Carolina-grey live! webcams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Carolina-grey live! webcams for YOU!

  1. You really like hypothetical situations, eh? You don't have anything compelling enough to argue with the facts alone, so you have to add in some outrage to get your point across. You also like to twist things… I'm not supporting anybody here… Literally… I'm only explaining that people don't have to disclose every single detail about their past. It is actually you who is being sexist because you seemingly believe a woman has to disclose any time a penis has been near her. Sex work is real work. Do I disclose every single job I've ever had to a new employer? No. Only the best ones. Everybody self edits and portrays themselves in the best possible light. What's important is she isn't still making the videos lol ?‍♂️.

  2. Just a possibility that popped into my head, could it be that she is getting pressure/comments from other people because of your lack of posting? My partner doesnt use social media either, and I have gotten the occational snide remark about him forgetting about my birthday since he didnt post, or if we are doing ok since he never posts about me/us, is he ashamed of me since he doesnt show me off, hiding me away so he can attract someone new, etc. Its both annoying and if someone is shitty enough and persistant enough with comments like that, I could see someone internalize it, want to prove them wrong, maybe become a bit insecure about what if they're right.

    I could be completely missing the mark, its just something I've noticed myself that could be part of the equation.

  3. Everybody’s bitching about dumping her, but for real, I would just bring it up in a quiet setting. “I saw your ID, I’m not mad but I know how old you are. Can you help me understand why you didn’t want me to know you were younger?”

    6 month relationship, obviously you two get along decently well regardless of the age difference. In all honesty this doesn’t seem like a big deal, especially as she was not 16 or 17 when you started dating.

  4. You need to tell both of these men the truth.

    First of all, you need to tell your husband. You're right, it may end your marriage, and it will definitely hurt him terribly. But secrets like this do not stay secret forever, and you are shockingly naive if you think that both of these men being “white males” is going to be foolproof. What if your child has a blood type that is incompatible with your husband's? What if your child ends up having a genetic medical condition related to their biological father? How about just the fact that your child deserves to KNOW that they have a whole other bio father and family?

    Most importantly, your husband deserves the right and the respect from you to make an informed decision about what he wants to do in this situation.

    If you don't tell your husband, you are stealing the rest of his life from him. It doesn't matter that you were planning to have children. He did not consent to raise someone else's child with you, a child that you conceived while cheating on him, and not even for the first time. You don't get to take his choices away from him.

    Secondly, you need to tell your ex because the only thing as morally reprehensible as not telling your husband that you are carrying another man's child, is not telling that other man that he has a child in this world, a child that he has as much legal right to parent as you do. Having the child or not is your choice. But once you choose to have it, that baby's biological father has rights, and you don't get to arbitrarily decide to remove them.

    And frankly, the hypocrisy of you arguing that you don't want to tell him because he's “toxic” is staggering, given that you're a married woman who is pregnant by him after cheating with him for the second time in your marriage. Has it not occurred to you that perhaps you're not exactly one to judge “toxicity” in someone else? You're literally suggesting that you hide the fact that someone has a kid from them because they might “make it tough for” you? Girl, that doesn't make him the toxic one. Why shouldn't he fight for involvement in his own child's life?

    I'm going to stop here, to keep things civil, but right now your take on this whole thing is deeply selfish, shockingly immature, and the opposite of the behaviour you should be modeling as a future mother. My heart honestly goes out to both of these men. Fix this. Tell them the truth. It's literally the bare minimum you can do, from an ethical standpoint.

  5. I am actually typically more calm than him in these fights. We both try to “be right” and it's not actually a matter of him thinking I DON'T love him; the way he phrases it is that if I can choose when to say it or not then my love is conditional. From my end I feel like whether I say it or not becomes weaponized against me and I shouldn't have to say it if I'm not feeling “loving” if that makes sense?

    I appreciate the input.

  6. If he’s stalking the internet for ladies because he gets bored, let him be single and bored. You’ve already had chats with him and he clearly doesn’t give 2 shots about your feelings. I’d say it’s time to move on from this toxic relationship.

  7. No. Wrong. You are wrong, not at all justified, and you don't get to be angry and hit someone just because you didn't get what you want. That's absolutely disgusting behavior.

  8. You make a statement. Stating a fact about someone's mental health….is a diagnosis.

    I thought you were the smart one.

  9. GTFO, honey.

    His family is trash, and if your BF isn't mortified and ashamed, he's not that much better.

    You would NOT want that family as in-laws. I promise you.

  10. She doesn't want to see you masturbate. You've somehow managed to do it without her noticing for 5 years, which is great. But you've somehow gotten more careless and now she's caught you doing it. It's not unreasonable for her to say she doesn't want to see it. But you need to find a better system. If you have a home office, put a lock on it or some other eat to indicate “do not disturb,” which can easily apply to work situations too.

    Yes, it's unreasonable for her to expect you never to do it while she's home, but also? It's unreasonable for her to know what you are doing every waking moment. What she means is she never wants to see you doing that again. You just need to find a more discrete way. The bathroom is usually a safe place if she's home.

  11. You're the real MVP for that. The recreated one didn't have the dean info or the mom trying to rehash things, so it made it so confusing to follow the comments. Appreciate you chief

  12. Only one thing going on that shouldn't be.

    I know what it's like to join a gym with predominately young hardbody members. We all notice each other in passing. We are all working hot to look good, and we unconsciously do just what you do – compare ourselves to others. We are also conscious that others notice us.

    The trainers are more noticeable, cuz they're always there, and they're the fittest of the fit. The trainers are more alert to everything and everyone than ordinary members, cuz its their job. They're on the alert for both problems and opportunities.

    As for his “crush,” why do you assume they're into each other? Before you came, the two of them had a year and a half to act on it. And now he comes to the gym with you, no longer alone. If he had a choice, he chose you. I think your femme fatale gets the picture, whether it ever mattered to her or not. FWIW, that picture will change if you quit this gym, and he goes solo again.

    The thing that shouldn't be going on is that when you look at the other members and compare, you feel like shit. This is common enough for a beginner, but after 7 months, your discomfort with the unfamiliar and intimidating should be over. And you're tighter now than when you began, right?

  13. Nothing demonstrates commitment like a 3 year solid track record. It was suppose to be a one time deal. She had always talked about how she was bi and would love the chance to fool around with a girl. I agree with you though, opening a relationship is not a good idea. How those polyamorous people make it work is beyond me.

    After the break up she told me I did nothing wrong in this situation. Throughout the ENTIRE relationship she would consistently tell me how I was the best she'd ever had and the most amazing partner she could ever ask for. Three days before we broke up for good she was telling me all of those thing along with I was the end goal and only her and I mattered. How was i not suppose to believe the relationship was solid?

  14. Y’all are living together and it seems like he already has all the privileges of being with you without the commitment. Why exactly would he commit now?


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