Soffia-Sweet live sex cams for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “Soffia-Sweet live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Thank you. I think the key is acceptance as well. Very hot to accomplish. I need to speak it out to her clearly once more to express myself so my thruth is clear i guess. Been cropping up a lot lately

  2. Absolutely this is going to happen. I feel really, really sorry for OP. She has no idea the hole she's digging herself (and her innocent children) into. šŸ™ Definitely NOT looking forward to the update.

  3. I'll give you actual advice before I'm harsh

    Writing some porn fiction with rape & misogyny in and of itself isn't an automatic red flag. It's definitely a signal to look closer at things. The real red flag is if you ever witnessed IRL actions from him that reflect problematic behaviors. And this isn't something you should have to think about, you should know this off the top of your head. You've been with the guy for 2 years. If he's had a history of acting in problematic ways around you, then absolutely it's time to go. If he hasn't had that history of problematic behavior, you're probably overreacting.

    Now you're being way too judgmental. You need to chill. Your reaction is as ridiculous as finding out your boyfriend players Call of Duty, then assuming he's gonna shoot you because he plays violent video games. He wrote porn FICTION. It's not real. You don't have to like it, you should totally leave if you can't ever be with a guy who occasionally reads that kind of thing. But get off your high horse. He has probably dabbled in viewing/reading rougher porn, and you shouldn't be making him feel like shit for it. Which is what you're doing. Just respectfully ditch the guy if it that content bothers you, stop treating him like a rapist waiting to pounce on you.

    If you want your boyfriend to honestly engage with you about what you found, you have to wildly change how you're approaching this. If you want your boyfriend of 2 years to feel pressured & lie to you because he's scared you're thinking less of him, you're doing everything perfectly then.

  4. No do not remain in contact with him. It will undermine your future relationships (it's unfair to your next BF because Exs are the 2nd most common source of affair partners).

    Also, therapists recommend no contact. Instead move on and make new friends (live your life).

  5. Dude I'm a female and I picture a ton of different fantasies. With movie stars, exes, any cute male or female and even with my fiance even though hes right there or ill ask him ro play out a specific role. They are just fantasies. It's what will make me cum when it's time. Nothing personal. I love my fiance and would never leave him for anyone. KEY WORD IS FANTASY. Not real. I'm sure he fantasies about different persons also. I don't think this is a big deal.

  6. Also presumably heā€™s still in your life to an extent due to split custody of your daughter. So itā€™s not like heā€™s not reminded pretty consistently that you guys are raising her separately and maybe he never wanted that, or he did but has changed his mind as heā€™s gotten older and now wishes you could all be a family. I donā€™t understand how this is such a foreign possibility to you. Especially if you were the one who ended the relationship 8 years ago.

    There was a post here recently by a woman around age 40 who discovered her same age husband had been secretly, psychotically obsessed for TWENTY YEARS (their entire relationship length) with a girl he dated for 2 months when he was 19. People found his reddit account where he was writing about his obsessive delusions about how ā€œin loveā€ he was with her. It was really scary shit. This stuff is rare but not impossible.

  7. Okay, thanks, hopefully my BF will understand that we were just paired for an activity, that I wasn't interested and didn't continue the conversation after he asked me out.

    My BF isn't the jealous type and we don't try to control each other's friendships and social interactions. (We are 100% monogamous, but understand we are both going to have friends of all genders at our own colleges.)

  8. Sounds like it's time to be done with your dad and his wife altogether. They were never good people and you can't rely on them to act like it.

  9. This is why doctors arenā€™t supposed to sleep with patients. Although you made a mistake, Jake is the issue here. Youā€™ve detailed how the doctor/patient relationship made you think he was caring and considerate, which is exactly why thereā€™s a power dynamic here. He is meant to be taking care of you when youā€™re very vulnerable emotionally and physically.

    Reconcile with your husband, block Jake from your life forever

  10. I hope not. For all my complaining and insecurity, if this is what finally makes him happy. Good on him. I just wish he'd have realized this is what he wanted earlier so I didn't feel like he found me repulsive for 4 years.

  11. He is doing it out of a sense of obligation. Guys break their neck trying to get sex, then when they get, they donā€™t want it anymore. Sad reality of hundreds of thousands of relationships

  12. My philosophy in this kind of thing (age gaps, marrying high school bf, etc) is that those things work out 1-2% of the time. Weā€™re lucky, we are in that minute percentage but I would NEVER defend the idea of staying very hot to the person you started dating at 15 simply because my marriage is happy 30 years later. Weā€™re the anomaly.

  13. So… lets resumate:

    bf rents an apartment

    rather then renting one big enough he rents a small one, 2 rooms.

    His brother gets kicked out by his father and moves in.

    So where the apartment was already small before it has now become cramped.

    our two monkeys (sorry real monkeys) neither clean. No have enough money to support themselves.

    Yet bf still insist you should by all means move in.

    Girl…. ypu would be really stupid.

    Get your money back. First thing. If he doesn't have any… ask his dad.

    Second: in most countries one can't cut off children without a job training/ school grade to get a job to support themselves.

    Parents owe their children financial support until a certain age/ a pension/ alimony… however this is phrased in that country.

    They should check that and get their father to pay that according to the law.

    You being kind has cost you money already. 1.000 $ plus a couch.

    His brother currently is sleeping on.

    How long will you continue materning those babies?

  14. It sounds to me like he's using her for the emotional connection and you for the sexual connection. Tbh, it doesn't sound fair to either one of you. If she is, in fact, asexual, she may be ok with that split. But you're not just a sex object, you're also and emotional being, that he has decided to attach himself to, who's emotional needs are being deprived because she gets that part of him. Are you ok with this?

  15. She probably did, but I'm certain she did not cheat…. he's probably the reason for the break up…and yet i can't stop blaming myself


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