the relationship – ask him to not discipline infront of you – ask him to compromise on the discipline

    OP you are still fresh in the relationship. You need to decide whether this is a deal breaker or not.

  4. If he's bought them presents before then it's weird he didn't again. I get it's awkward but the answer will really tell you where the relationship is. Plus it sounds like you have known each other awhile and awkward conversations should be ok. You could always try, “the boys are really excited to exchange gifts with you.” Have the boys give him a gift.

  5. OP isn't a parent. Daughter is an adult which you somehow can't understand. “The intruder (OP) in the relationship will always be the loser.” not really dude, we don't agree at all.

  6. So you walk around almost hot in front of a teenager and and your partner telling you it's not appropriate isn't a reason for you to stop, when it's almost no effort to put on clothes. You even talked to the teenager about it, which feels like a power trip and like you are testing her boundaries and check how far you could go? I get mayor creep vibes from you and I think you might be a predator.

  7. Let's forget Jessica and her “pain” for a moment. You need some introspection. You sound like a people pleaser and a person who'll panic and look for advice from everyone just so they can have input in your emotions. I mean, here you are absolutely vibrating with this deep need to take all the blame and insistently trying to apologize for something that we as strangers can see from a mile away that it wasn't your fault.

    Why are you so desperate to right this perceived wrong and grovel to an abuser? You were wronged here. Why can't you see that? This person used spiteful, hurtful words to poke at your marriage, make you doubt yourself, imply that you are a brainless bimbo with no ability to think for yourself, that you are a gold digger, that your husband uses his money to control your life and buy you places at schools/jobs, that you have no agency in your own life. You rightfully snapped and called her exactly what she is. People like this woman should be called out. The rest of your friends that are defending her are not your friends. Accept that. Your sisters are right. Stop apologizing for shit. You had a right to do that.

    Stop begging for scraps and actually think about your own feelings for a change.

  8. You're talking past tense. I'm suggesting ways to move forward. “Here's what we know how so how do we proceed” is what I am mentioning. Of course it's not OPs fault. It's their partners for not communicating. But now that the partner was forced to communicate, the main way to move forward is to address the reasons the person cheated (that is, if they are being truthful about the reasons they cheated).

  9. I know it’s unhealthy to sit and stress, but hate the idea that it’s over for good as nothing went wrong in person and don’t understand how there’s no chance feelings may come back once face to face again. Words can just be words but even her friends told me how a guys never treated this good and to keep doing what i’m doing because they haven’t seen her this happy over a guy. Makes no sense

  10. yeah, the guy that can't give his wife a bit of space as she works her way through the discomfort of late pregnancy and the establishment of breastfeeding and feeling touched out because baby cries any time she tries to put him down… is a total jerk.

  11. Just so you know, for future relationships….loving someone doesn't mean you should look past bad behaviour. Just because you love someone doesn't mean you should accept cheating for example. When you seek help, I think it's also worth seeking advice on what a healthy relationship is, because your logic atm opens you up to accepting a lot of abuse. You do not deserve to be abused.

  12. Ask for the key back. Tell everyone why you broke up. Get STD tested. These likely weren’t the only two.

  13. You take yourself way too seriously for someone as out of touch as you are. 3 blogs is all it takes to convince you something is common? Sad.

  14. I do love Chris and I have told him that repeatedly over the years. And I never started a rumor, my friends don't know anything about why Chris and his wife are getting divorced.

  15. You need to get away from this girl, for your own sanity.

    But the way you need to get away from her is by saying, “Hey, I'd like to take you on a date.” Be honest, be open, be firm that yes, you are really asking her on a date.

    99% chance it doesn't happen. When it doesn't happen, walk away forever.

    If it does happen, come back and make another post, lol!

  16. Do what you can to get him into rehab so at least your relationship has a chance. Make it an ultimatum if need be. But this is heading down a dangerous path that hurts worse than leaving. You may be emotionally scared now, but it will be much worse if something happens to him.

    And if you’re looking into marriage and maybe kids? This absolutely needs to stop.


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