EmmilyCollins on-line sex cams for YOU!

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36 thoughts on “EmmilyCollins on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. His dad passing away isn’t why he cheated and he already abandoned you by cheating. You don‘t owe him anything. ?

  2. I'd call it a done deal, accept I won't get them back and move on.

    Some people would see it as a desperate ploy to try and open a dialogue to get back together, Op 😉

  3. This but also

    If you wanna marry and live! in Texas you probably should’ve considered that before getting out of Texas. As a woman, Texas is the last place I would want to live. No amount of money kind of last place.

  4. u/Ok_Insurance_5331, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. It was cruel of her to cheat on you, and it was also cruel of her to hide it from you for 3 months! Break up with her, get STD tested, and tell her she can live! in the house with you until you work out a plan to sell it and split what profits you might make. Take the dog.

  6. Hello /u/jrrrg99,

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  7. Any way you slice it, that must suck for her. She’s about to have her entire friend group blown up because she questioned someone’s (admittedly questionable, not wrong, but questionable) cosplay costume.

    You’re misrepresenting the dynamics we were given by OP. This isn’t happening to Kate because she dared to “question” someone’s costume. She went to the the cosplayer’s SO to enlist his help against her, and when she was correctly (questionable or not) shut down, she condescendingly tells OP that she thought he was better than this.

    Reframing this as though Kate is a passive victim of circumstance or her own curiosity is really just denying her agency in how this unfolded.

  8. A mistake would be sending it once and telling you immediately.

    She was repeatedly doing it for a week, and only felt sorry when she got caught.

    Just leave her.

  9. Your wrong about not being his first of anything. If you make it through this then you could be his first marriage, first one buy a house with, the first one to have a child with him. There are still a million possible firsts. Ones that can be so much more important.

  10. She knows I don't like children since we met each other, but she didn't think intensely about having children until a couple months ago.

  11. Get one of those tiny cameras they promote on tiktok and place the around the house specially where they work out and br, check after a week, working out usually makes ppl horny so idk

  12. 30 minutes isn’t enough to exercise, shower, and get ready to leave for work either, so something’s not adding up either way

  13. Eh, it happened. She admitted. If things are good now then they will even be better going forward. Don’t get stuck in naive picture perfect idea of marriage. We’re just animals 🙂

  14. Well, it depends, sometimes she's the one who has to stop and I can keep going and sometimes I can get very hot but not stay nude too long. And usually, I want to satisfy her and myself but sometimes I just want to rest so I do my best to pleasure her

  15. You tell someone once “please don't do that” and if they care at all about you as a person, they will stop doing the thing.

    If they do not see you as fully human? They'll do it again and again and tell you your overreacting.

    People with ADHD are often more likely to enter into abusive and boundary stomping relationships because of growing up feeling like our sensitivities are our fault, and if we just tried harder we wouldn't have them. People who disregard our needs feels, well, normal.

    Guess what? It's not. It's a form of abuse.

  16. You can tell when you are on your way to an orgasm. When you notice it, stop, either pull out and move to some more foreplay or stay where you are but do not move in an out. Spend some time kissing and touching and then go back to a short PIV, just long enough to make sure you stay erect. Then back to “soaking” and foreplay, etc. Repeat. You can make it last for hours. As long as you want. In the end, when your partner has orgasmed (more than once if that's what you want) you can finish with the last few PIV seconds, enough for you to orgasm.

  17. I’ll say this loud and clear. A cheater cheats because they are a cheater not because they are bisexual. Again. Your partners cheated on you because they are cheaters NOT because they are bisexual.

  18. Hi, what an interesting question. You don't sound as though you feel you should leave. Why is that your question at the end?

  19. How about you stop texting or reaching out to him at all? He was getting carried away with a little emotional affair, realized it was getting too serious and ended it. Now he’s shitting himself thinking his wife will find out. The comment about the coworkers probably really scared him, it implied that coworkers know or suspect an affair. Just stop reaching out, he’s not a friend. He’s a married man with kids. You sound kind of desperate, and it’s time to move along, ignore him, and act like none of this happened.

  20. A little red flag but not huge…. People don’t like to hear absolutes like that. It might have been better if you said something along the lines of I couldn’t be with a person that I didn’t trust and if you spent all our money without discussing it with me first then I would lose trust in you. To bring it up with her again I would say I want to revisit our conversation from the other day as you seemed upset by my comments. I didn’t mean to sound so harsh but (see above for comment) . What are your thoughts regarding this? You have said you have different ideas on money and if you are the more responsible party then maybe if/when you move forward with your relationship you keep money separate. That’s what we do – he has his money and I have mine and we split expenses. I will say that whenever we want to spend anything over $1,000 we do discuss it with each other.

  21. You don’t need to be having children with someone like this. “My family won’t love the kid if it’s biologically yours” what the fuck does that mean?

  22. You’re all going to think I’m the biggest idiot on the planet going back to an ex.

    Many of us here, myself included, have been in your shoes. We aren't going to hang you out to dry. We do, however, want to advise you on what's best for you — obviously, staying with this man is the WORST thing you can do for yourself. He is an enormous piece of shit.

    What's the cost of living in your area? If you can't afford a place on your own, go on Craigslist to find people looking for roommates. You may not be able to move back home currently, but you can very likely find ways to live! in your current area without your ex as you plan your next steps. The BEST thing you can do for yourself right now is to get away from him. I say this from experience.

  23. You should have left back in 2022. Now you have almost a year worth of knowledge that you did not have back then so you know what you deserve in your life.

    You're not the one with the keys to her house.

    You're not the one that impregnated her.

    You're the one she uses as an emotional garbage can and pays for her subscription of you with sex here and there.

    Her woes are hers alone. She made a choice for the worse. You don't need to follow her too now innit.

    If you can accept the role of an emotional trashcan moving forward then keep in contact with her and share her burden of health issues and trust issues till 35, get married with a shitty foundation and divorce half a decade later. You're 30. Fuck the people that says you're still young. Time is precious no matter what age you are. You know what to do. Do it.

  24. How long have you been together?

    Honestly this doesn’t sound viable.

    Long distance is very hot to make work period.

    Hopefully he is doing the best he can as a guardian but taking care of his siblings as sole guardian at such a young age has to be super difficult. Especially since they probably still seem him as a brother and not a parent.

    Honestly you are 30 hours away and have never met in person and you are not fulfilled. I hardly see a reason for you to continue “dating “ this dude even if you have been talking for 2 years.

    Anytime less then that respect yourself and cut ties.

    That isn’t even to mention that you are clearly either scared of the dude or worry about how he would treat your potential children. Those are both reasons to leave someone you have known for decades.

    The picture you paint tells me you should break up with him.

  25. He's taking advantage of that trauma, I hope you realize that. That behavior is not the ADHD, just selfishness. He should want to make you happy too, not let you run yourself ragged in order to make his life easier.

    The common experience for people with ADHD who find the right medication for them is a shocked, or even outraged, “is this what's it like for everyone else?” because their life gets so much easier. They often don't realize how severely impacted they are until then. It doesn't solve everything, but it really, really helps. Of course, he needs to want to get help first, and that's not going to happen while he's being catered to like this.

    Good luck.


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