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16 thoughts on “BbwEbonyx on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. overthinking. he was probably just trying to protect you. if yall are gonna go steady, consider going on a testing date!

  2. ill just tell you what you want to hear. You g

    “She will tell you what you want to hear” but in this case, she is also doing what she told me. The main problem here is that we are living in the same place just for a year, after that we are gonna be thousands of miles away from each other. I knew about her boyfriend and I never told her to choose between the two of us.

  3. Hello /u/dixiespade,

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  4. One of the friends was a cis woman, I believe my response at the time was something along the lines of an indignant “I'm not interested in you either. Is that transphobic too?”

    I was never going to say that the issue was her being trans, she's a lovely lass and doesn't deserve to have her confidence shredded on something that she's already self-conscious about enough. My reasoning was frankly irrelevant, as she'd accepted the no already and was fine with how I'd handled it.

    Her friends were like sharks smelling blood in the water on it though. Went from wanting a detailed summary of why not, to wanting me to describe what is my type, to wanting me to identify people I was attracted to out and about (while they were sat comparing them to the trans friend saying “well, they both have this similar). I shut it down as best I could, but I felt really bad for my friend. It's not fun finding out that interest isn't reciprocated period, let alone when your friends feel the need to try persuade someone to change their mind and try fixate on what's “wrong with you” to be turned down.

  5. You’re right, but she told me to treat her as a friend, and that’s the only thing that i have been doing

  6. The age difference is not that sketchy (have the same with SO), the sketchy part is they are together for 11 months and he is paying for her and her child bills the 9 months (so almost from the get go) and SHE STILL drops hints about her financial future? What is the father of that child doing? Why isn’t she trying to get child support from him so she won’t be financially insecure? Why not looking for a better job?

  7. I’d personally be more concerned about what you could have picked up.

    I don’t trust anyone these days when it comes to unprotected sex. The amount of guys who would use any excuse not to use one was always a red flag.

    So many people have herpes or are silent carriers of an incurable diseases it really makes it super risky.

  8. I should add. I did this detective work because her story seemed so suspicious and clearly missing some details. She effectively opted to take zero accountability and played victim. This “man” did everything. She did nothing apparently.

    So I decided to confirm more and did.

    You're right about her probably being terrified of my reaction. Just as a general protective measure on her part. I wouldn't have blown up and would have appreciated the honesty. Now it's a bit of a slippery slope and I'll likely never know the true story anymore.

  9. It’s gonna be even more expensive when those cavities get to the nerve and he needs a root canal. You can probably triple that bill just for one tooth. I feel for you. My chihuahua has rotting teeth and I swear you could melt paint off the wall when he breathes on it. I can’t imagine that in a humans mouth let alone one I’m dating. He sounds kind of immature. Granted- I was too at that age and it took a root canal and losing one of my back teeth to kick me in the pants and take my dental health more seriously.

  10. Fuck bro i love her and want to marry her. Im not trying to have fun anymore i want a wife. Shes also had an abortion with me

  11. I see that now and I feel horrible for doing it. I will definitely do that because I really do care a lot about him and only want him to be happy. I will move on. Thank you.

  12. OP i would be very very very worried about having kids into this family… that dude would be your kids grandfather.

    Thats all i have to say… fucking disgusting

  13. I was really just oblivious, I have never had long term friendships or anything. My bf says my mom controlling what I wear, eat, sports I play, and putting her emotions ahead of her kids (me) stunted my growth emotionally and has lead me to be immature. I have never had a real thought process either, this is the first time I have ‘failed’ my mother never allowed me to fail on my own. She always told us we were perfect and that lead me to never feeling a need to develop myself more. Now I am 24 and feel extremely immature and I have selfish tendencies and act entitled even though I don’t want to


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