Hanna-Kisten on-line sex chats for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Hanna-Kisten on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. u/Aquafina-bottle, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. He’s better off without ”friends” like that. Good friends wouldn’t be that petty or cut him off or have that kind of her mentality. Let D worry about D. He has continued hanging with you so he‘s obviously made a choice that he prefers. Don‘t have regrets for other people or try to predict the future. Have fun and the heck with that lame crew. ❤️

  3. Hello /u/Potato_is_yum,

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  4. It’s not easy, I get it. At 21, I assure you I was you. I certainly didn’t want to listen to anyone who likely was giving me good advice because our mindset is always that our situation is different. Surely they can’t possibly see what I do and they’re wrong. Unfortunately, they’re usually right and it’s not about them being negative but about them not wanting you to get hurt.

    You need to also realize that the “attitude” isn’t coming from some cold or emotionless place. Walking away from a situation that’s wrong for you isn’t a failure which I think many people worry about. It’s a good thing. Sure, you’re single (which isn’t a bad thing). But is that really worse than being in a relationship you’re unhappy in just for the sake of not being alone? In healthy relationships you won’t constantly be freaking out, worrying, or just generally unhappy. You’ll be happy and trust them because their words and actions will have shown you that all is good.

    What is a failure, however, is realizing you’re not in a good relationship but continuing on anyway. You should also understand that healthy relationships generally don’t end even once, let alone twice or more. There’s a reason it ended and if that reason is remediated, when you get back together out of let’s say loneliness or love, that reason will still exist and it’ll end again because of it.

  5. Why not just ask them to text you when they are ready to get picked up? That way they wait on you instead. Just actually leave when they are ready. Don’t make them wait around for you

  6. It’s fine to be frugal but don’t be cheap. You’re coming out ahead massively. Just lay the grand to maintain the friendship and you’re still stupid ahead of everyone else. I have a friend that is cheap like this and most people don’t respect him because the mentality behind it is absurd.

    People WILL lose respect over you trying to save a dollar, especially in this instance. It’s not worth your reputation.

  7. You wanted advice, but you’re just here to argue with people in the comments and give your husband the silent treatment until he gives in.

    Your husband doesn’t want to start to be a cash register for your family which is entirely understandable, so either tell him the whole story or you go get a job to help your sister. Even if you tell him he’s entirely within the right to refuse and not want to start lending your family money.

  8. Ask yourself: what would be a positive outcome I could reasonably expect if I were to take this action?

    In this case, the offense has been done – 10 years ago now – and nothing you can say to anyone can change the past. It won’t even make you feel better, because I can think of no explanation that she could give that would retroactively make it right.

    Instead, find some other way to honor your grampa’s memory in a way that he would appreciate. She has no power over the memories that you have of him and the honor you give to him. This is a peace that you need to make in your own heart.

  9. These comments here are wild. Op you did nothing wrong. You made your stance clear on waiting till marriage. That’s your right. She was free to take it or leave it. That’s her right. She decided that she still wanted to continue the relationship. Any rational adult should’ve contemplated what that meant. Seriously you are a virgin. Of course sex with you is going to be bad at the start. Also she had doubts about marrying and she still decided to marry you. Does she not understand what the marriage vows are? It’s the ultimate commitment. Why would you agree to marry someone when you are not 100% sure? You are just setting yourself up for failure.

    Anyhow, she wants out. Op this relationship is dead. You may not like it but it is what it is. Life is unfair. You need to man up, respect her decision, and after the divorce cut off contact and move on. You will probably find someone better. Honestly this might be a blessing in disguise. She’s dumb af. Who marries someone without figuring out if they are sexually compatible first. It’s amazing how little marriage means to some people. “Through sickness and health” etc. Thats a serious commitment that you just don’t go rushing into. You shouldn’t even want her anymore.

    DO NOT CHASE After her. Honestly, she does not deserve you.

  10. Question is do you smell? As the person with the lady bits.. you know if you smell or not. If you catch a whiff of something every-time you cross your legs, than he’s right and you do have a smell. Can be fixed by a dr, or frequent masturbation (cause we are self cleaning you know) just do not ever use a douche. That will fuck your shit up quick.

    Now if you don’t have a smell, he’s making excuses because he doesn’t want to give you head.

    Whatever the case, you do you, and get him to brush his teeth.

  11. End the relationship for your own sanity. She needs to figure herself out before she jumps into a relationship. And she can't do that while I'm one, and you're at best enabling it, and it will only have negative consequences for yourself most likely.

  12. Ok, that makes way more sense.

    However, why even bring this up to him after they already broke up? Again, it sounds like you just wanted to be petty. Another thing that doesn't make sense then is why continue a relationship with her when you stated earlier that she should try and be single for a bit? Then when she actually does what you suggested, you get upset. Why? Dude, just get away from this toxic woman. She's not good for you.

  13. Honestly, it sounds like you two are starting to drift apart. It also sounds like he is awful at communicating.

    I really recommend couples counseling. Love by itself is NOT enough, you deserve to feel appreciated and valued, same for him.

  14. …but I think ~Most men~ most everyone have looked at someone outside their relationship…


  15. I think your husband is reminding you of why you wanted to separate in the first place. I am sure there was plenty of other nice restaurants in town he could have taken this friend out to besides the one you picked out that you specifically wanted to be a first time special moment and memory with him. Your husband is a fucking idiot, and he knew better than this, that’s why he tried to silence his friend. Since your husband did not want being with you as his first experience there, find a friend of your own to go to that restaurant with.

  16. Soooo you're just his live-in maid while he fucks around? Brilliant. Dude really wanted to have his cake and eat it too – and you're all for it it seems…

  17. This OP. This. This. All of this.

    My ex put his hands around my neck. I managed to fight him off of me and called 911 after he left. When CHP pulled him over and arrested him, he was headed back to me and had a gun in the truck. Luckily I was already in the back of the sheriffs car and headed to the safe house.

    Please don’t take this lightly.

  18. as someone who is only 23, i wouldnt date an 18 year old, because we are both on different wave lengths in life

    but saying this, i have also been the young person who dated someone a lot older and i can tell you, its mainly they like the control of having someone younger under them, its a lot of power imbalance and using their lack of life outside in the adult world to try and control them, its very bad and it left me with a lot of mental anguish

    please youll find someone whos closer to your age a lot better, be safe

  19. OP, go on the trip. Don’t let your husband keep you from it. Which sounds ridiculously obvious and unhelpful lol. But like.. literally do not let him. Just go. Tell him you’re going, arrange childcare for the day of travel (or the whole time, if you want I guess but I wouldn’t) if necessary and let him know where the kids are, and just go. You’re an adult, and are freely allowed to where you please. You aren’t abandoning your children, you aren’t running away, you’re literally just trying to go on a trip. One where you shouldn’t still have to be responsible for childcare (and husbandcare). A solo trip. Alone time. Especially since your husband gets that. The commenter who is insisting it isn’t the same because you aren’t even interested in your husband’s trips is wildly wrong; it is the exact same. Your husband gets his solo trips for his interests, friends, and whatnot. You all have family trips. So you deserve your solo trips for your interests, your friends, and your whatnots.

  20. That's actually what I want to tell him but I'm sure how he would take it. I don't really want him to hate me after this. I think I should break things off for the summer but that means I'd have to end it by next Thursday after finals. Just a really stressful time altogether for me right now

  21. I don't know if I'm just clinging onto something that jsnt happening, or if this is a 'one who got away' kind of thing or what is going on. But I don't understand why I still want him and want something from him

    sounds like it to me. if it was going to happen, it would have.

    i think you like the ego boost of his attention. but i think there's no substance there.


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