Angela online sex chats for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Angela online sex chats for YOU!

  1. You got it Sherlock, but it isn't relevant to the issue. All I want to know is how to smoothen the transition for the kid and I, not redo my life.

  2. He is telling g us his honest feelings. Put yourself in his position everyone and realize he’s going to have a lot of feelings some conflicting.


  3. I know I need therapy and I am going to get help but I just couldn't keep something like that from him and continue the relationship like everything was fine and dandy when it wasn't. I know I should have just ended the relationship before telling him the truth or never gotten with him at all.

  4. I have some questions. You say that you posted his picture in a fb group that women(mostly) post about cheaters and/or abusers.

    Why did you post his picture there? What was the context? Did you guys had a fight and it was like revenge? Is he a cheater or abuser?

    I just don't get it why you would post him in a group like that if there's no reason.

    He feels betrayed since you are engaged. He thought that he was good with you and you instead make a post that he's a cheater and/or abuser. I mean, I don't blame him from the way he reacted.

  5. Yea I definitely agree and this is why I want to sort this out now. I know it would cause me immense anxiety and hurt if he attended, especially since it is overseas. It would create issues and reignite the current trust situation. Who knows in a years time if I change my mind and decide to go with him but I need to know where he stands.

  6. huh? what are you looking for advice on?

    I guess I just find it weird if he would do something out of the ordinary and I don’t like being lied to, although I’ve had no reason to suspect being lied to.


  7. It is very sad that op does nothing to change the situation she and her child are in. Instead, she lists all the reasons her husband is wrong to complain, like that is going to convince him to change.

    Op, you can't make anyone change their behavior no matter how right you are. You can only change your own! Leave him, take both of your kids, and get all of you to therapy


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