69ShadesofLatina on-line sex cams for YOU!

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116 thoughts on “69ShadesofLatina on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I agree, you need to sit down and have a honest conversation with him. You should definitely not get married next week, but you both need to decide if you both want to continue you relationship, work on things or just end it. But you should definitely not rush into this marriage .

  2. My feelings took over and I didn't want to lose him but lately I've been second guessing giving him that second chance but still I don't know how to let him go, I probably have a little abandonment issues

  3. Looks like OP is a POS and the GF sucks too; check OP post history, somebody has been looking for affairs and live! affairs; starting about 2 years ago . . . So what came first OP, your cheating or the dead bedroom? Either way you should have ended it 2 years ago before trying to have an affair.

    So Tl;DR stop being a piece of shit and just end the relationship

  4. I feel like your partner is trying to sabotage your relationship so that you get annoyed and leave. Because there’s really no reason why he needs to stay in contact with this ex so much, in secret no less. It’s a bit ridiculous what he’s doing, and that’s even before we consider you meeting the ex etc.

    And the dog and the pregnancy reveal? Sit your fiancé down and ask him what’s really going on. Maybe he wants to break up but is too coward to do it.

  5. Upon a breakup it is not uncommon to look back to your past to see what could have been. Unfortunately your boyfriend seems to be also interested in what might have been.

  6. This emotional affair started before the DV/assault and the aftermath. So you need some god-damn perspective yourself. They are both totally inappropiate but because your damsell in distress reflex is activated OP needs some perspective? WTF

  7. How is making someone think a frantic upset person is coming looking for them funny even when they don’t have a crazy ex?

  8. It's not stupid. Love isn't enough to make a relationship work and that's okay.

    You can look directly at how difficult it is and do it anyway because you know it's best for you both.

  9. Based on the initial statement and the update I have two things to say

    1. Your husband is dumb but in the good way, if i had to make assumptions he has a good heart but only sees people at face value, assumes every word spoken is truth and doesn't understand ulterior motives are a thing.

    For reference I am dumb is the same way my wife had to explain that a coworker was actively flirting and trying to arrange time without our partners for reasons I couldn't explain. We had “emotionally cheated” and I didn't even know that was a thing but after she methodically explained how insane everything was getting saw it, I ended up leaving that job almost immediately and within a few months she destroyed her family and partially blamed me…. sometimes good guys are really just kind of dumb.

    2 I feel like you can clearly are what the ex wants even if your husband can't, your MIL deserves an award because if she hadn't seen “the very obvious problems” with the optics of the situation she would have been living their by now and you wouldn't even know probably.

    I'm not saying she is evil, if she wants to meet you she's not a total snake in the grass but I hope you have gone through all thier back and forth and shown him the stuff she is up to.

    I really with the best for you OP ? big hugs

  10. That’s kind of my point. The bargain is we do it with each other and not other people, not that we don’t do it at all.

  11. She sounds really confused and her therapist seems to be giving her pretty unethical advice which may be making it worse. Clearly she was in a “cult” (your description) which would indicate she is highly suggestive. Support her feelings and dont try to deny what she may be feeling, but it might be worth having her check out a different therapist.

  12. If you can't come to a compromise over this relatively insignificant issue then you surely can't over the things that'll really matter. You may not want to talk about the age difference but it may be playing a bigger part in his expectations that you'll do as he pleases more than you might care to admit.

  13. already went through break-up of relationship that lasted for 3+ years because of things that we delayed to discuss. I don't want to go through same stuff again.

    looks like you should talk to your GF about this now then. No need to delay, if it is such a big deal to you..so talk to your lady.

  14. See a therapist.

    You cried, that’s not the end of the world and it shouldn’t make you feel emasculated or still be wanting her “to be punished” a full year later.

    Listen, her bedside manner sucked but she was a doctor during a global pandemic and I’m sure your issue just didn’t rank that high on her list of things to do that day.

    With respect, get over it.

  15. I think the best thing you could do is recognize he plays a huge part in why she is that way, and that he would have treated any children you had that same, or just treated them better to make her feel even worse.

