Meloddymel online sex chats for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “Meloddymel online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I have, and I mentioned this. When I bring it up, he gets annoyed and repeats himself. Maybe I am in the wrong to want more support from him

  2. From her reaction, it sounds like she felt you were criticising her, or possibly being needy or demanding, but very hot for an outsider to judge without more insight. It's quite a strong reaction for a first offence, so I wonder if there have been previous reactions within the group, perhaps that you weren't aware of? Maybe you could ask someone else in the group to help you understand what happened from the group PoV.

  3. OP, he drugged your child. He has hit you. You need to get out IMMEDIATELY, and you need to see an attorney first, then they can advise you on getting your child tested for drugs, etc.—where are you located, OP? Depending on where you are, you may not need your husband’s consent to record him. If you can get him to admit in a text that he drugged your son though, that could be admissible in court, depending on what your attorney says. You could always send voice memos, if that’s a way around it, but, I’m not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice. This man is an abuser, he clearly doesn’t see anything wrong with drugging children, so he doesn’t need custody.

    Most importantly: Is there anywhere safe that you can go? Can you safely and quietly pack your things and get out, without him suspecting anything? You need to get somewhere safe so you can file police reports, and possibly a restraining order if he escalates.

  4. One of my closest friends of 18 years just died from an OD a few months back. My ex partner of 13 years on and off is an addict and I went through what you went through. Many years of broken promises to get clean. I was naive and thought I could be her support through it all. But I couldn’t. I wasted years of my life that I will never ever get back. It made me anxious on a permanent level. Calling to make sure she didn’t fall asleep with a lit cigarette in her hand so another fire didn’t happen. Walk away. It’s not worth it and to be honest, it’s not worth the potential life ruining charges you could get from just being around someone who uses and carries drugs around. You have no idea how bad it can and will get. And after my ex and I broke up for the last time, she got with another girl who thought she could support her and my ex ended up exposing her to drugs and she got addicted and her life is a complete mess and last I heard she’s living on the streets. It is NOT worth it. My advice is to leave. It doesn’t make you a bad person to protect YOURSELF.

  5. Seems to me that you have a pretty good thing going. I'd ride the wave rather than hope that another one comes along with the possibility that it won't.

  6. Pay for the games and tell her you will pay whatever thing they chew. The truth is that even if let things over countertop or tables in not guarantee they won't chew. Exercise your dog's and pray they won't chew anything again. It gets better but they still can chew something. My lab is 2, he got better but he steal things from inside the home when the patio door is open to chew outside alone and hidden because he knows we don't approve it.

  7. Accidentally cheated? More like sexually assaulted. Go to the police before you tell your gf because when shit hits the fan, the friend will absolutely flip the story and accuse you.

  8. Why talk to her at all? She's demonstrated that she can't be relied on, is happy to drop you in the shit and only cares about herself. You now know who she is, surely you aren't interested in continuing the relationship?

  9. She sounds like a nutcase and honestly if you can get proof of her nuttiness you can even go to court to get the most custody of your son. If she's being rude to you or threatening you, i can't imagine she'd make a great mother. Take it from someone whos mother was also like this.

  10. He wants someone to listen to everything he has to say. You don't want to listen to everything he has to say. This seems to be pretty cut and dry to me. Your boyfriend doesn't have any plans to compromise with you.

    Do you think you can stomach listening to his one-sided conversations for 5 more years? What about 20? Because it won't stop. He refuses to listen to reason, as he doesn't see anything wrong with his talking. Which means he isn't going to change it. You could try couples counseling if you want to fight for a compromise, but that would require him to accept that he has a problem.

    Leave if you can't handle it anymore.


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