Lorena and Rony live! sex cams for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Lorena and Rony live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Maybe you're the rare person that can keep fucking someone you dated for four years without feelings getting involved. I doubt many people could handle that.

  2. I don't understand why I had to scroll down so far to see this comment. He's nearly 10 years older, clearly just trying to manipulate her so he can have his cake and eat it too.

    OP should find a guy her age that wants the same in a relationship as she does.

  3. You are his new family. He chose you. Be happy about it. Ask him how you can support him. Be happy together.

  4. You sound a bit controlling and insecure. You’re giving her the silent treatment for three days but expecting her to read your mind and know exactly what to say to fix it/soothe you. You’ve made your point now let it go. Your wife will now be awkward with BIL so hopefully that’s what you wanted. Why don’t you put your arm around your wife and tell her she looks beautiful.

  5. Man, I know you already updated and I know this doesn’t help, but this post made me feel physically sick. I expect people talking about shitty family, spouses, etc in this subreddit, but not this. I can’t even imagine how hurt I would be if my husband had sex with another woman that soon after my death. The SIL does make it a little worse, but not as much for you as it does for how I would feel about my sister if it happened to me (obviously I couldn’t feel bc I’d be dead, but yeah).

    I’m not a very sexual person to begin with, so this confuses me even more. How the desire for sex, when your inhibitions are gone (cause you were drunk), can win against grief and morals just.. agh.

    I feel sorry for your wife that it only took you 6 months and some drinks to move on. In that same token, however, life must go on and you can’t dwell on your horrible decisions. Good luck, I suppose.

  6. Its not that she “doesn't want her husband to be romantically involved with other women”

    Its that she “doesn't want her husband to be romantically involved with any woman.”

    Its crazy because she doesnt want to be romantically involved with her husband. She is monogamous, but it doesnt sound like her husband is. And if she's only interested in an asexual plutonic marriage, thats fine, but its unreasonable to demand he suddenly become asexually celibate too.

    Nothing wrong with being asexual. Every sexuality is valid. But its wrong force other people to adopt your sexuality.

  7. Just imagine how stupid the average person is. Now realise that HALF of all people are more stupid than that.

    There is no reason to disbelieve this story.

    I take all on Reddit at face value, I help where I can, and if I waste a few mins on someone's creative writing…. So what? Someone in a similar situation may see it and it may help them.

    We online in the hope, that tomorrow, is a little better than today.

  8. Let me see, she is going to a festival where she already exhibited the want to have sex with a stranger. You told her no and she is OK with that. So now you know that if she does she is not going to admit it. This is a puzzler but having already voiced the want to have sex with others you do not have to guess that it is on her mind. It is. Only a matter of time. The question is how are you going to find out about it and what will you do afterwards. She and cheating are old friends. Good luck.

  9. Once you’re safe you can sort through your thoughts and feelings about all of this. But from your story, he escalated from words to violence. He is to blame for that. If he tries to say “look what you made me do”, that is the logic of abusers.

  10. no you don't have proper advice. I heard some news got a bad feeling, I expressed it in a harsh way to her, she got upset with me. I realized what I said was wrong I apologized, I have weird feelings about the argument we had, I dont have friends in my country I can talk about this with, I dont have family I can talk about this with (rationally)

    So sought advice from strangers on reddit, and all you can tell me is im insecure and break up.

    It sounds like your the insecure one trying to make others feel bad over the internet

  11. I think it will be okay, just keep an eye on whether the messages change and/or escalate. In a non-accusatory way, let her know you’re disappointed she didn’t tell you the whole story right away and that you hope your future communication is much better or the relationship will not survive.

  12. Odd question this will probably feel hurtful, and that is not on purpose I just can't think of a nicer way to say this:

    did the neglectfulness come about during the talks with your youngest child coming out as genderfluid?

    If he is internally unaccepting of his child or having similar mental struggles “feeling like he failed as a father” because of his kids choices/revelation and knowing he is too old to try again might be contributing.

    I know someone whose father…. choose to not be around anymore forever his child came out and non-hetro I don't know the details but it can be hard for some people to accept nor everything will be exactly how thy dreamed it would be.

  13. 1) you will probably rarely if ever see these guys again if you are almost graduated.

    2) Not that big a number but I can understand feeling a way, strange they are all from the same frat.

    3) Grow up and move past. If you cant end it soon before you start mentally abusing her or treating her like shit.

  14. The upbringing of the child is directly part of this conversation. OP may or may not choose to keep the child, however, she is aware that her ex does not wish to have a child.

    Is it a good choice for OP to be obligated to coordinate either support payments or custody with an ex for 18+ years?

    Is it good for the child to have a parent who wishes they were never born?

    Is OP in a place where they're financially stable enough that a lack of support payments won't create a negative impact on their ability to parent?

    Is the ex going to be an issue? Is the ex going to be a potential source of physical danger for OP?

    OP is the only one who gets to decide whether she terminates the pregnancy. But her ex's feelings about the pregnancy are relevant both in the short-term and the long term and will certainly have consequences for the child.

  15. Naw, I know all about my partners past and vice versa. There are still pictures online, it’s not about putting blinders on, it’s about not being weird about having details of things you already know are the case.

    You know everyone has a past, why would someone telling you about it make you insecure? It’s just part of who they are as a person in this moment.

  16. Okay so your relationship ramped up pretty fast, you guys are 8 months in. I’m guessing it was really great in the beginning and he was so nice and supportive? Then after you became engaged, he kind of flipped. He started negging and devaluing you, making you seek out his validation an approval? Making you feel like you have to earn his loving and affectionate side again? Yeah thing is not about sex work. It’s classic case of narcissistic abuse cycle.

  17. thankfully M isn't a real person, as this is a completely made up story by some really lonely individual

  18. Are you with a partner or a teacher? A teacher student relationship is hierarchical with the teacher in the position of control and power. Will he accept lessons from you? If not, understand that he sees himself as over you. If that is acceptable, stay but don’t complain about it later. If it’s not, move on.


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