    You can not love a person just for what they are to you. You must love them for who they are in whole, and who he is in whole has a lot of awful in it to have a child who he financially traps and emotionally abuses.

    He treats her like shit likely because of her association with her mother, if nothing else makes sense.

    You'd be doing her a service if you just put her up somewhere he is not, if you really are well off. She's been stunted 6+ years of growth, and the longer she's near him, the worse it will get. If you have to make it seem like you are doing it so you both can get more privacy, I'd say that. Whatever works.

    Tell him you love her, but you want her out of the nest. Then tell her that you love her, but you see how her dad makes her feel and treats her, and you want her to be able to flourish as an adult and that getting her out of an environment that stunts her growth is a step forward with that.

    Maybe have this conversation on a girls' night or a shopping trip.

    Tell her she has your full support in anything she needs, but you just want the best for her and that you are proud of her accomplishments.

    You probably would turn her life around just by voicing that.

  16. Just because he didn't succeed in cheating on you doesn't mean he didn't want to cheat on you. Dump him because he will 100% cheat on you with any girl who gives him 5 mins of attention.

  17. This is a tough one. My usual comment about this is why would you compromise your present and future for the sake of your past if your new partner has an insecurity. But 2 months is too soon to be this drastic for now. Perhaps tell your bf that you will put the jewellery away for now and talk about this again if the relationship holds good.

  18. Having friends of the opposite sex is not a problem. However, when you add sexual attraction and lying to the situation, it’s not going to end well.

  19. You're very likely going to need to get a restraining order against your ex. I hope you are still living with or near your parents, and that they can help you by taking you to the police station and being a support system for you. If not, then you'll need to lean on whomever is in your support system, whether it's other relatives or close friends.

    Start documenting any jealous, angry acts he does so that you can use that as evidence for why you need to make sure he shouldn't be allowed near you.

  20. That's entirely possible.

    But unfortunately I've been a part of lots of parties like this where everyone shows up and says they're all chill but then they need food and it turns out it's too cold to stay in the sleeping bag. And is there an extra tent? And babe do you know if we can use XY or z…etc. and it ends up being a huge burden. But she'll find out either way, I suppose.

  21. If you’re n a relationship where you can’t discuss the funding of recreational activities without fear of a dust up, you are in the wrong relationship.

    People can stress over bill money, but if you can’t even expect an amicable conversation about fun money, how exactly do you relax around this guy – by only giving him what he wants?

  22. they say 'it will be fine” or ” it will work out” and then when it doesn't they complain and say things like “you should have told me” or “it would have been fine if you hadn't nagged me so much” oOr the real kicker “you're so much better than me at organising things so there is no point me doing anything”. Yes I lived with one and he couldn't get why I threw him out

  23. I just threw out my Lume deodorant (lavender scent, big mistake apparently) because it REEKED, like honestly TMI but smelled like sweaty private parts lmao, and I felt so self conscious about it bc I’d get whiffs of it throughout the day. Company wouldn’t do anything to help me out, got super fed up and bought Native.

    But I will keep your comment in mind if my skin condition acts up and I absolutely can’t live! without Lume. I’m just worried the unscented Lume will still have a nasty smell.

  24. Why do you think trans groups are. Gun training in America right now cos they know what's gonna happen if Trumps gets in.

    Learn your lessons from WW2 it took 1 person with right words and country full of people that had had enough of a certain type of person.

  25. Regardless of the blowup, this needs to end. I would love to have seen his face when you asked him why he wanted to be serious all of a sudden!

  26. Just a quick question and I feel somewhat daft asking this, but what pleasure is gained from a man sitting on a woman's face? I get the other way around, been there, done that, enjoyed it. The thought of me sitting on someone – never going to happen. If anything I spend most of the time trying to avoid putting weight on my partner.

  27. Exes are exes for a reason, focus on the fact that he’s not with her and he’s with you and quit comparing yourself to others because you will feel inadequate when you do that.

  28. Is this truly what you think relationships alike? When a man wants to be with you, he makes it happen. He's not ashamed of it, he's not afraid of it, he's all in. A man who loves you encourages you, supports you, and wholeheartedly accepts your feelings for him.

