Pregnant Amira live webcams for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “Pregnant Amira live webcams for YOU!

  1. You're very lackadaisical about it. If you don't do this legally you could be on the hook for child support.

  2. I am contemplating about it not gonna lie.

    She does pull a lot of weight and points it out like she is a victim. I have suggested many things to elevate that weight but am always met with resistance and that this is such an easy way out. Like let’s send our daughter to nursery for 3 days a week so you can rest a bit. Those kind of suggestions.

  3. Give them a deadline to move out. “We love you but you can't live! here”.

    They are adults… they can take care of themselves.

  4. Girlie, she said she was jealous, leave it at that. Don’t be her friend. Go hug your husband for the wonderful life you have. I mean, yeah, it sucks to think that you were the ‘second’ option, but you mean to tell me that just bc your first choice doesn’t always work out then the second choice can’t be better? Life doesn’t work like that. You have what you have! She doesn’t.

  5. Your boyfriend wanted you to post this? Did he think people would side with him? This guy sounds like an absolute sack of shit.

  6. The kind of person who can get off doing something they KNOW their partner doesn’t like but insists anyways… isn’t the kind of person I’d want in my life at all

  7. I'm the man, and I pay for the insurance. It's 50 bucks a year and not worried a bit about who's responsible for paying.. I spend more then that for lunch every week. But if I felt she needed to split the cost or whatever, she'd be fine with it. I never asked her about it, but we always split everything else when it comes to our bills without fuss

  8. I would just ask if he could let you check his phone for yourself just to ease your own mind. If he freaks out about it, don't argue just walk away.

  9. I sent her a message confronting her and yes it's happened before but to my other friends .she's just selfish overall

  10. You're 10 months in. Chill out… or don't. I'd recommend calling it off if you can't take a step back and not take it personally.

  11. “It's really rare to get eaten by a shark, so you shouldn't feel nervous covering yourself in chum and going for a dip in shark infested waters”

  12. Nothing stops you reaching out and saying hi. Seems you're FWB at the moment (to her anyway). If you want this to develop or be something more. I think it's best to tell her.

  13. My brother, she cheated on you and is trying to gaslight you into being the villain. Why are you bothering you’re clearly a decent guy?

  14. Normally I wouldn’t recommend ‘pushing past’ a repulsion towards sex. But once you’ve ruled out major physical or emotional causes for the libido drop-off, maybe look into doing one of those couple’s sex challenges? Like committing to doing some fooling around every day for 10 days? Sometimes female sexuality can reset a bit strangely or need a nudge if we’ve fallen into a ‘reactive’ mode. Plenty of women don’t feel horny until some horny stuff starts to happen (alone or with a trusted partner). It could feel strange at first, but might work for you as it has for many. Obviously stop if you’re not turned on in a reasonable timeframe, but consider trying to change out of the no-sex habit by starting a lots-of-sex habit? A friend of mine had great success with this (along with a little weed), just saying.


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