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14 thoughts on “ZarinaPitbul live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Thank you for all your posts, this is how I feel to. So many comments made me realise this is so difficult for me because as a society we based all the value on money because capitalism and by all the answers I get a good overlook on different opinions and some are more on my husband side, some are more what I think and believe.

    I just wanted to add that all these posts made me also think about family backgrounds we both have, because I was provided more through my family and when we met he had no income but started working really hot and learned to code and now after a few different jobs he works for a good and fair pay. And I do the same things I did when we met and I believe he thinks that because he made a bigger leap from no income to high income he now feels I didnt follow in his steps.

    But from my perspective. When he moved in with me I did 90% od all the chores on the yearly basis and I also work. That being said. I provided the time he needed to learn to code with doing most of the chores most of the time so I was left with way less time to be able to code. Now there are some super people out there who would be able to learn to code after working & doing most of the chores but I am not one of them because I also need sleep.

    He said many times that he would take higher chore load if I learned to code but when he sees me doing the dishes and cleaning he never says – go learn to code and I will do this things today but he has this you have to show me first that you want to learn attitude before I start helping you by making more chores and it is a wishious circle.

    *disclaimer: we are from a lower BDP country which means that coders, who can work for companies in other countries,… are paid more than doctors who are the highest salary in public sector. What I do is public sector and I am payed minimum wage, and he gets pay an enormous amount even considering other jobs in our country for a less than 40 hours work/week.

  2. It's only a matter of time until she leaves.

    You keep avoiding telling off your family. Grow a back bone qnd support your wife. It's easy to ignore it and not go round as often. But what is that solving? You need to fucking have a go at them.

  3. Yeah, I had to become pretty perfect for him to not be able to turn it on me. I learned how to take full control of my reactions, and respond in a reasonable way. He moved out but we still have a relationship, and he's been becoming more and more reasonable and also learning self control and discipline. I gave him more slack because when we started the relationship, I did not have nor enforced any boundaries with him. For all he knew, I didn't have any at all, or very little. It felt unfair if I just ditched him. This is maybe unique to my situation. But I had to get myself alone to sorry my feelings out and communicate then to him. I told him I have been behaving as myself either (taking responsibility for my actions/things I did as a reaction and things her call me out on) & that he was right in saying I was wrong, but in order to fix that about myself I needed some space & time. It did three things: I was finally taking care of myself and I got it off the ditch I was putting myself in;; and he saw that in order to continue a relationship with me he'd have to get healthier too.

    I limited interactions to only ones I knew would have a positive outcome, and retreat to a separate corner after, or end earlier if interaction becomes negative in any way. He doesn't want to lose me,I think it's worth making it work, but only if it's going to be healthy.

    We separated to allow the space to grow & we are at an understanding now, that if he becomes unhealthy and it effects me, there are no more excuses. I'm a single mom, I have to think of my kids, also I don't want to date around, he's a good guy with a good heart and we communicate a lot, we always have. He's identified a lot of his issues and he had discipline and had shown me he's capable and willing to fix. He interacts better, and reacts better to things he used to react very poorly to.

  4. Not often but has when his grandmother passed away in may and he was very sad and grieving.. but he always apologizes and says he’s not going anywhere after but still makes me feel awful he even says

  5. It seems to me (56M) that he's been extremely manipulative. The part about asking for a 3way after you moved out of state for him just feels…really manipulative. That's something that I would argue needs to be addressed before major life changes are made.

    I could be very wrong but it seems like you're sacrificing your values for him – perhaps I'm reading between those lines incorrectly – and we should all feel comfortable sticking with core boundaries. If you're not wired for that kind of relationship it doesn't mean anything is wrong with you!

    And, the suggesting the 3way be with his ex and her being continuously present in a new(er) relationship is just flat out shitty. Like, REALLY shitty. Again, to me.

    This sounds very difficult and painful – my heart is with you and I wish you the best.

  6. So… you never have plans or other things going on in the evenings? I’m guessing that’s that really issue here.

    Nobody on the planet is “fun enough” that their partner doesn’t need friends (or hobbies or alone time or other pursuits that they’ll sometimes choose over spending time with their partner).

    You already know how toxic and childish this kind of thinking is. It’s a way of painting yourself yourself as a victim, feeling sorry for yourself.

    The key question is why you’re doing that. What do you think you get out of that? Is it easier to feel “rejected” than to confront what’s missing in your own life?

  7. Your admiration and respect. Ahahahahaha.

    I mean. Ok. I admirehow he’s managed to leverage his unemployed broke depressed squalor-loving ass into getting you to be his mom?

    Like. Kinda respectthe audacity I guess?

  8. That is very strange. He’s hiding his gf of 5 years and his reasons are beyond lame. Idk, this sounds like a dealbreaker

  9. It’s because video porn and kink culture are so widespread now that it’s almost cultish. Normal sex is a thing of the past; now, strangling, hitting, etc. are considered par for the course. It’s sick that you should have to comfort your partner and wipe their tears after sex and that’s considered sane lately.


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