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  1. u/kiki617_, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. She's not a work colleague anymore, I'm in University, I quit that job… she has accepted to be my friend outside of the workplace. I mean, she didn't accept that, it just happened spontaneously.

  3. What you should do is leave and let your boyfriend find someone who will love and respect him the way he deserves.

    I don't usually think this of people, but considering your blatant disregard for someone you claim to care about, you're a horrible person.

    Find a consenting and mutual polyamorous relationship, and stop cheating. You're not in “that type of relationship” all you're doing is being a cheater.

  4. I didn’t even know painal was a thing. As someone turned on by the taboo of anal I must say painal turns me off. Far too aggressive, the point is to make sex pleasurable.

  5. That sucks man, but as you say I don’t see why you would break up over this. I don’t even see why you can’t look your girl in the eye, just talk to her, it’s not a big deal.

  6. First time I heard that Term. But I think you might be right, because He hast a lot of Future plans and Not one hast come true.

  7. Depends a lot on your doctor. Mine doesn’t have IUD appointments that last minute. Interesting on the studies where I’m pretty sure that’s what she gave me and talked about for my next one and it was literally night and day for me.

  8. No kids, I've suggested that he find a men's running group or MTG (Magic) group but so far he hasn't. I agree it's not healthy to be alone that much, and since he is a remote worker he doesn't even get workplace interaction. One of my jobs is remote, one is on site, and even though I'm not super social the on site job gives me some much needed face to face with people.

    Appreciate the suggestions. I'll check out the sub. Picked him up from the ER (ER be like we are keeping him overnight but then called me and had me drive back in the snow to pick him up lol) and he is open to trying ketamine.

  9. “I can appreciate you reaching out to apologize, but I have no interest in rekindling anything. Thank you, but I don't want any further contact.”

  10. Have you ever addressed her feelings? You say she protested at being the sole income and that she felt the struggle keenly. Did you address that during or after beyond saying it worked out? I'm not going to say who is wrong or right, but if you're looking for a way to work through this I think you're going to have to actually acknowledge and address that she was hurt. It's great that it did work out, but that doesn't wipe out disregarding your partner throughout the process, you know? If your goal is to work things out then you have to address that part.

  11. You leave. Theres nothing else to do.

    Would you say his behaviour.. in another man, would be suitable for a relationship with your sister/aunt/mother?,

    Would you think that's acceptable for them to live like?

  12. Bisexual here and every man and woman I’ve given head ti has had their own taste/smell none of it was bad just different. I’ve only had one instance where a person’s natural scent was off putting to me (sometimes you just don’t like a person’s pheromones) but I’d never tell them it disgusts me. There is a polite way to decline.

    OP: have you tried tasting yourself? Do you tend to have a strong natural scent even after you shower?

    Whatever you do, do not attack your vagina and Vulva with perfumed/scented soaps as you will likely just cause the natural biome to get out of whack and end up with an infection like yeast or BV.

    Before you let your BF try again, I’d have an open conversation with him to find out what exactly he found so off putting. Ask him to be kind about his answers but honest (there is zero call for him to use the term gross, disgusting, etc)

    Whatever his answers are though, as long as everything is healthy, you should absolutely not feel any shame here. Your scent/taste is your scent/taste.

  13. It's almost like the mom that wasn't allowed to raise you for most of your childhood might not be the best candidate for motherhood now either. Go figure!

  14. Huge difference between having serious depression and abusing someone. Mental illness is not a scapegoat for traumatising another human being for life.

  15. If this is real and this is out of character for him, send him to the doctor to make sure he’s ok medically.

    Maybe he can go back to his old job and say something medically happened to cause that and apologize and beg for his job back.

    Or get his ass applying for jobs left and right, right the fuck now.

  16. Well in my humble opinion maybe you guys can get this to work by setting an agreement to this; im talking specific times and days etc for which you get something in return, give and take. He gets what he wants, you get something you want and the schedule keeps you free from being bombarded.

    If he doesn't like the idea of a schedule and wants it “willy nilly” then reason that the anticipation will heighten the pleasure, which it will.

  17. Totally. Thing is, I'm not the kind of person who would lie about it so it wouldn't even get to a point of me feeling guilty. I'm not going to stop masturbating haha what kind of life is that no thanks

  18. Did you read? Can you read? “Use of vaginal dilators” do you know what those are? Do you know how painful those are? Do you know the trauma you have to put your vagina through to STRETCH it for penetration?? No obviously fucking not.

  19. 35 year old groomers? She's a grown ass woman who can make her own decisions about who she wants to flirt, date, or, in this case, cheat with. I can stand it when people so flipintly throw about the term “groomer”. Save that term for pedophilia.

  20. Should have transitioned before the ring was transferred, then. It goes to your eldest daughter next. That’s how it’s always been.

  21. I have ADHD and time management is stressful for me too. That's part of the reason I'm so angry because it takes a lot for me to be ready and available for him when we hang out. I'm making an effort not to inconvenience anyone with my poor time management by setting clocks forward and setting alarms and breaking tasks down so that I'll be ready to leave or go on time so why can't he?

  22. Setbacks on my end, he’s just being supportive. Medical, financial, currently catching up

  23. you don’t know what to do ? she had another guys dick in her mouth … if you still don’t know what to do after reading that raw comment .. God help you


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