Megan-willams on-line sex cams for YOU!

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73 thoughts on “Megan-willams on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Either your gf is has the common sense of a rock, or she’s a cheater. Either way, do you want to date someone like that?

  2. Thank you man – appreciate the kind words

    I’ve been thinking about it recently and just realising how messed up it was. Part of me is angry at my family for not recognising it / protecting me and the other part is angry at myself because I had several family members ask about it and I told them nothing was going on.

    I look at my younger brothers who are high school age and they look / act so young. Can’t imagine having sexual desires for someone that age…

  3. Dude. It was just a comment. It sounds like the issue is resolved. Nobody hates you. If the guy keeps pressing you about it, say, “I'm sorry for making an insensitive comment,” and then just move on. This is not something that should be a big deal to reasonable people or that should cause anyone to go nuts.

  4. Perhaps there is someone who has historically disliked you in her family or social sphere? Maybe someone who disapproves of you or something about your relationship?

  5. My partner wanted to do one and I thought why not. We ended up at a very lovely, legal brothel and had an amazing time. It's all about how each person is feeling in the situation.

  6. Yeah it would be really interesting to see her reaction to him going on a 10 minute diatribe about how his new coworker is so hot and then saying “just teasing!”. How inconsiderate can you be…

  7. If your choice was you don't reach out to your father and your family doesn't participate OR you reach out to your father and your family participates, what would you prefer, thinking only about what you want? Figure that out and then tell your fiance your decision.

    Because it is YOUR family, not his, and it is your call at the end of the day. It's up to your fiance whether he can respect you to make important decisions about your life and boundaries, or not. If not, it is better to cut ties now than realize five years and two kids in that you're trapped with a man who does not respect you.

  8. Get a lawyer, she doesn't respect you or care for you.

    And you don't think enough of yourself to do anything about it.

  9. I think it's a lack of travel. Folks who don't travel don't seem to understand that there's a sort of instant camaraderie among travelers–especially people traveling alone. I used to travel alone throughout my twenties, and I'd pick up instant friends of both sexes pretty much every where I went. It was so neither of us had to do everything alone, and we'd hang out for exactly as long as we both wanted to go to the same places and do the same things. And we'd break apart just as easily, giving each other our home addresses and promising to keep in touch … and never doing so. Yes, you can hook up with people, too, but that wasn't the general vibe.

  10. I concur with breaking up. Attention seeking behavior is problematic from the get-go and the fact that she's now chasing down her ex's for it is a huge issue.

  11. You got with a man who cheated in his last relationship with a married woman. Was that not a big enough red flag to you?

  12. Lawyer here (not your lawyer): I’m really, really sorry. You need to start taking steps to protect yourself. I’d suggest you call your doctor’s office and get a referral to a good shrink – even very stable people can start having very dark thoughts when they are betrayed and their family is broken. It’s evolution – leaving the tribe meant likely death from starvation or from violence from another tribe. It feels like the end of the world. Again, I’m sorry. There is life after divorce – I’m happily divorced myself.

    First things first, your kids need to know that everything will be ok and that you love them. This is priority #1.

    Next, get yourself a good family lawyer (sell a car, get a loan, use a credit card, whatever. It’s very very important you do this soon). He or she will handle the heavy lifting, just do whatever they say.

    In consultation with your lawyer, you should consider paternity tests for the kids. You can still love them and be with them as their father even if the test is negative – but it can result in an extra check every month from Romeo (if the guy is findable). Again, the lawyer can help with this.

    Also, do not sleep with your almost-ex. Hysterical bonding is a real thing, and she could manipulate you or baby-trap you.

    Finally – get some exercise! It’s free dopamine, which you need lots of.

    Good luck friend.

  13. Sounds like he needs to be getting his life together, not dating right now. A simple “sorry, not interested good luck with everything” is all you owe at this point

  14. OP, red flags all around. Someone who can't control his anger like this and is starting to turn it on you? What would you tell a friend who had told you this story?

  15. Maybe you can find a way to use this time to become closer to her. In times of stress you have to lean towards her, not make her an enemy you can lay blame on.

    This is a stress that will pass. Do not let it take up the joy you have in a new baby and a wife you love who sounds like she needs you.

    Just be stronger.

  16. She’s not intense, she’s nuts. Cut your losses and get out now. It’s only been 4 months.

  17. How are you supposed to choose? You choose Cameron. You’ve betrayed Blaire terribly. She deserves better. Quit trying to have the best of both worlds. Do the right thing.

    And really…you said Blaire is “everything you’ve wanted.” Apparently not.

  18. I just don't know if I am willing to change my mind. I'm willing to try for a little longer but I feel like I've already given these chances in the past. Our lease just ended too so it's either sign a new one or tell him I can't do another year. And I almost feel like he has reached that mopy stage, after our talk, where I said we might sperate and it's all up to him if he wants real change since I've already tried and given chances. He just sits alone in the other room, we don't spend time together anymore, his words and “intentions” don't match his actions at all and I feel almost manipulated by his reassurance. I dont know how long would be a good “period of time” to give him for this change. Have I already given it? Or do I need to be more clear on the consequences of this “surface change” and deflecting before giving more time for change?