    So tell me what the hell are you doing with this guy who does none of that?

  29. Well they said that things were moving towards a relationship but they wanted to be friends with me as they didn’t want to cut contact and they seemingly weren’t ready for another relationship.

  30. For everyone who is giving me advice i want to say thank you (Even though it’s not what i would want to hear particularly its still the truth and i am thankful for your honesty).

  31. Oh honey, I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve any of this.

    Lean on your loved ones, you deserve to be supported through this.

    The fact that he can't even tell you the truth now says everything.

  32. You didn’t steal anything, so don’t worry about it. But if it makes you this much uncomfortable, just hide it?

  33. I know how handheld showers work that wasn’t my question. So you just spray water at your ass, I assume based on that being your answer. Do you spread your cheeks or just spray it against your butt?

  34. Invest in yourself.

    When I left my abusive baby daddy the first thing I did was head for the spa for a day of very hot baths, sauna's and massages.

    The next thing I did was enroll myself in a class to learn something new. it can be anything you fancy as long as it gets your ass out of the house and interacting with others.

    The last thing I did was start an exercise program and revisit my eating habits. I started running every day on my lunch break and a good fast walk at night after supper and I saw a change in my sleep quality and energy levels. bonus points for loosing some baby weight and dropping a dress size.

    Just, do what ever makes you happy. You have to figure out who you are outside of your relationship so start with the question “who do I want to be?”

    For me, it was “I want to be a strong, independent, smart and capable woman who stops accepting bullshit from my partners”

    and i never looked back.

  35. He's your brother. Not your husband. He went away to get a job, not go to war. If you are so upset by this that you feel personally offended when someone didn't ask about it, you are emotionally dependent on his presence to an unhealthy degree and need to start correcting that.

    What will you do when he gets married and moves to another state? Follow him obsessively? Act like your world is ending every time he needs / chooses to move? What about when he travels overseas with his future children? Will you cease to be a functional adult because he's not there holding your hand?

    Your mother is right. He's an adult. You are an adult. He is not your emotional crutch.

    You need to be able to function without him holding your hand.

  36. Time to grow up. If this guy was really your friend it would be no big deal if you just stopped or told him it's not funny.

  37. So this is an interesting comment because it’s actually true biologically. From an evolutionary standpoint, humans are “attracted” to pheromones of a human more compatible to them sexually, meant to spread out genetics more evenly. So if you’re not attracted to your partners scent, that an indication of incompatibility. Another interesting part of it is that birth control changes women’s pheromone detection and attraction. It actually dulls this sense and makes a woman more likely to partner with someone less compatible with them genetically.

  38. The good news is that this relationship likely won't last long. It's also worth taking a look at “Matt”. His choice in a dating partner reveals some not great things about him. So just be civil with this person for a long as this lasts. “Lisa” and her irrational jealousy is part of why “Matt” is dating her. He likes the drama of someone being territorial about him. “Matt” is not a great guy.

  39. You tell ‘em. Full stop. Own it.

    I know you’re probably deeply embarrassed about this, but your friends and family aren’t. It’s in your head, that’s it. If you bring out the confidence in yourself and say, “Hey, such is life!”, nobody will judge you for it. Because such is life.

  40. Things happen. You shouldn't feel bad. That role just wasn't right for you. I would tell your friends and family. They will understand and I bet they will be supportive. You'll get the next one.

  41. He has very hot pics of your friend and questionable pics of your sister?

    Obviously the relationship is over since you told your sister so I’m not sure why you’re asking if you should break up

  42. I have OCD and no it’s not possible to just switch it off. It’s a compulsion… he needs to see help if he wants to ever successfully control the compulsions he has.

  43. Maybe try and be more friendly you come off very judgmental, but the relationship will eventually run its coarse so just leave it be

  44. Double-check all social media and account information you have with her and change the password.

    Change the 'reset my password' emails to yours. Make a list right down to the smallest thing and keep the list.

    Call and freeze any joint accounts you might have or get your name or hers removed from them.

    Double-check anything and everything you might be associated liable for and remove yourself or her.

