LyndaMilf on-line sex chats for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “LyndaMilf on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. The reality is people sometimes talk like that between themselves when they think the person in question doesn't hear. I'm not quite sure why you'd even want to bring that up to your friend. Are you suggesting that her saying that to her sister is some kind of a sign that she's likely to cheat on him or something? It probably is not. People have eyes and can judge others even while in a relationship. Yes, women too.

  2. Hi, we’re hiding the break because the goal is to get back together, within the 3 months per usual. We spoke about that. We’re both closest with our cousin/brother, so any “friends” we’d have to tell would likely just laugh at the fact we couldn’t make it work again, just for it not even to be definitive

  3. Just put the word “dad” instead of “boyfriend” and curfew, complains about your friends being too immature and having a doctor appointment for you starting making sense ?

    On the serious side, this guy is red flag parade. Please don’t let him baby-trap you (because I’m not buying his health excuse) and step back a bit and think about what he will do next if on your honeymoon relationship period he already treats you like that.

  4. You said that this is an agreed boundary. He broke it. That is a major problem, and HE needs to work on fixing this, not you.

    It sounds to me like he wants to be “free”. He will regret this in the long run, but right now this stupid idea is running around inside his head and ruining him.

    You need to take a deep breath and look towards the future. He has shown you a picture of the future that he wants in the near term. If this picture is not one that makes you happy, then this future is not for you.

    DO NOT tell yourself “this is just a phase and he’ll grow out of it, I’ll wait.” There is NO VIRTUE in willingly suffering someone else’s dive into vice. You have NO GUARANTEE that he will in fact grow out of it. So DO NOT decide to suffer.

    Your boyfriend has decided to free himself from you. This is sad, considering you were, as you said, your first and only. That is a powerful bond. However, not all of us get to enjoy that bond for life. This is an unfortunate fact, but a fact nonetheless, so nothing to struggle against.

    He has told you “I want to be free”. Let him be free. Good news: you are also “free”. You are free to find out what makes you as a beautiful individual person. This takes time. It will take a lot of introspection and some grieving.

    Here’s what I hope you find the strength to do: – tell him that you want to see a future where both of you are together forever, and this is the future you have been working towards, however him doing drugs and “living life” does NOT fit in that future. – tell him he has a choice to decide whether he wants to help build a future that you will be happy in, or to exit and online his life wildly as he has expressed the desire to do. – tell him “no backsies”. He can’t have it both ways. Either he walks the path with you towards your shared bright family future, or he leaves the path you are on, and you both part ways. – find a support network and separate from him. Go no-contact for at least six months and allow yourself to grieve the loss of your relationship. Then build yourself up and find out who you are as an individual. Find out what makes you happy. You might surprise yourself. But be happy.

    He might, God willing, realize the error of his ways and come back. Let him wait until you feel comfortable being a single individual person, standing on your own two feet, and tell him he has to wait until you find yourself before you can be with him again. He should understand, after all, this is exactly what he is telling you now.

    You are strong and wise and good. Continue being so. Good luck.

  5. What she did was unacceptable. There absolutely no hitting in a marriage, and she shouldn't have crossed any physical boundaries with another person. She effed up on two fronts.

    You're also a major asshole. I wouldn't be surprised if you were 100% emotionally and mentally abusive. You're 36, grow the fuck up. You don't even acknowledge WHY you pay attention to single women instead of your wife. You just say you do stupid shit and act like that's acceptable.

    Despite how wrong your wife was on those two accounts, it's clear that she was just very over your actions throughout the whole marriage and didn't care about how she acted out. She is unstable, but it's because her husband, who is supposed to love and spend time with her, would rather spend time with other people.

    You can't recover from this. It's time for a divorce.

  6. I agree but my therapist is on a vacation and my next appointment with him is at the end of this month. ☹️

  7. I had a son to someone who cheated and we split up. My next wanted to get pregnant, and I told her I was going to wait until we got married. She wanted one then, so then she badgered me to get engaged. I would watch her with her pills and never trusted that she would take them so I started wrapping up which pissed her off. So I knew she was tossing the pills. She wanted bareback and anal was always a yes to her, so we always prelubed her. So I would finish off anally because of this. This is why I have a strong suspicion of why he is doing that. She then cheated, I knew it was coming and then booted her out of MY apartment and she was pregnant within a month, baby trapping her next victim.

