ALEJANDDRAA3 live! webcams for YOU!

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18 thoughts on “ALEJANDDRAA3 live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Especially since in many cases it turns out to be untrue, and the previous partner instead broke up with them due to their controlling and abusive behavior…

  2. You're probably not going to like this advice and I'm sure I'll get downvoted like hell but, I think you're both in the wrong. He's immature and picking ridiculous fights and you're being oversensitive. When he is behaving badly, you being reactionary is not helping the situation. You say you try to de-escalate, but that's not what you're actually doing. Let me give you an example. When he approached you while you were waiting for your Lyft and asked you if you wanted come and join him in the restaurant, that was a perfect opportunity for a “reset”, but you were upset that his tone wasn't apologetic and so you responded “Why would I?”. How does that de-escalate the situation? You were justifiably hurt by his actions (I'm not defending him, he was a jerk) but you only have control over your own responses. You missed an opportunity to have an adult conversation and instead just added fuel to the fire. Your husband was unkind and childish, but your responses are not exactly mature either. Clearly you guys have some severe communication issues. I think you should suggest seeing a therapist together to work on how you communicate.

  3. With this timeline I think you should start thinking of taking a step back since you’ll only end up getting hurt and you won’t be able to be open for a relationship with someone who’s 100% into you.

  4. Never ever worry about or blame yourself for someone else’s actions when they try to guilt you by saying they’ll end their own lives bc of you. Let them perish if that is what they want so bad. You are a whole person with a whole future ahead of yourself. The likelihood of someone so full of themselves to act and speak like she did actually being serious about SI is very low. So delete, block, ignore, and move on.

  5. Never ever worry about or blame yourself for someone else’s actions when they try to guilt you by saying they’ll end their own lives bc of you. Let them perish if that is what they want so bad. You are a whole person with a whole future ahead of yourself. The likelihood of someone so full of themselves to act and speak like she did actually being serious about SI is very low. So delete, block, ignore, and move on.

  6. This answer is quite generalised and seek to make a point that may not fit like a glove on your situation. Try to overlook that and see what I'm grasping for,

    A part of being famous is about upholding an image that you need to uphold to please your employer/sponsor/record label. Being a brand yourself, and you have to ACT like the brand whenever you are outside your own front door.

    I don't think he can truly avoid it, to the point where it's not even real any more; it's just business and acting.

    Ask yourself if I'm at least partially right, or somewhat on to something.

  7. I was asking if they’ve managed to pick well after an abusive relationship. As in “pick a Nonabusive person.” I’ve never been with someone who wasn’t abusive in some way and I’d really like some hope!!

  8. I mean…you're also posting regularly on Reddit in OnlyFans subs asking people to compliment your looks and promoting your profile so I don't think you really have stones to throw here. Someone called you “sexy and very yummy” and you returned a kissing emoji – is that not cheating as well then?

    I have no idea how young this dude was when you started dating him but it's super inappropriate that you are engaged to a 23-year-old when you're in your 30s, and from your post history you're actually 34, not 32, which is even worse. The “mature for his age” line is the classic line people going after very, very young adults say. End this relationship and work on yourself before getting into another one.

  9. You’re trying to put it on him to break up with you with an ultimatum, rather than taking action to break up with him to enforce your boundaries. He already chose the truck, there’s no asking more and more times expecting him to change without there always being resentment in the relationship.

  10. There was someone else on that trip. That's why contact with you was sparse. It's probably the reason for the boob job too. Are you sure it was a work trip?

  11. I have 4 tattoos. I wouldn't want to be with anyone who disliked them that much, but then they likely wouldn't date me in the first place.

    At the end of the day, what's more important to you? At least he was honest. I had one small tattoo while I was at university, my husband wasn't keen on me getting any more or on tattoos in general when I met him. Since divorcing, I've acquired 3 more much bigger and the small one I originally had is now something else much bigger ? It wasn't the reason we divorced, though.


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