  19. He is clearly using this as an excuse to make himself not be the bad guy because its a “lesson” that “YOU” need to learn… nah… hes a POS.

  20. Oof this hurts really.. but why do u think so ? It was mostly misunderstandings because of chatting alone..

  21. Someone doesn't have to be terrible for them to not be the right person for you. Stop settling. Do not marry someone who won't pull their own weight around the house. Find out why sex doesn't happen and see if it is fixable. If you can't trust him, why would you marry him?

    Seriously, regardless of his good qualities, based on his Cons, you can do much better. There will be other guys who 'aren't terrible' but also communicate, want to have sex with you, and can keep their word.


  22. You’re in a relationship with someone that doesn’t have future , get out of this relationship, you deserve better .

  23. Yup. Tell her with screenshots as proof. Then infirm the coworker. “Hey, that's one of my friends' husband. Did he tell you he's married?”

  24. If she does threaten suicide, call her family or one of her friends and tell them. Do whatever you have to make sure she doesn't hurt herself, even if you have to have her involuntarily hospitalized. When it comes to suicide, pull out all the stops.

    Otherwise, do what you have to do for your own wellbeing, first and foremost. Good luck.

  25. He’s emotionally abusing you. I have no idea why.

    If you’ve had sex multiple times in the past without him saying anything and with him seemingly satisfied then for some reason he has now decided he likes abusing you if you’re not doing anything differently.

    Sounds like you are not the reason. Sounds like he doesn’t care about what makes you happy in the bedroom, it’s all about his pleasure.

    I wonder if he’s cheating on you or using porn too much and is gaslighting you to cover his own inadequacies.

    I’d say staying with anyone that can treat you so badly without feeling any guilt is a hot “no”.

    I wouldn’t stay.

  26. Did it for a month and my now ex was not understanding why I didn't want to. They wanted us to turn their Store that was attached to the house into a second house. Don't get me wrong it is huge but. No. Never. I had no desire of seeing them daily.

  27. That's…not the point they are making. Men live in every country. So saying he doesn't trust other men on your trip doesn't really hold water. He trusts other men in your day to day life here, but not there?

    Your boyfriend honestly sounds like an extremely fragile, manipulative tool. He's trying to make you feel like crap for a totally normal thing, even threatening to quit his job over it.

    Going on a trip for 5 days is not crazy or unusual, especially since you already told you about your intentions to do so.

    Be very on guard when talking to him, because he will try flip the script and make you seem like the crazy and unreasonable one and make himself the victim when you are the only victim here.

  28. How “best” is this friend. If you didn't know about it, then I don't think he is that close of a friend to miss a chance with that girl.

  29. I think you should go. If she was close to him, she and pretty much her family will remember you showed up.

  30. If you have to give head a certain amount to keep the marriage lasting then you have way bigger issues.

  31. How can he even enjoy it if he's putting you through that much to get it. There's a massive difference in a bj that's wanted by both parties and a bj that is requested (demanded). Honestly I don't even ask my wife for head anymore because I just overthink the whole thing wondering if she really wants to do it or if she's doing it for me because I asked.

  32. It's just very difficult to be friends with an ex, especially immediately in the aftermath of a breakup. So don't force yourself to do that, especially since it doesn't really sound like you've completely accepted the breakup. You and this person were just very badly mismatched to be a couple. Leave it alone. If he doesn't contact you to get his stuff then either donate it or throw it out. Move forward not backwards.

  33. He said “I asked you to give me one moment. You didn't I mean idk how you can fix that”. He says he asked me before not to show him the rings when I got them back but I honestly don't remember if we talked about it…

    It sounds like, from his perspective at least, he feels he very clearly communicated how important this specific thing was to him. OP saying “I dunno if we talked about it or not” rather than “I definitely do not remember that conversation” has a very dismissive feel to me, like OP knows he probably said something like that and she wasn't really listening. IDK. OP doesn't seem to think he's lying about them having very clearly discussed it before, so…

  34. If it Unus Annus, I'd get one with her. Momento Mori. But otherwise I think more context would be needed.

  35. I'm very monogamous I would get pretty jealous and probably get more into my head if she was paying more attention to him or vise versa.

  36. Your boyfriend is degrading you. That is absolutely no way to talk to someone that is supposedly the love of his life. I strongly urge you to end the relationship because you deserve better.

    As an aside, if your confidence is feeling rocked, I recommend attending pole dancing or similar “erotic” style dance classes if they’re available in your area. They can be great for learning new ways to move the body. Not so that you can please that asshole or anyone else, but for finding movements that feel comfortable and natural for your body and being able to do them with confidence.

  37. So actually some people do. The are social media groups that help people meet up, sign contracts, and then they use a small cup to make the transfer. I mean it's not my thing but I know that clinics are the more expensive option for something that can be done like this.

    But people who do this aren't all secretive and sudden about it, this guy totally cheated, didn't love good wife, and got his story straight with his baby momma.

