Lunasabrina live! sex chats for YOU!

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FINGERS ASS#latina#teen#bigtits#latinaGOAL: Fingering [216 tokens remaining]

28 thoughts on “Lunasabrina live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. So he lied to you, wasted SEVENTEEN YEARS of your time with a lie, not to mention you were still a teenager ? I’m sorry love but if you want kids they’re not gonna be with him.

  2. Make sure he stays in Aus then. He's already turned down 1 trip. When the times right tie the knot and then everyones happy.

  3. Wow. I mean, this kind of immature response doesn't really need me to respond. Pretty clear what your intention is. Please keep doing exactly what you are telling me not to (that's sarcasm, just to make sure you can figure out my intention because you're pretty bad at it).

  4. The Scorpion and the Frog are referenced in Brooklyn 99, if you're familiar with that show. In one of the Pontiac Bandit episodes, Doug Judy promises to help Jake with a case, while Rosa warns Jake of the Scorpion and the Frog. At the end of the episode it seems that Judy has, as the scorpion, betrayed his trusting friend. But he makes it right in the end and Jake isn't left completely high and dry.

  5. Thank you, this is exactly the advice I would give myself if I was thinking clearly! We talked about counselling before but it got brushed under the carpet as soon as things calmed down. I believe even if he is struggling with these things though it will be incredibly difficult for him to admit

  6. I think if it would be considered cheating for him to grope the breasts and ass of a work friend, then it’s cheating if he did the same in a strip club. The location really doesn’t matter, the behavior does. Saying she’s okay with him going to a strip club doesn’t mean that she’s throwing aside all of their established monogamous boundaries, and it shouldn’t be required for her to specify that.

  7. You are over thinking this. It’s only a message. Are you going to remember this in a month, 6 months next year? Probably not. Don’t sweat the small stuff. You’re doing great!

  8. You can't stay with someone just because they make you laugh. A TV can do that. You need love and respect and a million other things for a good relationship.

    Take from that what you will.

  9. I suspect it's literally just that it makes her feel like, for some reason, she wasn't good enough

    I sincerely doubt it has anything to do with you, and even more doubtful that she still is hung up on the ex

  10. Thank you for this response, that’s basically the route I’ll take. I do agree with the other commenter that my gf definitely doesn’t understand relationships, especially romantic ones because I should have mentioned that I am her first boyfriend ever so it’s been extremely challenging. I also didn’t add that there is a TON of underlying mental health issues that stem from her Parents/ mom specifically.

  11. Yep met my husband the same way and never sent a nude even when we were long distance for a long time.

    My husband has never once pestered me for nudes because he had the basic respect to not want to make me uncomfortable and he understood that “no” meant no. I made it very clear that any pestering would be an immediate end to our relationship. I’ve been with my husband for many years now but we met when we were both 19 years old. It is absolutely astonishing to me that at 19 my husband (boyfriend at the time) never once harassed me for nudes even though he had a very high libido but OP at 21 years old can’t seem to figure that sexual harassment is bad. The bar is extremely low. It’s absolutely vile to me.

    Honestly when I read posts like this it makes me appreciate my husband way more.

  12. We have a great time together every single other day. Just not on the nights I wanna go out haha. It was easier for me to move where he lives than it was for him to move to me. Im talking a whole ass country here. Lol

  13. That's her word against his on where she found it. While I appreciate the pettyness as a thoight exercise, it is really in her best interest to show it to the police so they can officially trace it back to her stb ex. It's a good thing to have on record for the divorce!

  14. My catch wasn't in the act, just put the pieces together. Then she was going out with friends, had lingerie I bought her in her purse. It was quite a show.

  15. Being single is great because all of that energy that you'd be putting into a bf – the caring, the being interested, the doing nice things for him – you can do that for yourself. It feels so good, just doing things to show me that I love me – and if you make it a habit, imo it's easier to meet someone on the same wavelength. I'm excited for you OP!

  16. You'd be a woman I'd like to date and potentially have a life with in how you went about the conversation. You held space and asked valid questions to better understand the situation.

    He doesn't seem mature and willing to act like an adult. He sounds childish and rather manipulative…

    Probably an exit strategy would be my recommendation.

    Best of luck OP.


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