    Block her on everything. If she ever comes crawling back and pounding on the door. Call the police and report her. Don't answer the door. Don't speak to her. Get a restraining order against her if you feel up to it.

  45. Reading your example conversation made my brain hurt. Honestly, if I frequently have conversations like that where the other person was being so purposefully obstinate it would drive me crazy and I'd leave before it drove me crazy. He's doing on purpose, which means one of two things 1) he's a narcissist and he's trying to manipulate you, or 2) he's a sociopath and he thinks it's hilarious. Either way I wouldn't want to stay and find out.

    I'll give you this, you've done your best to negotiate, accommodate, please. You tried. Now take care of yourself and get out of there before he really messes you up. Please.

  46. You might want to edit your post and add this to the top because everyone is going to continue to post about contacting a lawyer first.

    IMO if you think you need the support system contacting them first isn't a bad idea. ?

  47. He has a too-close ex and the story he’s chosen to tell you is that he’s a horrible person who used her. How does this make the fact that he has an ex as a friend better? if anything you should run screaming.

  48. Not your problem babe. If he is so insecure that he cant deal with that you are in for a score of bigger problems down the road.

  49. Your husband will find out. He will get a text or message from someone and then your whole world will crash. Don’t blame anyone but yourself.

  50. You’re likely going to break up for one reason or another eventually because most relationships between people your age don’t last (for good reasons).

  51. Nobody gets ‘accidentally pregnant’. Unprotected sex with the one you love isn’t an accident, it was a choice, but I digress…

    I suggest you tell him the truth, if neither of you believe you are ready, opt for adoption at birth.

  52. Been there, done that, didn't change.

    Thankfully got out before marriage or assets came into play, but can't say much about the years of my life wasted and greys from stress and frustration.

    Once you mother a man, you will never have his respect as a partner again.

  53. getting a small apartment which would make them miserable

    This is not guaranteed. Lots of dogs do just fine if they get the exercise they need.

  54. I don't get if this man is your husband how come you don't know he's crazy. Surely some other minor stuff has happened while dating, or at the wedding? This kind of stuff I would expect to come out early in the relationship.

  55. If you tell him to get a more easy job and that's a sore point of his, then you're not going to get anywhere. He might even apply for those jobs because he doesn't want to feel like he has an illness, that he can still do what other men can do. He might know and fear he wont be able to do it. But he want to be able to do it. You telling him he can't will in that regard feel infuriating.

    When you think you are right about something, and want to talk to others, you need to think a bit about your language. For you it might not be a big deal. “You have this illness, you can't do this, just do something else”. For you that might be a trivial thing, and you might have talked about it in a manner like that. But, it can be absolutely devastating to hear that if you struggle with accepting having an illness that will cripple your options for the rest of your life. It might be utterly terrifying and you might not want to talk about or think about it at all. For you it's just “get another job”, for him it's “you will always be crippled and you can't do what other people do for the rest of your life”.

    It might be too late to talk to him about this now, he might consider anything you say to be an insult of what he is capable of or not. An insult that he is not strong enough as a man (note, if these are things he is thinking about, they are his ideas about strength and manhood, I'm not saying that's what you said. It might be what he is interpreting if he has strong ideas of what men should be able to do).

    If so, I'd just be normal supportive and let him have the experience himself. Maybe he needs to fail at it to properly accept his illness and limitations. Accepting illness is sometimes a gradual process that can be painful and difficult

  56. Your husband has to understand that his mother isn’t a third parent to your child, and there needs to be boundaries, or you will divorce him.

  57. You dodged a bullet. You will overcome this. You should haven’t to jump through hoops. This man will always use this as a means to control you if you were to marry him.

  58. She most likely won’t do that. As ending her life would mean she can’t go on pestering you.

    Yeah, it’s possible she does it (I had an ex who did this for two years, and then he actually followed through), but the majority of the time the threat is the point – they want to stay alive but they want (or want to avoid) whatever they’re threatening to self-harm about.

