Anabella25xx1 online webcams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Anabella25xx1 online webcams for YOU!

  1. Have you asked them why they are annoyed? Speaking as a parent of a college aged person – it is often the little things that add up to big things. Have your parents put their own international travel plans on hold to pay for your tuition? They may have the perception that you don’t appreciate them? I’m just throwing out examples – bottom line you can show that you are an adult by having an open and honest conversation with them and ask them. Let them speak. Don’t argue – listen and contemplate. Empathize. That will show maturity and hopefully alleviate the stress between you.

  2. That’s the thing. Someone as fragile and demanding enough to make this silly unreasonable request is not a keeper.

  3. First things first you are not alone.

    Next, how are you paid? Are you salaried or hourly? Not having any access to your pay is a really big issue here. To do this without a fight, change your direct deposit so $50 or something not too noticeable can be put in another account that is only yours. It is year end. If you carry the insurance, tell him prices changed. You must have some access to the money you work for.

    Next, so the yelling and all that? You may think your daughter would be crushed by divorce but there a bunch of people who grew up in this kind of environment that will tell you different. You are being verbally and financially abused. Abuse is a bible accepted reason for divorce. If your friend came to you and told you what you typed here, how would you respond? Something to think about.

    You have PTSD and it is the holidays which is a high trigger time for a lot of people. Be mindful please.

    If you have a local library, try to get a library card since I am assuming money is tight. You can get ebooks to read for free through an app called Libby.

    Some suggestions: 1. Codependent No More 2. Fair Play 3. What Happened to You 4. If you ptsd is complex or has some childhood things in there, Repeat After Me by Claudia Black is good.

    Unfortunately since you won't kick his ass just yet, get those books on tape and listen to them while doing the household chores. Treat it like you are single. He isn't going to help so do it for yourself. Use the time to listen to books or something to calm yourself while doing it.

    You can also start building a F You book. Start recording some of these conversations. Check your state laws about recording first. Start taking notes on dates and times he lost his shit. If there are witnesses even better. You can use it for court or maybe get your pastor to listen to it so you have some kind of evidence to support what is going on.

    That's all I've got. Good luck.

  4. You did the right thing. My guess is that she was fine with it, but then started talking to her friends about it, and they told her it wasn't ok.

    you don't need the drama.

  5. I would assume the apology was for making you uncomfortable, the feelings are still there. What do you think about forgiving and giving some space? Sounds like he may need some time to sort out his feelings

  6. I just want to say it seems like you are a really brave person and a loving mom and your instincts are good. It makes me angry that anyone would look at this situation and discount your (100% accurate) recognition that this is unhealthy and unacceptable because you have autism/didn’t have the best family growing up. That’s bullshit and borderline gaslighting.

    The only way this relationship will survive is if your boyfriend fully recognizes the magnitude of the abuse he’s been conditioned to accept for himself and on your behalf. Given that he won’t listen to you, he needs to get massive amounts of therapy. But he’s so far in denial right now that it’s probably a multi year process.

  7. Break it off, he saw an opportunity to sleep with someone and did, it had every opportunity to stop it, from the kissing to the taking eachother clothes off ect and he didn't, I'm so 'weak”.

    Honey he will do it again, because he doesn't value you no matter what he says and he clearly weak minded, he fucked someone else because he was unhappy In the relationship ??‍♀️

    This is the typical cheater go to,

    I was unhappy, it ment nothing, I love you, you can have full disclosure of my phone, we can go to counciling ect

    That just crap they spew to keep you around.

    Do not move in with him, just end it and block him, your no married, nit financially tied, so walk away scot-free.

    It wasn't a mistake it was a choice, there so many way he could of dealt with what ever was going on in the relationship, while you was keeping him a priority, you where second-rate, Cheating is a choice and he chose someone else over you.

    Cut ties now before he ruins you completely

    Text him and then block him everywhere say.:

    ” this isn't going to work for me, this isn't something I can get over, cheating isn't a mistake you made a choice, and your choice was to have sex with someone else instead of voicing your issues with me, because your so 'weak' right?? No because your a f#cking coward. I deserve better than this and better that you, I really hope it was worth it. I will move on from you and find better, but you will always be a sad 'weak' little boy who needs validation from other women, good luck to the next women that crosses your path… do not contact me anymore, you are being blocked”.

    And then block him. On-line your life

  8. You’re not “less valuable.” Your worth is not measured by your sexual encounters. You are worth a lot and you are extremely valuable. Leaving is the only option but I have a feeling you won’t. I think he’ll do much worse soon anyways and you’ll have no choice but to leave. I just wish you’d realize it now instead of waiting around for worse things to happen. It’s not going to get better and that I know for certain.

    I see a lot of kind souls like yours being torn apart by cruel people. Emotionally manipulated and emotionally abused. There’s so many people in this world, you don’t need to settle for someone who doesn’t see you as valuable and uses your past against you in this manner.

    Imagine how happy you’ll be giving yourself love and living a life where you aren’t coerced into situations and criticized constantly. You could spend time with friends and family. Go on fun adventures, eat good food and laugh with Lind hearted people. There’s a whole world out there for you. Take a step into it.


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