Leilany-blake live sex cams for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “Leilany-blake live sex cams for YOU!

  1. She doesn't deserve you! You did everything for your future. Your children need a happy father. You can't be happy in a poisoned relationship.

  2. Well I kind of agree with you. I always used to look at it the same as you. It had been pointed out that the definition covers the others as well. I look at it my own way. I feel if they are really intending on making you feel you reasoning is invalid to cover their own mis deeds than I’ll call it gaslighting. Otherwise I always used to take it as if they tried to make you question your own reality or sanity it was gaslighting.

  3. Yeah, I didn't mean literally for everyone, but his dad/mom/sisters? They are all actively involved in this blatant favoritism.

  4. What about when the man tells the woman he wants the child and then backtracks and says he doesn’t now? Y’all are crazy. Child support is for the child regardless of the situation between the parent(s) not wanting them; the child needs financial support. Maybe men should be better where they ejaculate their sperm. Don’t want kids? Have a fucking vasectomy.

  5. Sorry you’re going through this OP. No woman (or man) deserves to be treated like that. He should have cherished you for being his wife AND the mother of his child. He’s obviously a POS, and he doesn’t deserve someone as sweet and kindhearted as you. I think life sometimes opens our eyes to this for us to be places in better situations and make good life decisions. I do agree with most of the other comments. Before jumping in bed with someone, or getting someone involved in your life, get settled a little. Find a job, find a place for you and the little one. Once you get settled, build your self up, your self esteem and self respect and anyone you bring into your life at that point is a bonus, a plus, rather than someone who is filling a void that you currently feel. Wishing you and the little one the best!

  6. So what did you do to make sure your 16/17 was properly integrated into your life with your new wife and the kids you were having with her? What did you do to include him? Did you ask him his thoughts on having a step mother?did you consider him in your choices?

  7. Age isn't going to give me a better statement in a tickling situation. So what if he acts upset? A good person, let alone father, will respect the feelings and boundaries of their child. For what to say, you need to say it not in a moment, so like literally now; “dad, I know this might be weird, but I feel really uncomfortable when you tickle me. Not in an inappropriate way, but in a physically uncomfortable way. I just hate it. Can you please just not do it anymore?”

    The sexual thing was based on someone else's comment, in suggesting it's inappropriate as a blanket statement. I thought that was over the top of them.

    To your edit, I get it, and I assumed exactly that. I'm here saying that I don't think it's inherently malicious, but that I also understand how physically uncomfortable it is when it occurs for an extended period. That's what you need to address with your father.

  8. And that’s fine. I’m not shaming her for having a threesome with two guys she trusted. I’m also not blaming her for getting high in order to find the strength. Further, if she regrets it, that’s fine too.

    What I don’t like is she characterizes this as rape.

  9. > THAT was the rule.

    It's almost like it depends on the person and the relationship. Kind of like I said. You know not everyone lives the same way you do right? That it's chill to have different house rules?

  10. Obviously she didn't bake one cookie but there is that chance she took one in for him.

    I'm not saying it is the case and I do sort of think I'm reading too much into but I'm dealing with the way it always used to make me feel.

  11. He can both have ADHD and be taking advantage of her. He’s an adult, he’s accountable for his own behavior even if he does have ADHD. My point is, he’s not going to miraculously improve.

  12. We'll see after he gets the first taste of TP crumbs, at that point if he sticks with it, I'd be too horrified to stay personally lmao

  13. So, everything was fine for the first few years, and then she started acting distant. Your reaction to her acting distant was to sit her down and discuss YOUR feelings. Did you ever ask her how SHE was feeling? Ask what was happening with her that was causing these changes? If everything was so great in the beginning, you should have become concerned when your partner starts pushing you away, not resentful. Honestly, break up with her for both of your sakes.

  14. Your problem isn't with communicating with her, or with her hearing you and responding. Your problem is letting go of the past. I suggest a short term of counselling for you.

  15. OP really buried the lede here on what would be the headline: “Boyfriend in love with cheating ex while getting married to fiance THREE years after separation.” This is a bad romcom. I would suggest holding off on wedding and asking fiance to take some time to work through his feelings. Therapy might help him work through why he still has feelings for his ex.

  16. It's a valid question. I felt supported by these people. They built me up, helped me grow as a parent, loved me and my child…

    I love them. All of them. We had fun, and we learned from each other, and respected each other. We are all neurodivergent and so coexisting with other humans is difficult, but we all put in the work to be respectful and kind and supportive.

  17. I've been with my boyfriend 2.5 years and when he's stinky I flat out tell him. They need to know. They also need to know why we are refusing to be near them.

    The big thing is it stopped after you complained and then came back… it's also in his hair and nether region hair…. I hate to say it but is it possible your boyfriend is being peed on? Like…is he paying someone to do it? I can't imagine how the smell of pee would be burned into your hair unless someone is frequently pissing on your head

  18. Yes we – as a couple – have the money and time and trainers around us to go for training.

    The issue is compliance. My bf will never keep up with it and it’s just so freaking frustrating. His ‘heart dog’ also attacks him regularly as well, not just me.

    I just brought it up right now again because I had a near melt down that my last recording was completely ruined. I ended up giving up and just accepting it’s going to be delayed because I physically can’t do anything in this house. He’s out right now but will be back soon and said we can discuss our options which is going to be more ‘frozen stuff’ they can work on, despite a literal Tupperware block of ice only lasting them 20-30mins…..

  19. Stop babying this 40 year old man, for the love of god please stop.

    He is who he is. He’s a big boy and knows right from wrong. He definitely knows respect vs. disrespect.

    Why all the excuses ? It’s been 6 years , it’s time for him to grow up and take come responsibility. However, you need to start holding him accountable. Its ok with you that he’s seeking out other women live! because at least it’s not physical ? Please have more self respect than that.

    There are plenty of 40 year old men who are capable of navigating a healthy sexual relationship. Why waste so much time on someone who clearly isn’t?

  20. Not only will she cheat on you without a second thought, she probably already has.

    Dump her and find someone who's trustworthy.

  21. Hm yes. Thank you. This was the point of view I was looking for. I’ve not experienced life in the way he does or has so it’s very unfamiliar to me and makes me unsure what I am getting into. I’ve had some bad experiences with guys not being emotionally available either so I’m genuinely unsure what it is to look out for to avoid those situations. I really like him enough to want to see things his way, I’m capable of not taking his blunt-ness personally. Thanks for your outlook


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