Lary-mora live webcams for YOU!

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34 thoughts on “Lary-mora live webcams for YOU!

  1. Geez, the amount of self-loathing in this reply. You do need to work on your self-image. It's not fair to ask a partner to not interact with opposite sex or to never like a post on social media. Yes, it's “your feelings” but feelings can be irrational. And when they are, you have to choose not to act on them.

  2. So in your world “feelings” and “crushes” are interchangeable?

    No. In my world, feelings and crushes can be the same thing, or feelings can be much deeper than crushes.

    My point is that you have omitted significant information from both of your posts and still refuse to edit in information that would drastically alter responses to your situation. I am still very lost as to why you continue to not add in information that would actually benefit you and enhance the accuracy of responses.

    You posted about your wife liking a coworker and cutting him off, yet in your comments you paint a picture of her apparently being in love with him. It's not reasonable to lash out at commenters for following along with the scenario presented in your posts when for whatever reason you've presented another, quite different scenario in your comments.

    If you want advice about a wife who's in love with a coworker and confessed such to him, you need to write a post about a wife who's in love with a coworker and confessed such to him. Instead, you wrote a post about a wife who had feelings for a coworker – which could fall along an entire spectrum of emotions – and took appropriate action to separate herself from said coworker.

    It is not readers' fault that so many of them are confused by how unclearly you have written your posts.

  3. Leave a note on his door at work in his locker at school make a dummy ig or Facebook account or just send him a DM from someone else's account

  4. A fornicating Christian with a porn addiction trying to nag and pressure you into his religion? Perhaps he should consider practicing what he preaches before proselytizing to others. Any way, I personally would not tolerate that. If he is such a Christian then he should also know brow beating some one into going through the motions of converting is a darn waste of time if they do not believe. In it in their mind. I would tell him very firmly he is not to bother you about it ever again unless YOU are the one wanting to convert, and if he can’t accept you as you are now in your own beliefs or lack of, then don’t let the door hit him where the good lord split him.

  5. Thank you! I agree that these are all factors to consider. I don’t think either of us are looking to make any rash decisions.

    However, I would argue that this particular 37 year old woman doesn’t act the way you would expect a 37 year old woman to act. There is a certain naivety to her I guess and I’ve always been considered to be quite a mature soul for my age, at least regarding my confidence and sensibilities. Of course there will be a gap in life experiences, but it doesn’t feel as wide as you’d probably think. Like, she has raised a whole grown ass child from the ground up, but I have also lived in ways she hasn’t.

  6. You realize that you’re under no obligation to talk to your ex about anything ever for any reason?

    This whole thing is causing you enough anxiety that you’d be best served not talking to your ex at all. You don’t owe him closure.

    Why do you continue to communicate with him?

  7. Thank you so much for the support, I hate the fact that I know it’s my own fault for letting this happen for so long and it’s no one fault but mine. I know what I have to do and I will do it, thank you tho for the comments and the advice.

  8. Added EDIT to main post. In both our ideas doing something without other person is covered by personal account .

  9. Oh hunny. Throw the whole boy away. He has NO right to treat you like that for any reason. Let alone over something so small like not wearing a bra- which btw again is no big deal. He is verbally abusing you and you need to leave for your own safety.

  10. Break up with him and tell him you know. Sit on the info for a few months. If it still doesn't sit right with you that she doesn't know, then contact her. Chances are by then he's moved on to the next person or three he's cheating with and he won't know who turned him in.

    Who knows, maybe they have a open or Don't Ask Don't Tell relationship.

  11. have her sign a post nup before leaving, tell her she can have her two weeks in france, and a set time after, and have her commit to full disclosure and trasnparency and std tests upon return. Tell her that you will have to re-discover her upon her return too

  12. But this will most likely be the last time his kid sees his mom. The kid deserves to know she’s most likely saying goodbye for good.

  13. I mean i think you're a little late here. They seem to have settled on being ok with the issues the relationships is built on in favor of certain purchasable objects as the solution they were looking for. ?

    They are 18, it's likely their first serious relationship. They are learning. They may look back in a few months or years and reconsider or not.

  14. Abandon ship! Get a better one, this one sinking. Why work your ass off on a sinking ship while you could be on a cruise?

  15. Maybe. I can kinda see it being easier but then she just sets herself up for an awkward in person next time. It’s odd I agree

  16. How was it a big mistake? Did you not know who it was or is it a big mistake bc you knew but now feel guilty about it?

  17. You can also read about the person who did embarrassing poses whenever the MIL walked in freaking her out.

    Be the most boring person that exists by doing mundane tasks everyday while in your room.

  18. What if you hadn’t made the decision to pull your daughter out but instead she was sick and came home early, and wanted daddy snuggles. You need to have another convo with her. It was her actions and her actions alone that put your daughter in danger. Say this to her, “Your insecurity could have killed our daughter. I have suffered your emotional abuse with your questioning., and it has now escalated to violence, and put our daughter in danger. You need help. I will only remain here with our daughter if you agree to get help.” I’d also file a police report just to have a paper trail. If that means the end of your relationship than that tells you something about the relationship quality at the moment.

  19. To be honestly, when me and my girl broke up, and got back together, when I found out she had been sleeping with other people in that short time, the first few times trying to have sex my dick was basically inoperable. I couldn't even effectively masturbate for a week. And sure I have had issues before like if I'm way to drunk or something. But this was different. The breakup was her idea. And in the short 10 days we were apart she slept with two of her ex boyfriends. Felt to me like she just left me to fuck them. Took me a bit to get over it and even still now I will have issues getting nude for her when that shit pops into my head.

  20. Hi. Idk what's wrong but I can see the notifs from other comments but they don't appear so I can't read them and answer. Someone asked regarding his size, he's relatively on the bigger side in terms of girth and normal for length. There are times when I feel too stretched out and have difficulties walking for a few minutes so this is why I thought there was no issue regarding tightness or whatnot

  21. I think it's good to ask to see her phone. It shows whether or not there is a double standard.

    Some people, including myself, prefer this sort of transparency in marriage. I have nothing to hide, so openness is convenience. And if something happens, openness is safety and security. I would find it suspect that OP refused to share his location when he was directly asked for it.

    However, like you said, if she refuses, then this isn't just a difference in marital values. This is an issue of trust and double standard. She should be willing to do what she's asking of him.


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