SweetCandy live! webcams for YOU!

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8 thoughts on “SweetCandy live! webcams for YOU!

  1. He is a roommate and isnt giving you the same effort back. I think you’ve outgrown this relationship tbh.

  2. I doubt you can fix anything…….

    She is a smart woman and figured out a perfect break-up reason.

  3. Its also easier because she chose to have the kid not just out of obligation. That part my brain is still processing. I cant imagine doing something so life changing just because its a expection. So glad i wasnt alive back than.

    Yeah it costs more but its still easier. Its like cooking vs convenience foods. If your running late you'll grab something quick not make a meal. The daughter is gonna get a rude, much needed wakeup call when she can't afford it all. Poor planning is her and her partners fault. If its a competition to see who has it harder, OP had it harder. Idk their finances.

  4. “He refused it and brought up how this would work if we have children.”

    He's telling you right here he will not prioritize any kids you have with him. His brother will come first. I think you should cancel the wedding instead of postponing it

  5. I am amazed you even have romantic feelings for this person after seeing how she treats your daughter. Your daughter deserves a better father. You’re a failure and you disgust me.


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