    Either way, it’s not OP’s fault or responsibility. I didn’t get in trouble with the cops when my ex did it. They did visit me, but I had already called the non-emergency line multiple times (they did nothing every time), came to see me because he left a note that said “blackesthearted did this,” but they saw the messages and heard the recorded calls (and the fact I was at work and physically couldn’t have done it), and left me alone. (His mom, however, still hasn’t, but that’s also not my problem.)

  59. I know you want this to be a happy ending but you are three months into this relationship. You do not know him and you should still be on your guard about if this man is who you think he is or not. There is a good chance that this relationship wouldn't work out without a baby coming along so quickly, never mind with one.

    Any decision you make should be based on how you would feel about being a single mum with no input or contact from him, and also how you'd feel about being tied to this man forever if it doesn't work out, and especially if he turns out to be less than wonderful. You need to decide what you want in all of these scenarios before you even tell him.

  60. I really wish they’d make Kinder Hippos into Kinder something else. Giving your beloved the chocolate and hazelnut she loves while unconsciously calling her a bloated hippo isn’t a good look. Instead I have her scraping the inside of a kinder egg with that bootleg plastic spoon thing like a 4 year old.

  61. Actually, he is doing pretty well. He's got a great job, doing well financially, has many friends he enjoys hanging out with. He loves to travel too and he's doing it solo.

    That specific relationship did traumatize him to the point that he refused to date anyone else after. He's got some interest from others, but he's just not willing to date or even be with anyone in a serious partnership after that mess.

    I can't say I blame him though. He's still too stubborn as in, he's not willing to go into therapy and such. Although we (the family) encourage him to do this.

  62. Yes. For starters, you just couldn't stop yourself from snooping on a device he kindly gave to your son. You can't be trusted.

  63. Your choice ultimately.

    It would probably be better if you let your husband read it or just destroy the letter out right.

    It's probably just a letter of excuses, saying they fell in love and didn't want to hurt your or the family relationships. Just BS probably.

  64. My former roommate acted very similarly and blamed it all on her ADHD when… I know dozens of people with it who don’t have nearly as many issues and are also unmedicated. I’m autistic and have a physical disability but I (ave my gf) was expected to take care of her. We evicted her last week because of the year and a half of continuous problems with no effort into changing them. Some people don’t want to be helped, they want to be coddled and you’re not his mother. He needs to grow up and accept that he can’t always be entertained like a child.

  65. Sorry, she showed you who she was many times. I hate to blame people but at a certain point man, what did you fucken expect? Block her and truly move on. Therapy while also benefit you, figure why you allowed someone to walk all over you numerous times.

  66. What does that mean, “it's on her?”

    If they're convincing you not to end a 20 year friendship over someone who's objectively a horrible friend, that it seems absolutely nothing is “on her.” Does she hold something over all of them?

  67. Well, it's not like he only messed up once. He hurt you again and again. If he really wanted to make things better he'd stop. He's selfish. Talk to a lawyer and a financial advisor or accountant.

  68. Save it somewhere safe in case you'll be ready one day, and in 10 years, if you're still not ready, burn it. She doesn't deserve you're time if you're not ready after 10 more years.

  69. mom sounds crazy but I have trouble seeing why you give 2 shits about who slept with who when you were 18 when you're in your 30s now?

  70. I don't know when people started to conflate having personal boundaries with being controlling, but it needs to stop.

    I'd bet that a number of these types of posts wouldn't need to be written if people didn't confuse the two.

  71. You’re the one who needs therapy. You have a broken picker. Leave this abusive guy, fix yourself and find someone who can be a real partner.

  72. Fair enough. That's important context you didn't include. It, however, is a problem that you're unsure how she sees them. How did you meet? Have you ever gotten physical? Have you discussed what you're both looking for?

    She might very well be completely wasting your time, but you shouldn't be guessing in these situations. You should know the deal, and it's easy to find out.

  73. my gf is super close to two of her exes and says that they are like brothers to her and she wants me to meet them

    like brothers

    Brothers who used to fuck her. Yeah, that's okay. ?

