Natashawoolf live! sex chats for YOU!

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18 thoughts on “Natashawoolf live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. I’d ask him why he’s upset. Don’t settle for well you know…. Tell him you need him to explain it to you. Then if it’s what we think then tell him that he owes you an apology and this is really his problem. Yeah things may have been different in his family. This may be triggering for him for some reason. Still it’s not your fault this pushes his buttons.

  2. I shared a bed with my older sister and my female cousin at a wedding once, drunk and in our underwear. Obviously nothing happened because yuck and no one in my family batted an eyelid, because they’re normal.

    I wonder if your husband is strung out on incest porn or something, it’s ubiquitous.

  3. This is so weird. It sounds like friends with benefits only you're not friends and you don't have sex. For just a minute why don't you think about what you want not what he wants.

  4. Well don’t join your finances, that’s for sure. Do his/hers/ours where you each put into “ours” based on % of total income to cover shared expenses. You can do the same with a savings acct. Then the rest goes into your personal accts. That way, if he wants to buy things for his mother, he can and it doesn’t impact you. You don’t even have to know about it.

  5. She isn’t poly, she is just a manipulative person that wants to eat her cake and have it too, her getting all jealous and territorial when someone shows interest in you? Fighting them? That’s not poly.

  6. Your boyfriend is the arsehole here. He is a horrible friend. After all, he threw 17 years of friendship away because of a new relationship. He is a spineless twat who should have never given in to your petty jealousy.

  7. Yes, it's that irrational part of your brain that you need to get through to. Talk to friends and talk to yourself in the mirror! You will come through this better than before, you will grow emotionally and it will be for the better. Good luck.

  8. Maybe she wanted you to say “she’s been a little too busy to be that involved”. Instead of lashing out at her husband she choose your brother

  9. I have conceded to my GF and gave her an apology kiss. I won’t delete this post as I will accept my BS take. If you look at my other replies you’ll see my previous concerts. I crumbled under some shorty people pressure. As others have said- it’s a concert… people sing! Thank you for your reply!

  10. Oh i plan on keeping the apartment, my name is first on the lease and i actually really like it here. Ideally, may not be realistic but ideally, i break up with him and get a new roomie hopefully quickly. But yeah i agree on breaking up and leaving the same day.

  11. You keep saying her degree won’t bring in money but she is studying to be a pharmaceutical technical writer and they make 70k a year. And you don’t contribute to groceries and are squirreling away money instead when she has asked for your help.

  12. Lol its ok. I honestly feel like a dumbest for having to second guess myself and ask reddit in the first place. All criticism is welcome. Thank you.

  13. Run. Don’t stop. Run and don’t look back.

    She’s considering cheating on you or already has. That would explain the lulls in sex life. She’s either strongly considering another guy or is getting laid elsewhere.

    This relationship has run its course.

  14. It's not that we believe it. It's escapism. It has no bearing on our lives so why not go along for the short ride that it is? It's all harmless. No need to be so bent out of shape about it.


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