Maily-small on-line sex cams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Maily-small on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I was 18 and starting uni and he was 22 and working on an apprenticeship when we met, there is 4 1/2 years between us, which is not an uncommon age gap.

  2. Sometimes, men are entitled when it comes to stuff like this ? I've had a couple partners blow me off or blame me when I expressed discomfort.

  3. Update: Update: We just broke up last month, and then 3 weeks later after that, I found out that he started to have feelings for her.

  4. No one has mentioned that her break down in the car consisted of her saying she doesn’t know where the relationship is going. Sounds like OP is trying to ‘pull out the big guns’ to save the relationship but it not actually listening to what the real problem is. Also boyfriends should not contact bosses or coworkers unless asked. That’s just an unwritten rule.

  5. Save the text and photo. Go see an attorney and get the pre-nup invalidated. Her behavior and the texts/photo will look horrible in front of a judge.

  6. I’d let it go man.

    You’re young, and you might have made a mistake in your approach, it happens.

    Last thing you should do is keep pushing, it’ll freak her out.

  7. Absolutely not. I’m very selective about who I date and I’m into older men. He’s a good person and it seems like we have a pretty good connection otherwise.

  8. If she is working night shift roommate wouldn’t even be there. Also, what has she done to piss ur parents off? I’m just being nosey.

  9. That you find yourself attracted to an attractive person is no cause for concern. I would imagine many other men also find her attractive.

    The desire to possess her, and/or the desire to interfere with other men who may pursue her is getting into more dangerous territory.

    Acting on those desires is crossing a line that can’t be uncrossed.

    Control yourself.

  10. Thank you for your opinion. I might think about it. Let's hope it is as you say so my live! can soon go back to normal.

  11. When I was younger, I always thought the idea of a prenup was unromantic and it was saying you thought the marriage would end. Now that I’m older and have my own assets, I’m more realistic. I don’t even think I’d merge finances, I’d do his, mine, and ours.

    People used to get married when they were younger and hadn’t established any assets. My folks were in their early 20s and built everything together. A friend of mine bought a house while living with his girlfriend who wasn’t able to contribute much financially. She was given a small amount of equity in the home that grew on a schedule. When they broke up she was given a small equity payout. Both of them found this to be fair for what they each contributed to the household. He protected the majority of his asset, she was paid for her sweat equity and was given something to start over with.

    I think it’s fine to put a pin where you are now and say what you earn going forward is a marital asset. If you love each other and want to build a life together, discuss it in a way that works out best for you.


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