Hana Kyoko live! sex cams for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “Hana Kyoko live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. It doesn't matter.

    Your feelings are valid, but unless this is your boyfriend it's not your business. You have no right trying to control her behavior.

  2. girl holy crap :O there was a communication issue for sure. not saying it was necessarily on you, it's so weird that you didn't see it coming, as in why wouldn't he talk to you about the issues rather than just breaking up with you because of them? he didn't even give you a chance to address anything he mentioned 🙁 i hope you can at least find out what “went wrong” for closure purposes.

  3. I think with a little patience, he'll come around to needing to see you hard. I'm sorry about your complications, that sounds scary!

  4. Resist the urge to smoke/drink yourself into oblivion. There will be plenty of time for that later, but right now, you need to get your ducks in a row.

    If there's any way for you to get screenshots of it and send it to yourself, do it ASAP. Then contact a divorce attorney.

    Keep her in the dark if you can because if she catches wind of what's happening and divorces you first, you'll be taken to the fucking cleaners.

    DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOME! If you do, she will get it.

  5. Thank you. While I understand that, I don’t think it would happen. Her parents know me, and know that I am not that type. Her behavior has changed in recent weeks with this guy. Before with her, I was never out after 11 at night around her. While using me as an excuse, she was out regularly until 3am, while I am sometimes hours away at my home staying up to make sure she gets home okay. She came clean a few days ago to her parents about this. They weren’t happy, but more about the fact using me than anything else. They could put the pieces together if this comes to fruition.

  6. Your relationship sounds very low quality, you can do better than this. Don't just consign yourself to this drudgery if you don't like it, life can be a lot better. There are people out there who would value you a lot more than this (and you least of all should be valuing yourself more). It sounds like you've got more of an arrangement than a relationship, and not a particularly good one at that.

  7. There is no normal – everyone is different. That being said, it is highly unlikely that he's found a girl who just selflessly gave him head on a daily basis without him even asking her. And putting that kind of expectation on you is abnormal.

  8. I am going to spend as many holidays as possible with Beth. Beth’s past mistakes doesn’t mean she should be stuck alone on every holiday to come. I just think it’s sucks I’m being made to be a jerk over it.

  9. I have seen this exact one way too many times during my 2 months on Reddit. Seriously… who doesn't wash their ass?

  10. Idk, I was in the middle of a comp match on a game and my bf slowly walked infront of the screen and then when I said something he said “sorry” but in a sarcastic way ?… I slowly walk infront of the TV when he plays videogames now. No mercy

  11. The not horny and rejecting you thing is completely in line with what you would expect from someone with a porn addiction. Just know a porn addiction could cause a number of problems in your future, but is also extremely common in men of his age because they grew up on the internet and started consuming porn regularly at a young age

    If you decide to persevere and talk to him, just tell him you want to bring something up and start by telling him you weren’t snooping


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