Natasha-Scot on-line sex chats for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “Natasha-Scot on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I think we need to set that boundary. Every time I tried to talk about feelings and what we were doing he would raise his voice and shut me down

  2. You will probably hate what I say, but it's based on a lot of things I've observed irl. It's also meant to be helpful!

    When you boil it down to basic components, this girl is taking up a lot of space in your head, and she is still pretty much a stranger. I know it doesn't feel that way, but it's true. Nonstop texting doesn't teach you anything about a person, other than how well they text and what emojis they use. You don't know other people in her life, you don't know how she handles conflict, you don't know how honest she is…I mean I could go on but you get the point.

    The other problem has to do with your age. Almost none of us marry the 1st person we fall in love with when it comes to adult relationships, but there's always an upside to this. It's what we learn as we navigate it. I was 19 when I embarked on a 4+ year relationship, and we were together almost non stop from the beginning. I thought it was end game! It wasn't, but I learned so much about how to handle conflict, how to communicate, etc. This made me more ready to meet my husband.

    You're not getting that here, so you're not “progressing”. You could meet someone next week who would be perfect for you, but you'll never know it because you're too busy wondering if it's too soon to text someone back who you've actually seen for a couple hours.

  3. I guess the bottom line is: can this new paradigm spice things up in my marriage and make it stronger, not make this worse.

  4. I guess the bottom line is: can this new paradigm spice things up in my marriage and make it stronger, not make this worse.

  5. Children are meant to become independent of their parents. Some parents prepare them lovingly and gradually, some push them out of the nest with no warning, and some do their best to keep them in the nest for forever and the child has to break away. The first group is lucky, the second two endure some extra injuries and pain in order to grow up.

    It is inevitable that with a parent like this you will end up having to break away, but it’s not you that caused this circumstance. On the one hand that means you can’t fix it, on the other it means its not your job to.

  6. You say he’s a good man but then proceed to describe a man who is homophobic, ableist and emotionally abusive to his children. No wonder they don’t visit. You’re choices are to either stay with him and lose your relationship with your children, or leave him and choose your children

  7. LISTEN to your brother. For your sake. He knows what your dysfunctional family is all about. Do not write to her or any of them. Instead of trying to push your children into their lives over some romanticized idea, I would keep them far away from the likes of them. Do children really need a grand parent in their life who treated their own child like absolute shit and use her as their scapegoat to abuse?

    As for your no good sister, STOP feeling guilt. He treated you like a Queen up until that point because his mask did not come off yet. This is how women get suckered in by men like this. Had you been with him longer, or living with him, that would have been you being abused. Besides, maybe had your sister not been the kind of piece of shit to fuck around with your boyfriends, she would not have been in this situation in the first place, right? Right! She fucked around and found out. This is 100% on her for being an awful person to you. Oh and the reason why she is so suspicious and miserable about him and cheating is because she knows that if that’s how SHE got him, that’s how she will lose him, and it serves her right. She gets no sympathy from me.

  8. Some men keep these kinds of collections from their past relationships without thinking that this is offensive in any way to their current partner. If you don't think this is okay, you should just communicate it to him calmly and see how he responds. If he respects your feelings, he will get rid of. At the point of being engaged I'd wager he did. He probably just had no idea that this is something you consider wrong.

  9. he lit my cat on fire and punched my mother but other than that he's such an angel and treats me like a queen ?

  10. So nothing more. You've apologised and it's good you didn't make excuses. There is nothing more to do, except unfriend her. Being able to look through her stuff isn't going to help you.

  11. He's never shown any other behaviour that might indicate sexism

    He can't trick people into marrying him that way

  12. Well, if that's what happened it sounds traumatic. But regardless, the relationship is extremely unhealthy. And if there are plans to end the distance at all, just know that his controlling behavior will get a thousand times worse once you guys live together.

  13. You don't have to let the conversation end there. You can say no, this is something we need to resolve. But remember to come at it from a place of “us vs the problem” instead of being against each other.

  14. I'm waiting for the day people will start saying “the number of men like this out there is sad”.

  15. Bring up the same points you did and tell him you’ll start acting “feminine” once he picks up the slack and then leave him when he lashes out saying he is trying.

  16. I don't really understand the situation, you have been dating, stopped that and are now friends? Because then it's really none of your business whether she's on dating apps or not. I understand it's difficult for you if you have feelings for her but she's single and so are you and you're not an exclusive couple if I got that all right. You can ask her what she thinks of this or that dating app but honestly I'd just let that topic go

  17. It beggars belief that people who grew up with really easy access to porn on the Internet are so prudish.. Its strange because teenagers and women remove every public hair on their bodies because of the expectation modern porn has created, 1l, but it's a no no to watch. There's a truly bizzare relationship going on with sex and young people, in times when it's being pedalled that anal sex is great to avoid pregnancy., or 'doesn't count' and you remain a virgin, all through porn and stone age ideas, (we have truly regressed), how is this such a huge issue? Porn these days is as throw away as jacking off to a 'juicy bit' in a Jackie Collins novel, or 'ladt chatterley' s lover.

    It's not real, watching porn and getting off to it is like playing gta and robbing shit and driving like a goon. Exhilarating, but not real and not mixed up with real life

  18. His reaction is VERY DISTURBING. It is NOT normal to sexualize a baby photo. I would break up with this person because he has unresolved issues that he is making yours and you don’t need any of that, not when you’re 18 and just starting your adult life.

    There is no reason to stay with him.


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