AbigailAreola live webcams for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “AbigailAreola live webcams for YOU!

  1. I understand your position so much, but you shouldn't put in so much work and effort into someone who doesn't 100% want to be with you. I also recently broke up with my partner, and while the situation is different, I put in so much work, I changed so much during the relationship, and barely saw any change in her, even when I cried begging her, she didn't do the things I begged her to do (going to therapy and taking responsibility for cleaning the place, as she put all of it on me). Right after the break up, all I wanted was to get back together. I begged and begged, but at some point realized I didn't deserve that. I deserve someone who despite all the issues, knows they want to be with me and actually try. I didn't deserve being the last choice for everything, and being the house maid. And most of all, I deserve someone who will be sad if we break up.

    Think what will happen if you do get back together: will it solve everything? Or will he throw you out again the next time you don't do exactly what he wanted? Is he reflecting right now and will put in effort next time, or will continue to blame it all on you?

    Breaking up with a long-term partner hurts like hell, and breaking up with someone you on-line with is messy af, but better now than later. Try to find somewhere else to sleep until you find an apartment of your own, like friends, family or even rent an airbnb. Get out of that house, or the situation will destroy you so much you'll take any terrible situation for you just so the hostility ends.

  2. I know this is easier said than done but try not to panic. You shouldn't panic and don't have to panic and I'll tell you how to bypass the panic;

    You fear the unknown. You fear the possibility that you will spend the rest of your life being miserable.

    Decide that you're going to do what makes you happy, regardless of how things with her go.

    If she doesn't change and you're still not happy, decide now that you'll end it when you want. Resolve that under no circumstances will you allow her to dictate how the rest of your life will go and commit to it.

    The ball is in your court and she can't make you do shit.

    Know what she can do? Make you go to court for visitation and child support. Don't fear that. I had my first custody battle before I was 18 and was terrified of the unknown. Rest assured that as long as you're not a potential harm to the child then you will get to be in that child's life. As long as you're working, can pass a drug test and don't have any violent habits, almost no court will refuse you the right to be in the child's life. Just the opposite actually, they'll force her to allow you in the child's life.

    But don't worry about that now, just be firm in doing what you need to do in order to be happy. As long as you know you'll follow through with that then there's nothing to panic about.

    Maybe she'll throw a fit when kicked out if she refuses to change. That's fine, it can't last too long and will pass, then you won't have to worry about it.

    Hope all goes well for you! And it likely will as long as you prioritize yourself! Never let another person bring you down, they aren't you. It may sound selfish and maybe it is selfish but sometimes you have to be selfish to get what you want in life. She's being selfish as well by not contributing so it would just make you even, in my eyes. Even if she was, if you're not happy with someone then leave, even if it hurts her for a little bit it's still what's best for her in the long run.

    Good luck mi amigo, you can message or continue to comment if you need to talk!

  3. A BLT takes 20 minutes to make. When my partner was working and I wasn't, I would often try to have dinner ready for when he got home just for fun. But if it took under a half hour to make, I waited to make it. He'd wash up and get changed and we'd chat a bit while he mentally transitioned to being home and I'd make it then. People are acting like she cruelly withheld a meal that would take hours to make. I would want freshly cooked bacon. If she premade the sandwich and he was held up at work for 15 minutes and then had to get gas or something, that stops being the case. This is an extremely weird post ngl

  4. I am also wondering what the hell he spent 30k on, especially in the time between getting it from the insurance company and having to pay the contractor.

  5. OP are you sure this ok for you? Because, this would be making ppl feel a lot more than insecure, for many people this is cheating and a dumpable offence.

    Figure out how you feel and allow yourself to react appropriately. It seems like you've made this all ok very quickly and there really is no reason to, this is very suspicious behaviour for anyone in a relationship who doesn't have this agreement in place with their SO prior to doing it.

  6. Thank you for talking sense! Yeah, this isn't how PTSD works! If he had a medical issue, he would have left a trail running to the bathroom or aimed away. He wanted to give her a golden shower and ignored getting consent or negotiating terms. His reaction doesn't show it was an accident. All it shows is he knows he fucked up.

  7. No but he is obligated to meet the care needs of his child.

    Now he can either contribute to the mother doing that care or hire a nanny, guess which one is cheaper?

  8. There’s an expression that fits with your story, it goes something like:

    “A woman will date a man hoping that he’ll one day change into what she really wants. A man dates a woman hoping that she’ll never change”

    I think that if you’re not the kind of man she wants, you guys should break up and both of you can find someone you’re satisfied with.

  9. It’s called “Criticism” look it up. If she’s telling me what to wear and what not to wear, that’s pretty cool, but if it’s reversed, I’m the bad person? Plus, the photo she posted clearly was showing too much cleavage.

    It’s not be being insecure or controlling, it’s about respecting the relationship.

    She even stated it herself.

  10. Yeah I left him and he claims he’s changed but idk if that’ll ever change to be honest. He’s also an amazing liar but claims he didn’t feel comfortable telling me the truth but that changed now w therapy.

  11. You haven’t said one positive thing about this guy or this relationship or your current life. Why are you with him? He sounds selfish at best and also controlling and manipulative. You deserve better than to be dealing with this nonsense. Is being single really worse than how this relationship is right now??

  12. Dad is not just ignorant! It's been 10 years and their behavior has escalated. People have made the good point that they may try to get OPs wife to warm up to them.

    He already tried what you're saying for years. They are far beyond this. Throwing out pictures and getting engaged on his B-Day as a present to him is not just ignorant.

    You are horribly minimizing how emotionally abusive his dad is.


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