Soy-marian on-line sex chats for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “Soy-marian on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. It's cool to check in with others and have the back up, but you don't need it.

    YOU are bothered by this, and that's all that matters.

    It's your car, your relationship, and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Own your feelings – they are valid.

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  3. While I don't agree with the way OP'S boyfriend reacted, OP seems apologetic only after her mom explained things to her. Either she's afraid of getting in trouble, or she values her mother's POV more than anything.

  4. Okay it might be but that's a seriously unhealthy way to look at things. Everything is fine except what actually holds together a relationship but that's no big deal. Imagine you have kids with him and you're overwhelmed with them or with how you feel after birth and he cuts you off mid tears and think of how quickly that marriage will dissolve.

  5. It sounds like this relationship has been over since the first separation, and it sounds like you know it.

    This is a situation where you SHOULD worry about the future. You're absolutely correct that you shouldn't move to be with him, as it seems very likely that the worst-case scenario will happen.

    What you want is a stable, peaceful relationship, and you've already tried long-distance. It doesn't work for you – at least not with this guy. So if you stay together, the only options are for you to move with him (bad) or for him to stay put (which could cause further tension between you and a power imbalance in your relationship).

    Let him go. Find your peace on your own while you lay the foundation to move where you want to move on your own. If he's there and you still love each other, try again after that. If not, find your peace with someone else.

  6. It's less about the number of surgeries and more about the constant feeling that her body is wrong and needs to be fixed.

  7. Well, this is obviously a huge difference between you two. I may be old fashioned, but I don't believe that an open relationship can be a serious, long-term prospect. I mean, sure, maybe some people can deal with it, but I couldn't.

    Just talk to her about your feelings. You need to communicate because this is pretty huge. I'm also pretty sure that she'd like to sleep with this particular co-worker – so she's asking to have an affair and for you to be OK with it.

  8. You’re absolutely correct regarding surrogacy agreements. Although it doesn’t read like that is what that is at this point. The OP has mentioned not being against paying child support which is helpful as they’ll likely be on the hook for child support as things stand currently.

  9. I disagree. It’s the boys first day at nursery. That’s a big milestone to most parents so it makes sense she would want him to be there. Unless his mother is currently dying he could easily go the next day. ICU doesn’t necessarily mean death is imminent lol plenty of patients are stable and recovering.

  10. It's trauma bonding which is like Stockholm syndrome. That's why he's staying. Abuse is a cycle. She's nice for awhile then does the same thing. It causes the victim to hold onto hope that they'll change back into the person they were in the beginning. They won't stay that way. It's true that whether she gets on her meds or not, he needs to get out of there.

  11. Right flip this round. Everyone is entitled to preferences, sure. You’re entitled not to date someone if you really hate beards and they have a beard. You’re even entitled to break up with someone your dating if they grow a beard and won’t get rid. I’d argue it’s shallow, but you’re entitled too.

    You’re not entitled to guilt trip people into doing something or not doing something they don’t want to do with their body though.

    Just like you shouldn’t be telling a woman to shave her armpits/legs/genitals and claiming it’s gross if she doesn’t.

  12. Therapy. You’ve identified that it’s a you problem, which is good. You just need now to work through your feelings WITHOUT involving or blaming your girlfriend in any way, so an independent third party is best.

  13. break up with her then…. if you think showing cleavage = asking for attention or disrespecting your relationship, then maybe you’re not mature enough to be dating.

    if the real issue is you don’t like that your girlfriend tells you what to wear or how to dress, then address that with her. she doesn’t have to care what you think about her clothes & vice versa. people should wear whatever makes them comfortable and feel good about themselves.

  14. The fact that he’s trying to lie and manipulate you into pretending something is not what it is so early in your marriage makes me wonder what other sort of psychological abuse is in store for you. I don’t think this is going to get better.

  15. I totally agree with you. In fact this is almost exactly what she said to me. I tried to explain this to the boys and I was hit with “bro, even girls do this. It’s not like we’re cheating. It’s just entertainment. Sometimes I share this stuff with my wife as well and we have a laugh. When you’re secure in your relationship, this stuff doesn’t matter”

  16. How you're feeling is normal. At the end, we tend to start think about the beginning and all the good times while wearing rose colored glasses.

    Big picture, she's not right for you. It sucks, but that's reality. You're scared you won't find someone else? I assure you, you will. Feel how you feel, but allow yourself to move on. Good luck.


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