  74. I feel as you're being vague here. Would he not like it or would he not like it to the extent that he asked you to unfollow them because they make him insecure? Not liking something but keeping that to yourself and not liking something enough to ask your partner to stop doing it all together are two different things. You also didn't answer if he has ever cheated on you or if he was messaging these girls on social media. I just feel like there's so much left out here.

  75. Sounds like my ex. I lasted 2.5 years and got a 2 year AVO against him afterwards for threatening my life and not leaving me alone. If you need help post where you are and people can link services up because this is NOT a healthy relationship

  76. I've been with my husband for going on 33 years. We're still very much friends, and overall, we have a really good relationship, we barely fight and still laugh a lot together. I'd say we have sex about 3 to 4 times a week.

  77. Why would you Mother confide this unless it 100% “wasn't” true? What on earth made you think it was a confession not an explanation of your fathers unreasonable behavior?

    She is just explaining why she is divorcing your dad. Get a test yourself by all means but don't tell that shit to your siblings unless you have a genuine reason to.

    Are you neurdivergent because your emotional intelligence seems way off?

  78. Idk about you but I never slept with anyone I consider a brother/sister. I'm not sure how you could go from screwing someone to think of them that way, if that's really the case then that's super weird.

    You can't control who she friends with, you can control whether or not you want to be with her if she has these friends. I wouldn't, you can do some research on people with who are friends with exes and their likelyhood to cheat. There is a link afterall. Some people are then gonna say: iF sHe Is ThE tYpE tO cHeAt ShE iS gOnNa Do It aNyWaY” Which is true, but this is what you're dealbreakers are for to put yourself in a relationship that's most likely for success for you, to spot things that might indicate behavior you would want to avoid etc.

    I personally don't get being friends with ex's, sure I am cordial with most of mine and can have a catchup if I run into them, but I see no point in being friends with them, because I have other great friends. Some might say “We are just more mature to able to be friends with exes” but that can also be spun around to: “You aren't mature enough to fully move on and cling to the connection despite it likely being unhealthy”

    Bottom-line though you have to decide whether this is a dealbreaker for you and act according

  79. If he’s got a lot of sex toys, and he uses any of those inserted into himself, then the condoms make a lot of sense.

  80. I think the issue here is you “philosophy”.

    Let's acknowledge the hypothetical scenario where your fears come true. You would be much better off with developed friendships, and interest. Entangling yourself with him so much would only make fallout harder in you.

    Additionally, do you think you could prevent such thing by spending more time with him? Yes, you shouldn't neglect him, but pursuing your interests would probably make you more interesting as a person to him as well. You should have your own things that you can talk about with him and be fulfilled in general.

    Finally if he were to leave you, should you spend some time on your interests… it would mean he would leave you eventually regardless. There is nothing to prevent here, and if he were such a person you should not want to be with him anyway.

  81. Well she was another person with a life and worthy of making decisions for herself. You're just a subcategory of him, and he is just a servant of his mommy.

  82. “I doubt myself a lot because of this.”

    Dude she’s emotionally manipulating you and some level you know she is. You’ve been together since your early teens break it off with her and date around to find out what else is out there. This is not someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.

  83. and without ridicule from his friends.

    Excuse me? He's whining to his friends about having slept with fewer people than you have? I really do wonder why he's not having much luck with ladies, he sounds like a hoot to be around.

    Jfc girl. Dump him.

  84. First of all stop having sex with him if this is how it makes you feel Someone said not to retaliate but this isn't retaliation, it's a boundary where you don't want to do something that makes you feel bad. Retaliation would be stopping it to get back at him or hold it against him ( spoilers YOU WOULDNT BE DOING THAT)

    Secondly, “struggling” would be making a attempt an just not being good at it He's making No attempts EVER. This means he flat out doesn't care

    Question, what other issues do you have in this relationship? And don't say none because you'd be in denial

  85. kay, so you're either a lame attempt at trolling or you're a pervert. Either way, find something better to do with your time

  86. If it was a regular thing or a cuddly thing I would see an issue but I'd say falling asleep while watching TV in bed on vacation with your mom is well within the realm of normalcy. The feeling of insecurity something worth examining imo

  87. Guess that he had chemistry with all 12. Be wise / this has happened multiple times. He will never change


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