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11 thoughts on “Leigh-angels1 online webcams for YOU!

  1. It sounds like your partner is too paranoid and mentally unwell to be in a healthy relationship at this time. And his diagnosis or suspected diagnosis is not an excuse to act like this.

    And it's clearly causing you a lot of distress. If I were in your situation, I'd end things. Unfortunately, love is not enough for a healthy relationship. If you feel like you're losing your mind, that is enough to break up. You should never compromise your sanity and emotional stability for another person. It'll just lead to greater dysfunction and resentment.

  2. Omg I am in the exact same boat. I have an absolutely amazing significant other (like, seriously, this guy is objectively wonderful. He's as thoughtful as he is supportive, as hardworking as he is understanding, as successful as he is humble, and he's hot, too! Literally, this guy is as perfect as humans get.) Unfortunately, I am his opposite in a lot of ways, and it inevitably leaves me feeling misunderstood by him. I am painfully aware that he can't possibly innately understand my irrational, ass-backwards thought processes because, hell, I don't even understand them most of the time. I also can't help but feel frustrated and alienated by these instances of misunderstanding.

    I don't have any big revelations for you. It takes a lot of soul searching and vigilance to not let this derail your relationship. Every time I start to feel testy, I remind myself that the root of these episodes is usually a huge nothing burger that's not worth acting pissy over. I remind myself that he is doing his very best to understand and support me, and of all the things he has done for me over the years.

    Sometimes walking away when you're feeling testy (or shutting up for a while if you're in the car or something) is far better than saying something uncalled for. Make sure to discuss these tactics when you're not actively quarrelling so they are correctly identified as “diffusion techniques” instead of “punishments.”

    I hope you two can find your way.

  3. Cooking can be stressful – hunger + work = bad time. Starting a month and half ago My wife and I pre- make our meals on Sunday and Freeze them. 2 weeks of food. Stews, lasagna (home made pasta), Sheppard's pie: easy foods that can be frozen and heated. 5 hours every two weeks.

    less dishes – no pots or pans for two weeks just dishwasher loading less work – stew toss it in a instapot in the morning left overs for lunch eat healthier cook and prep together save time and money less waste – we cut carrots, onions and freeze them as well frees up time during the week for sides – salads, etc binding time leaving the cooking to a weekend allowed you to try different things no time pressure

    Changing entirely how you approach the problem with a different solution can be a game changer.

  4. I find arguments about 2 different things excessive and draining.

    1) address her concerns: apologize for not calling and say you thought she was busy and you had heavy news that day. Apologize for assuming you both had agreed to your coming the following weekend and reiterate that timing is tough and x, y, z dates work better for your schedule for a, b, c reasons. Hear her talk after, then ask what communication style would she like better next time. This should take 5 minutes since it’s literally just a miscommunication error.

    THEN, because this is a much bigger discussion, say you have an issue from the conversation that you want to discuss. And bring up how she made you feel by not really caring about your mom’s diagnosis and instead focused on herself. Imo, the conversation about other shit should have ended the minute you brought that up.

    Hear what she has to say. If she gets defensive, tell her that you expected more empathy since you’re feeling x, y, z feelings about it.

  5. Think about it this way: if he were bisexual, would his picking you and not a man make you question his choice?

    I don't think that's the same at all, he literally said that she's not enough, even if he said “maybe” obviously he felt she wasn't enough if he asked about the open marriage.

    He just wanted to try open marriage because and I will paraphrase here “monogamy worked when people died when they were 40 but now when we live till we are 80-90 maybe it wasn't enough

  6. Speaking as someone who never got along with his parents- do you think the people who never understood you for 20+ years will suddenly appreciate this new context?

    Or is it more likely they will treat it the same as every thing else and continue with their disapproval?

  7. I did not necessarily make him wait for sex because he was injured but it did take a month for us to have sex. But by then, we were getting more serious and sex wasn't even a thought in my head.

  8. Everyone needs stop egging this troll on let him if he is real find out ciz he be jail sooner or later but he just faking a post to rile everyone up


    With housekeeping there's a small caveat. Instead of resenting your partner for little things, work with them on it. I can never get socks INTO the hamper (they're always on or next to ha ha), and he can never get his glasses wipes and ear buds to the bin. It's the one thing each of us do that pisses the other off.

    At first we fought about it, cried, why don't you love me just pick your fucking x up….it's simple right? But somehow it's just not. So we thought about it and we decided to love each other how we are, and stop being caught up in relatively stupid little things, and now I pick up his wipes and he picks up my socks and we're both happy.

    Of course there's a big difference between little quirks you have that annoy a partner that you can try your hardest to change but not change, and actually not contributing to any chores or maintenance of your household at all. Everyone who lives there should contribute in some way to the best of their ability….and if your partner doesn't that's a huge red flag.

    That all said how small is your trash? And if you have wood or tile floors get yourself a rug for in front of the door. Since we did that we vacuum the rug and nothing else needs it all week :D.


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