Laraacroft live sex chats for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “Laraacroft live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Either someone is telling her about how things could be better without him or she’s just showing her true colors… I’m sorry man. You obviously already know you don’t want that for your child or yourself

  2. It really needs to be her own decision because if it comes from prodding by you, it’s no different than her friends prodding her.

    And the big lesson you will learn, assuming you’re young, is that people change. You are in your formative years and people change all the time.

  3. he had been talking to other women on tinder.

    Fiancé has me saved as “dumb bitch” in his phone

    He then laid all of the blame on me and jumped on me

    he hasn’t loved me since I got pregnant and that I am “grotesque” to him now

    Any advice on where I should go from here?

    Anywhere but with him.

  4. I get why you want to help her when she asks, but you made vows to your husband, not her. He's telling you (and has told you many times before) that this is his boundary and why. His limit, if you will. Eventually you, and she, will push him past his limit and he will most likely leave you both to figure her shit out together, without him. And that is your choice, but who would you rather be snuggling up to at night when you're in your 60s?

    You're in a tough spot, I absolutely feel your urge to help when she does ask. Can you pay for a motel room once in a while instead? I fear that by always pushing for what you want will make him push harder than you for what he NEEDS. And he needs her not in his house. Make your choice, because you have now reached that part of your marriage where you do have to choose. I hope you choose your husband…

  5. It’s over dude. He’s back. You’re out. And when they start with “don’t you trust”… annoys me. No man, i trust actions… and actions speak volumes. Now out dude, move on. Not worth it.

  6. u/KEKISTOWSKI, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. No matter what he was trying to do or whatever compliment, men forget they also don’t stay young and naked and this kinda talk makes young women barf ?

  8. Are you sure you want to marry someone this selfish? I feel like this is a glimpse into her very selfish future. My husband used to interfere with my sleep. It was one of the factors in our divorce, years later. Don't let this fester.

  9. OP I saw your other comment. Trying to get evidence against her could be dangerous. Your best bet is to report her name to local authorities and see if they can do anything but if it’s actually been years I’m not optimistic, then again, you never know if she actually stopped or not. I really suspect the only reason she told you is because you two ran into someone who knew her secret and she was afraid you would somehow find out.

  10. Info: are their phones somehow synchronized for photos? I am not good with technology but I know my old boss had her phone synchronized with her kids’ iPads so the phones they took showed up on her phone. Is it possible she took the photos and didn’t realize it went to his phone too?

  11. What do you mean by you people? Hoping around from comment to comment harassing people for giving a different perspective then you is unhinged and freaking deranged. Did you just switch accounts to make a new comment? Checks out

  12. Having a baby is a bigger life-changing event than marriage. He shouldn't have gotten her pregnant in the first place when he knows she wants to get married.

  13. Not wanting to give up because you've already invested so much time is called the sunk cost fallacy.

    So you KNOW this thing isn't great but if you stop chasing /doing / staying with it then it makes all that previous time spent a waste.

    Does this relationship make you happy? Are you happy most of the time or tense or worn down? Is that how the other people around you feel in their day to day lives or are they more relaxed?

    Do you feel respected, equal and like you can work with your partner or are you always on opposing sides?

  14. But but but if you throw out that thing from six years ago you're practically guaranteed to need it within two weeks!!

  15. A relationship requires basic human respect. If you don't have that, the relationship is basically dead.

  16. If you've related everything here accurately (and I do believe you), you haven't cheated. Your gf's friend sexually assaulted you. You need to tell your gf immediately. I would also consider making a report to the police. I know you're living with your gf at the moment, but it might be safer to find an alternate living situation (even just temporarily) until you know how this will shake out.

  17. She's made her choice, she's telling you that she would prefer to be with someone like him. Honestly forget her and move on she sounds like a nightmare (assuming your description of her ex is correct).

    Think about it this way. Currently you have the chance to break free and find someone who doesn't have this much baggage/doesn't drop her relationship with you because her ex pops up.

    If you stay and try to win her back it's a lose-lose solution no matter the consequences. Imagine she does come back to you. What's to stop her going back to her ex again? And you have another kid with her, imagine all the misery this type of person could inflict upon you.

    Get out while you can.

  18. It may not even be THAT, goddamnit!

    Don't drown her even more, heck!

    What one person DOES and lives has to do with that person.

    And not with anybody else.

    Otherwise sending the culprit to therapy as a surrogate instead of the one with issues would work miracles.


  19. Lately I have been coming over drunk while his parents and siblings are there. He is not an addict and did stop drinking. I drink whenever we fight or if I feel anxious. It was every weekend but now it's when I wake up and if I don't have liquor I feel the need to buy some more.

  20. I don't think using Snapchat as a medium to communicate is really much of an issue imo, but hitting your mid twenties and fixating on snap streaks with your ex boyfriend does make me go “?”

  21. “Hey even though I do like you and you're a great guy you're just not a great guy for me. I wish you all the best in finding your person.”

    If he pushes you can tell him specifically what's wrong just make it clear that you're not going to change your mind.


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