Sophia-smithh online sex cams for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “Sophia-smithh online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Make a boundaries. If she respects you she will abide to them. It's ridiculous that she doesn't let you sleep when aleep is extremely important for functioning as a normal human.

  2. I would encourage him to tell her either afterward or not at all. Sure she’s most likely to find out anyway obviously but he wouldn’t be a virgin anymore at that point would he? We all know inexperience post college is generally viewed unfavorably to women. And it’s not a lie if you simply don’t bring it up or are vague about it. He should be vague and nonchalant about the situation until the deed is done, and when the deed is done and he likely sucks his first time, he can explain it to her afterwards but at least he would get past his mental block at that point. It’s too risky to tell her before, it just is what it is.

  3. Don't do it, she made a good choice for herself. You go do you and find your light. Be happy you were in a joyous presence for the time you were. Get healthy and you'll find the light that is meant to be in your life.

  4. This is a train wreck waiting to happen. First, foremost, on-line date all you want, you don't really know someone until you have spent time face to face. You just don't.

    On top of that he will be under stress to find work and housing without a support structure in a strange place. He shouldn't be attempting this without at least solid leads as to a job. He should have more than 5K in hand to even think it.

    I know your hoping to make this work, but this is a risky idea. How do I know, I played that game once and lost.

    I suggest you talk with your parents, tell him he wants to come down one week and look about. Tell them you won't even bang him, just him, looking to find work, them getting to know him. End of the week, back home for him. Short visit, start, end.

  5. It also scares me, especially the fact that he’s talked about how he would enjoy committing such an act on someone he really hates.

    Yeah and in his world it would be the victims fault not his. This guy's view is warped to fuck

  6. Tell him instead of getting a tummy tuck you're going to be going on a diet, this diet is going to help you lose (insert his weight here)! You deserve better.

  7. Is it just an intrusive thought you’re not proud of… or is it really something you’d consider? To me those are different. You can’t help the former, and if it goes nowhere, it’s nothing. But it doesn’t sound like that’s what it is.

    Personally, I can’t imagine being in an exclusive long-distance relationship unless I was fairly confident it was for the long-term. Otherwise, it’s not worth it. You both need to get some clarity on this and just break up if it’s not what you want. Staying in the relationship while strongly considering cheating is dishonest and unfair.

  8. To ride a horse without a saddle, Is to feel the wind and let go of the battle. The raw experience of horse and rider, In perfect harmony, nothing could be finer.

    A true connection, pure and true, As the horse moves beneath you. Their power and grace, a sight to behold, As you ride together, so bold.

    The raw power of the horse's stride, Felt as you effortlessly glide, With every movement, you feel alive, As if all your fears and worries take a dive.

    No saddle to hold you down, Just the freedom of movement, round and round. With every step, you feel the trust, Between horse and rider, an unbreakable must.

    So, ride bareback and feel the raw, Of a horse beneath you, nothing more. Experience the bond and let it be, A moment of pure joy, wild and free.

  9. Reddit is notoriously anti-male. If what you said is true then it sounds like he's a push-over and deals with depression. He needs therapy and to leave her.

    You shouldn't be hoping he leaves because he is codependent and she is a narcissist. It happens sometimes. I only say this based off of your side of the story.

    The best you could do is let him know you'd like to step away because the dynamic isn't healthy for you.


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