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18 thoughts on “TastyMemory live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Depends, i'm ok with my GF watching porn. So I don't think OF would be any different. Unless it was her making direct requests or talking to the person then that'd be a little too far for me.

  2. My wife of 10 years decided she was gay and had an affair. I will be paying 80K a year in support for the next 11 years. I won't ever be doing it again with the state – but I will do a ceremony etc.

  3. And a 40 yo man marrying an 18 yo woman is okay for you because „she‘s a grown ass woman“? Just curious. If you don‘t call out groomers for what they are, they‘ll get away with it.

  4. Sounds like your gf hasn't processed the difference between abuse and mature communication. Maybe she'll get there maybe she won't. Luckily that's not your problem anymore.

  5. She doesn’t understand this concept. Literally you would expect someone who is going into the teaching industry is able to grasp the concept that video games are just for “kids”. She can leave her boyfriend and go find someone else who isn’t interested in video games but I don’t get why she won’t take anyone’s advice she wants to ruin what this guy considers fun but she sees no issue in it. Now a teacher who can’t read the room and understands when she is wrong is not someone I want teaching at all.

  6. It should be 100%. Also I'm the emotional support person for my ex and vice versa. YOUR EX SHOULD NOT BE YOUR EMOTIONAL SUPPORT PERSON !!!!!!

  7. Honestly? Pick the person you can't live without 5 years, 10 years, 20 years down the road. It does seem that you would be better off with a boyfriend/fiance who is accepting of your platonic friendship. That would take a very secure person, but that may be what you need.

  8. Oh my love, this is so sad but in time you will be glad he’s left. Let him go, he’s absolutely abusing you and you can be free of him.

  9. What a selfish jerk! Do what you need to do. Sleep in another room and let him rant. In fact, let him just leave. You don't need that kind of BS in your life.

  10. I’m not worried of him hurting me at all. I guess I mentioned his anger without reason. He’s really never hurt me. I’m worried about him and what he’ll do with his life. Will he coast through life on a minimum wage salary? Will he leave this state and go somewhere he’d prefer? The whole thing makes me sad. What if i regret it years down the line

  11. It's over. She slept with somebody else. She immediately started telling everyone she was single right after starting your “break”. She pushed back and wanted to be called Single.

    You already know everything you need to know. I'm sorry, but it's over.

  12. Yeah, she wanted the break because of this guy. She handled it poorly. She should have just broken up with OP then she could do what she wants. Misleading your partner or even close friends isn’t ok. Saying she regrets it is kind of rich now after she made so many different choices at different times to go after someone else. She doesn’t want to be with you, fine, that’s her right. But stick up for yourself OP and don’t let her treat you like shit

  13. That was his roll dawg, losing your lifetime partner in crime….. is kind of really challenging. Love is a strong drug, be cool.


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