  8. This sounds like emotional incest w him/mom. Really disturbing and im proud of you for getting tf out of that relationship. Keep a ring camera and stay safe please

  9. Sounds like a form of insecure attachment. You can google it…it’s great that you’re curious about your feelings and not blaming him…

  10. Thank you, I needed to hear that. I’m really letting people opinions/ what they think get to me. You know in most jobs everyone sleeping with everyone and I don’t want them to think I’m in that equation you know.

  11. I haven’t directly spoken to him about it. He’s very clean in all other aspects (showers every day, washes our sheets regularly, wears deodorant even when he’s not leaving the house, etc); it’s just the teeth brushing that seems to be an issue. I’m not sure how to politely bring it up without making him feel like I’m repulsed by him

  12. A breakup with someone with BPD is a fucking awful mess to be honest. You think you are in the 'evil' category now? Just wait. My honest advice is to change your number, move, and vanish. Not sure where on the BPD scale she is, but the severe ones can turn violent and they love to use the legal system to retaliate.

  13. Walk away. This sounds too much like a chore and honestly at 3 months he has already concocted a litany of reasons not to see it through.

  14. Break ups hurt. Finding out your so cheated on you hurts. It just takes time. You’ve cut her out, stay the course and lean on your friends.

  15. That’s so tough. I definitely see a future with him, but I can also see how our values and interests could diverge. Like I know that he would be a great dad and an overall awesome partner. I just don’t know if I’m willing to sacrifice some of the things I would need to sacrifice (ie never moving out of the place we’re from). And the distance makes it so much worse

  16. Ask him why, if it's a common family custom showing respect, you never saw them kissing each other like that until very recently. And what his mother thinks about your relationship, given that they are so close and she sometimes acts like you are stealing him away from her.

    I assume it's just a quick peck, the typical social greeting type? I mean, they aren't locking lips and making out, are they?

    So many of my own friends and family members are lip-kissers that I really can't view it as a red flag per se. It really is more of a cultural thing, with no sexual overtones whatsoever. Adults kiss babies, grandmas kiss teenagers, big bearded men kiss other big bearded men. But if his mother happened to notice that you looked upset after you watched her kiss him that way the first time, I wouldn't put it past her to keep on doing it whenever you're around, just to get a rise out of you.

    OTOH your concern that you are indirectly kissing his mother, if he kisses you shortly after kissing her? Sorry hon, that borders on crazy talk, and it won't help you at all to tell your BF that LOL. Just stick to your concern that his mother seems to consider you a rival for her son's love, and how he plans to deal with that tricky situation.

  17. She’s never going to pay you back directly. If you know she’s making money, I would try to get her to buy the next one you guys want to go to, or lunch a few times or something. But you’re going to have to decide if this is something worth spoiling a friendship over. Definitely don’t lend her money in the future though. I’ve been in similar situations and have decided if I want a friend to go with and they can’t afford it, I’m buying the ticket or whatever it is because I want them there, as I might not feel comfortable going alone otherwise.

  18. Not all but sometimes. I mostly forget when an argument (with anyone) is breaking out or just any hard situation is going on. There are times where I’m scared to bring up my concerns of what he did that made me uncomfortable to him because I’m afraid he’s gonna shut me out or not listen to me or try to make it sound like it’s not a big deal or try to try to justify what he did.

  19. Well this is fake because you cannot randomly have people committed to a psych ward for “strange social media behavior.” Also, they wouldn't enter your home without your knowledge. They also can't commit her without you or a family member advocating for it with proof of Berghaus changes. But okay.

  20. Use what you feel to motivate you to do better and take care of yourself. If the thought of rejection because of your weight doesn’t motivate you to do something, then his rejection of you is no because of weight, but laziness. Just sayn

  21. Not only this but I'm concerned about how her bf views women. He's more worried about censoring OP who's rightfully upset, instead of holding his piece of shit friend accountable. Personally, I couldn't date someone with a low life friend group. It's true you share the values of your friends. Even if he isn't cheating now, knowing that he hangs with ppl who wouldn't hold him accountable or try to deter him would be enough for me.

  22. That's both a ridiculous and well planned out lie, to the extent of making up conversations with a person not even present. You certainly can't place any trust at all in this man. Hard, but important to know. Thus, the relationship is doomed. I would be very, very clear that it's the lie that is the issue, not the woman. Don't give him the opportunity to play it off that he was concerned you would be jealous.

  23. Yeah these days dating apps are normal. This was like in the last 90s that I was referring to. I’d have gotten in so much more trouble if they were around when I was single. Damn! I mean I did pretty well out in the wild but having everything at a click would have been nuts. For my own sanity and safety I was born at the right time. Lol.


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