Canela-77 live! sex cams for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Canela-77 live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. She most likely already has someone in mind. In a lot of cases we see on here, she will already be cheating.

    Whether she is cheating or not, it's a big red flag.

  2. ghb is the most sensible shout on the thread but she would likely have blacked out or lost consciousness completely if spiked with that while drinking so heavily

  3. I appreciate the honest answer. Do you think someone can find someone else attractive and still love their bf/gf

  4. You must be toxic too. Do you not understand how bad this man is?

    Also she told him it was over. She owes him nothing further.

  5. Well that’s actually some good advice. One reason why I don’t really want to bring anything up into conversation about is because I don’t want to cause any awkwardness between any of them and certainly don’t want to effect their jobs. And the thing is, I don’t want them to end their friendship. They are good friends. But I still find it comes off as disrespectful texting another guy/giving another guy as much attention through text as her BF. If she has feelings more than platonic, I want to know, so I can end it.

  6. So…. Her favour to you came attached with invisible strings that included you doing something you didn't want/wasn't in the mood for, and she took offense to you saying no to the unknowing “surprise” when she tried to drop it in your lap? Yeah no. You 100% have the right to say no, and she needs to get over not getting your body (expecially not through “I'll only actually do x for you after you do this y for me that wasn't part of the voiced/agreed agreement” tactics).

  7. My bantams are a 12 yo. I had no problem rehoming their chicks or the extra rooster. Your bf, and to an extent, are being complete asshats for having a rooster in an apartment. It is also illegal in most places to have roosters in city limits. By allowing this to continue you are risking fines and eviction if your neighbor's start complaining. Time for you set your bf down and make him rehome it. Time to nip this in the bud because this is how animal hoarders start.

  8. How do you think you were able to come up with the money that easily to buy the land off of him in the first place? He didn’t charge you rent. He has saved you thousands, if not more. Stop being greedy and pay the man!

  9. You know, I've often warned people about taking silence as a message. My quote is:

    Don't take a lack of communication as communication.

    Basically it's that people can lose a phone, get busy, be in court/jail/surgery/coma/deadzone, so don't take a missed call or unanswered text as meaningful.

    For you, same words, different context. Don't take a lack of communication as communication. A silent phone call does nothing for you. I get upwards of 10 silent phone calls a month from computers checking to see if my number gets answered or can be used as a spoofed number in an auto dialer (my theory)

    Let him go. He is trying to get with a gym babe anyway.

  10. Your wife needs therapy WAY more than once a month and you need couples counseling. This is emotional abuse and is unacceptable. I wonder if instead of “lovingly de-escalating” you can figure out a boundary that works for you. Can you name the problem something succinct and anytime she’s doing it, you name what she’s doing and then remove yourself from the situation as quickly as possible. Talk ahead of time about how you are going to do this. You should not have to subject yourself to this

  11. Honestly, I'd be really upset too. It'd piss me off if my SO said that he'd rather have the child than try for another one. He sounds selfish, he's telling you that if something happened to the baby and you survived, he'd blame you, better to have one sure baby than realize you possibly can't carry a baby to term. It really does make it sound like the possible baby is more important. I'm sorry, but at least you now you know. I mean, dude, no offense, but breaking up with you wouldn't be an option? Better to let you die and have the baby than try again with someone else? Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that'd hurt, but at least you'd still be alive! And now you've been forewarned.

  12. I asked him what he wanted, he said he wanted whatever I wanted. I told him I wasn't ready and he said okay.

    Does he want to start a family and stay serious with you and raise a child? Does he just feel left out of the decision? Maybe he DOES think the abortion is a good choice but he's allowed to be sad about it.

    He does. He talked about how he was planning to propose, but after my graduation. He talked about how he sees us raising a family together but understands how I feel about this. He said the words that he didn't want me to get an abortion. Those exact words and then talked about more things.

    I like that he's supportive of my decision, I really do, but now I don't even know if I'm supportive of my own decision.

  13. Have you had sex? Have you kissed? Have you gone on a date? Have you held hands? Did he tell you he wants more than a friendship?

  14. She's made it obvious it's not going to be you, if she wanted to date you she would have don't ruin your friendship

  15. You should discuss with him about mindfulness and if he feels present. It could be something like ADHD, where he has many thoughts going on, or gets very distracted, so he can't really focus on being present and the consequences of things like starting the dishwasher now, instead of later.

    He could also simply not be a considerate person to those around him. Does this seem to extend beyond you and the home?

    There are some things you can get people to change, but it requires them to acknowledge the issue and desire to change. If he's not really considerate of you, that may not be possible, and you may have to make a decision to either settle or move on.

  16. You're female, ergo guys hit on you. This is just the human condition for women. But from your husband's perspective, he's got something other guys want and that probably makes him feel good about himself. This truly isn't a big deal (unless you choose to make it into one – which you can't afford to do because you've got two kids with this guy). If you're hoping for him to get psycho jealous then you need to reevaluate your relationship priorities. Jealousy isn't a compliment or a sign of devotion. It's a character flaw that needs to be overcome.


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