Sol-dussan live! webcams for YOU!

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?Let me mark my body by your caresses?@goal Take off brassier + oil in boobs [Multi Goal]

30 thoughts on “Sol-dussan live! webcams for YOU!

  1. He was 28 and she was 20 when they got married. She was presumably 18 or 19 when they started dating and he was 26 or 27. That is suspect in itself.

    She's realizing now that she made a terrible mistake and is preparing to make a move and making sure that a baby doesn't get in the way of that. Good for her.

  2. He sounds Neuroatypical, make a list well before the date, even an excel spreadsheet, with items, prices and dates needed to order by so it’s gets shipped in time.

    Sounds like he isn’t an asshole, more like he has executive dysfunctional issues.

  3. He sounds immature. I don’t think you’re missing out on anything special here, your dignity is way more valuable.

  4. She’s cheated twice and continues to work with the guy she’s cheating with. She still a POS in my opinion

  5. It sounds like there are 2 different issues.

    Him not being supportive during a crisis. Even if he couldn’t physically be with you, yes, he could have lended you some emotional support. I do think it’s unfair to blame his mother for him not going to you. Most ppl would not be driving in those conditions unless in an emergency. You had physical help there already. It’s not fair to expect someone to drive in unsafe conditions when things were already being handled.

    He’s a mama boy. You need to decide if this is something you can deal with long term because it will only get worse. If he is unable to be independent and at 24yo still allows his mother to control him and his romantic relationship, this isn’t going to work. Think about the type of relationship and the kind of partner you want.

  6. I’m going to be getting therapy as soon as I get the notice that my insurance will cover it. As for getting him presents, I got him a ps5 for Christmas, and he said we’ll take a mall trip for my Christmas present but as more and more days pass I’m starting to think it won’t happen ? once I see him in person I’m gonna have a conversation on the whole instagram following issue, I feel like he doesn’t realize how much it hurts me bc like I said other than the issues I wrote he’s genuinely very sweet and caring. Also because he knows how it feels to be cheated on I hope he wouldn’t want to put me through that, but sadly you never know

  7. I agree with you and thank you for saying that you're glad I made it out. It's been almost 3 years now. It will be 3 years March 18th. I will always remember that day because I chose myself and I knew I couldn't online that way anymore. I agree with you though that there's really nothing to save here. It's been 4 months and they need to cut their losses.

  8. His concern was with his girlfriends reaction to the situation and her subsequent response when understanding what took place. He felt it was inappropriate, she claims to not have known it was happening. What’s unresolved is if his gf also thought it to be inappropriate. And just to be clear with you. Don’t you ever think and be led to think it is acceptable to touch another person’s significant other in a intimate spot like her waist. If you’ve behaved in this manner or people you know have you’ve either been misled or hang with a very unique crowd. This has nothing to do with confidence in one’s self and everything to do with inappropriate touching/flirting that OP handled extraordinarily well.

  9. Not trying to date students would probably be a start.

    All the same, there are definitely a lot of women 25-30 freaking out the same as you who are looking for serious relationships. But if you're determined to date your age exactly or younger, I can understand why you'd have trouble getting dates.

  10. Girl do not apologise to this person. She is not your friend, and she does not respect you. The idea that she, a grown ass woman, “can’t control her tongue” is just laughable. Does she have some kind of disease where she just has to constantly spew out passive aggressive insults to people she supposedly cares about? No? In that case, she’s in complete control of what she says and is choosing to be nasty because it makes her feel clever and powerful.

    Do you know what people learn when we stand up to them and then apologise for it? They learn they did nothing wrong. And she DID do something wrong. Repeatedly. Consciously. She didn’t say these things to you by accident and she didn’t say them because she thought it would make you feel good. She was being nasty on purpose and you called her out on it. You did the right thing, and your sisters are quite right that this woman deserved to catch hands from you. She says YOUR behaviour in public was humiliating, but apparently she thinks it was fine for her to mock your marriage and career in front of your entire social group. She’s a hypocrite and a shitty friend, and it’s a shame your other friends are excusing and enabling her awful behaviour.

    Apologise for nothing. Stop seeking her forgiveness – you don’t need it. Tell her you’re happy to talk about this situation when she’s ready but you’re not going to beg at her feet just for standing up for yourself. And then get on with your life – she’s not worth agonising over.

    And congratulations on your marriage and your training course!

  11. Except he didn't say that, and you are putting words in his mouth that he explicitly said he didn't mean.

  12. it seems you love coming to outlandish conclusions. i did not say it was their entire relationship, or the only thing she liked about him- that’s literally ridiculous. i pointed out how it was something she valued in their relationship dynamic that allowed her to feel secure and special, and she’s allowed to value that, especially with her past experiences and insecurities, without being labeled as “shallow and narcissistic.”

    again, i am not surprised that as a man, you are unable to see OP’s viewpoint for what it is. women are consistently compared and pitted against each other, and physical appearance is such a big part of it. when you are sisters, there is a whole new level of comparison that happens. to cherish having someone who prefers YOU, sees YOU as unique and special, and chooses YOU first for who you are when you’ve went a whole lifetime being overlooked and discarded for your sister, who has never even given your sister a thought other than her being your sister, is not shallow. it’s special. and OP is not incapable of finding someone who hasn’t pursued her sister. if it was just a casual interest in passing, his own friend wouldn’t have found it significant enough to mention that he had “never been able to manage to get her number.” it clearly wasn’t just a fleeting thought. OP would not be “narcissistic” for being turned off at the fact that her actual BOYFRIEND initially chased her actual sister.?

    and if you read other comments from actual other women, you’ll realize my opinion is a popular one.

  13. You fight after she has already abused your daughter. You should not have your daughter in a position to be abused to begin with. My heart really breaks for that child. Seems Reddit cares more about her than you.

  14. Not every fight in a relationship is because of cheating…clearly they had other issues going on.

  15. Tell him plainly that he is the perfect embodiment of Matthew 22 – 23: 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

    Then tell him to fuck off and that you never want to see him again.

  16. If you are moving in then I see it as contributing not crossing a line, but don't just go buy one and risk him not liking it. Tell him it's your contribution and you'd like to put X$ into it and go shopping together.

  17. I would break it down to pros and cons Cons Massive trust issues Hanging out with her ex and texting him Finished with him because HE shagged someone else

    Pros You've only wasted two months and not 10 years

  18. Learn to love yourself first. Sounds like a bit of everything, and that's okay. All of that culminates to just not being ready to jump back in.


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