  38. No meal just flowers. And send the flowers to her work otherwise they be be like all the rest and end up in the pile of flowers that is put on the grave.

  39. Thanks.

    That’s a good script.

    We have so few conflicts that I just thought he was fine that I do stuff and he doesn’t but every once in awhile he does this deal.

    Annoying AF as I just am not a stay at home and watch TV kind of gal. I want to be busy with my hobby (my horses), my volunteer work in wildlife rescue, or seeing people. I work from home so seeing people a few times w month is kind of helpful for my own sanity.

    I dunno. Heading home and he will be asleep so no resolution today. Sigh.

  40. Snooping is frowned upon…but in this instance I do believe it was worth it.

    Your stbx bf( I assume) is two-faced. And a heartless coward who would never say those untruths to your face. Imo there's no coming back from this. The trust is gone. I suggest you heal as quickly as you can and leave this guy. He doesn't deserve you.

  41. Then break-up? Seriously. You’re not married, you have no kids, you probably don’t share a house or finances. It’s not working, just be mature and accept you don’t like or trust him. Could he be married? Have secret kids? He’s 34…

  42. You can try his mom. But why would you be scared to tell him that? What’s he going to do? Escalate in front of the police?? Do you have a neighbor you can call right now to come over or you go to their place?!

  43. You grab his credit card and start ordering furry suits to the house. You put the orders under the names of the women you found in his phone. You replace his supplements with stool softeners and then you leave after finals.

  44. I don’t consider that controlling. I don’t really see what’s so bad about any of them except for the one where he urges you to eat seafood when you don’t want to. He does seem a bit immature though, but not controlling.

  45. I worry I will end up alone forever if I leave.

    I want you to read this part. Now I want you to ask yourself, if this was the case, would that be better or worse than what you are living through right now with your selfish, unwashed husband?

    I will say I 100% think there is someone better out there who will love you. But before that can happen, YOU have to love you. And when you love yourself, you take care of yourself. You value yourself. You don't let Mr. Neverwash stomp all over you.

    I hate how often I have to say this, but you have value. You have worth. You are important. You deserve happiness. You deserve to be cared for. Please choose yourself. Choose a healthy life for your child. Good luck.

  46. Relationships don't have to be bad in order for people to not to want to be in them. If it doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel right and ending a relationship you don't want to be in is always going to be better for everyone involved. Sticking around because you worry about her isn't ultimately going to help her, or make either of you happy.

  47. This relationship sounds dead anyway, so leaving it makes sense. Why has your sex life been dormant for months? That seems like it’s the under laying issue at hand, yet it’s given no examination here.

  48. Yeah back out of getting a house… he cant be trusted and you will be stuck with a hell of a legal battle when he cheats again.

    Walk away from buying the house and him.

  49. That's an individual decision. I've known plenty of people who were alone in relationships and were in need of a relationship. Just cause you've broken up with someone doesn't necessarily mean you're traumatized. Then I've known others who have never recovered and are old lonely people. I'm just saying you're the one that brought up not rushing. He's just validating & trying to ease your fears, probably honestly. Then again, he could just be saving face to not look like an eager beaver. Only he knows for serious, but based on this tiny fragment of y'all's convos, that's my opinion.

  50. I wouldn’t be surprised if your friend probably introduced the spa to him. Some people become therapists for the power and push their own ideology, not because they care.

    You can dump the friend and the bf together.

  51. Cut her off now. Don’t fall for any of her manipulations. She faked her pregnancy and it has only been 2 months. She was hoping you wouldn’t find out and then she would have insisted on having unprotected sex where you finish inside so that she could get pregnant for real. And if she somehow does end up being pregnant I would demand a paternity test. I wouldn’t put it past her to have sex with someone else and try to pass it off as yours.

    She cannot be trusted. Don’t waste your time with her. It’s only been two months. Don’t be stupid and move on

  52. Are you sending him lovey texts throughout the day? Or just upset that you’re no longer getting them? Have you put in the effort to make sure he feels as loved by you as you’re expecting him to make you feel? There are tons of reasons people pull away, and a very common one is that it’s a response to someone else pulling away. So…is there anything you’ve done over the past couple of years that could contribute to him texting you differently?

  53. It’s never too late for an Etsy giftcard! It’s the gift of shopping! (This works better if the recipient actually likes shopping lol).

  54. If divorce isnt an option, you need to figure out why he changed all of a sudden. Life isnt always simple, but things normally dont change drastically with no reason

  55. It might not seem like it now but this is abuse. You put up with this for long enough and you'll never be able to enjoy anything with or without him around. Trust me, it's not worth it.

  56. If there is abuse and you had to quit your job to protect them, you need to have her recorded and get in contact with a lawyer. Do not confront her or let on about what’s going on.

  57. Similar to saying 'look at my big girl' while feeling her up IMO. Dumb but could be an honest mistake.

    'big/little' is absolutely a filler adjective during dirty talk, one we barely think about unless we have the specific size insecurity at play there. Source: am erotica writer.


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