DanielaSaenz on-line sex chats for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “DanielaSaenz on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I am a software developer who has a dream of a passion project that i wish i could do full time. Let me just tell you,

  2. I’m not defending him by saying this; I failed to mention I have OCD and anxiety and I’m aware I can be a bit much at times. I’m still upset with the response I received.

  3. I wanted because i thought it was just gentics.. But damn i feel disgusted of myself for waiting this long when i shouldve did it sooner.

  4. Honestly he probably is using you. Men his age usually go after young women like you because younger women are more mailable and more easy to control. Yes sex is one thing he’s probably using you for. Btw, why are you dating a broke 40 year old!? That’s a major red flag if he’s that old and doesn’t have his financial crap together. Going Dutch on dates isn’t a red flag, but the fact that he’s a broke old dude going after a woman 15 years his junior is a major one

  5. Great example of how tiptoeing around each other afraid of hurting someone's feelings is a net drain on society.

    It assumes that you know how someone is going to react, as if you could just predict a person's feelings. It robs the other person of their ability to improve by depriving them of valuable feedback. Even if you did hurt their feelings, that would be temporary, as opposed to the permanent improvement and lifetime of better experiences they will have by learning the new information. You're lying by omitting something important you're thinking.

  6. Talk to your therapist? Ask yourself where this internal pressure is coming from? Like are you worried about having kids? Do you have friends getting engaged and married and you’re jealous?

    I dunno. I have a very secure attachment style and for me, a partner is icing on the cake not the cake myself. I love my partner but I don’t need him.

    Shoot. We weren’t even exclusive til we had dated for 6 low and we didn’t move in together til we had dated about 4 years. But everyone is different.

  7. This is just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.

    But based on your post it sounds like you associate SHAME/GUILT and SEX quite frequently. If there is nothing medical going on, this could be the cause of the lack of orgasms.

    Your boyfriend is right, take time for yourself to relax, explore yourself, and learn what feels great. Try to release the guilt and shame you associate with sex and masturbation and just enjoy the experience.

  8. She has it but doesn't like it, she's really into classic sex.

    I want to break too, but it's really absurd, 3 awesome years and now out of the blue she's like an addicted

  9. So you messaged him out of the blue six years after never dating him to tell him it wasn't his fault that you two didn't date? And you wonder why he blocked you?

    His wife was an international student so I feel they married quicker than usual because her visa would be running out?

    What a strange thing to assume.

    How you “feel better” is to move on. Stop obsessing over him. Focus on your work, your hobbies, your actual relationships. Maybe talk to a therapist about your choices and feelings around this. Leave him alone.

  10. My assumption was that “when visiting him at uni” means that his uni isn't 10 minutes away and it makes more sense to stay than to drive home.

  11. I came here to say something similar. The only reason to confront someone is if you want to hear their side of the story and then try to work it out. My opinion, there is no working this out. He's a cheater, you caught him, you need to leave. You don't need the confrontation as nothing will come from it. You won't feel at peace, you won't get closure, and usually when confronting a cheater you'll get lied to, yelled at, made to feel guilty, blamed for the cheating (not enough sex), or the person will gaslight you. My advice, if you need to let him know you know, create a throw away email with a random password you'll never remember, type everything into a letter, send it, delete throw away email immediately.

  12. When it comes to both marriage and kids, everything that isn't a “Hell yeah!” is an automatic “No”. Someone pressured into marriage will grow resentful, someone who doesn't want children might bail or at least not be happy (something children can sense very well). A relationship like that will very, very likely fail.

    If his behavior with the soup is cultural, him just flipping out because the whole marriage-situation is weighing on him or because he is a jerk is unclear, but what should be clear is that you shouldn't marry someone who treats you like this. If this was a one-time thing, then it's likely because he is miserable because of the pressure everyone is putting on him and he snapped – not an excuse, but a very good indicator that he definitely doesn't feel like marriage and children are something he wants.

    For both your sakes, end the relationship. You can find someone who has the same goals as you and he will be free from the pressure. You will only resent each other – things like marriage and children should never include pressure and all I see here is that you will be miserable and upset if you delay your plans for an unsure future with him and he will be miserable if he goes along with your speed.


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