Ella the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Ella, 19 y.o.


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16 thoughts on “Ella the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Not to mention, I already have an instant bias against people who have hurt my partner. It's weird to me that OP's husband is completely unbothered by how much of a bully this person was to someone he supposedly loves. I don't know bout y'all but I have my partner's back

  2. Yeah well thank you for reinforcing. I know what you mean. When I was a few years younger , I definitely could relate. All of that is out of the way now. There’s times where I completely forget about this being an issue and then I guess my subconscious reminds me that something isn’t right lol because of past experiences. The more I think I about it, I begin to lean more towards ending the relationship. We’ve talked about this being an issue but she tells me it’s not like that. Maybe those are her feelings now but I don’t want him having any sort of influence over her because then at that point they can have each other. I just got too much going on to worry. I appreciate the honesty though

  3. It's technically not cheating if y'all aren't together. But depends on you. Do YOU feel like you cheated and should tell the girl about what happened? If yes, then sure do.

  4. How might I go about it if we live! together? We still have a few months left on our lease. I may be willing to find a new place if she can find someone to take over my space so I don't sink a lot of money…

  5. It doesnt sound like you're over thinking to me. It sounds like you are in a situation that any woman would be super uncomfortable in.

    How can they be best friends if they just met this year? It all sounds way too fishy.

  6. That makes sense. My entire life was a chaotic toxic environment and I didn’t see any red flags in time.

  7. You have ONLY been with this guy for 6 MONTHS, and he is already telling you who you can be friends it’s, when you can communicate with your friends, does he tell you when you can see them too, does he have to be with you when you go see them….because that is the next step. Then it will be you can’t see them at all….don’t let this guy control your life. No nobody is worth that.

  8. from what I've read any form of heat makes them ineffective

    Unless it's constantly over 30°C, they are good to go. Putting them in a microwave? Wouldn't count on them.

  9. I'm kind of smh. So basically, she opened the conversation blaming you for the relationship being stagnant/not working out so great in her eyes etc etc etc and offer you either a break or a break up… Then, after you selected the 'break' option, she knew you're probably going to go easy on her confession of cheating, since she's just been going on and on pointing out all your weaknesses and negative points as partner.

    Let's just say this, OP. Her sin is GREATER than your possibly slacking of not taking her out to dates more often. She cheated on you.

    She's manipulative enough to have the whole let's have a 'break' situation b4 admitting to cheating. Because what's going to happen in the future, if you get back together with her, she'd deny cheating incident and gaslit you into thinking that ALL her hooking up happened when you guys were ON a break (and the break happened because of you–as she insisted it's all your fault the relationship was lacking–that's the part she's going to remember and hold on to, not the part where she CHEATED on you). The timeline is so close together that I can see this blurring so far.

    How do I know that tactic? Oh, my ex-fiance used to pull that crap on me in the past. Blech.

    You do know that during this 'break' with her, she most likely will hook up with more people? SMH.

    So, this is what I'd advise for you. You need to let her go, make the break permanent. You'll meet other people and will have a better partner afterward. On your next relationship, treat your future partner with kindness and don't take them for granted especially if they're not cheaters like your stbx here….

  10. So can you really be upset with something he cant control? If it really is a sleeping disorder and you believe it to be a sleeping disorder, I dont see how you can be upset at him for that. I get the situation itself is upsetting, but not sure how you can blame him for what he does in his sleep. Thats like blaming your significant other for snoring in their sleep.

  11. If he has no shame staying for this long uninvited and without contributing, then you should not feel one bit shy to speak up and tell him to pack his shit and leave!


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