Caroline-salvatore1 live! sex chats for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Caroline-salvatore1 live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. If religion was such a deal breaker, why did you start a relationship without asking if she was Jewish? Sounds like you wasted enough of her time so she wants nothing to do with you.

  2. Maybe there's a hidden layer but it sounds like your BF is being completely intolerant of a perfectly nice (if sometimes occasionally scatty… which is fine) person.

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  7. What resources do I even have? I didn't even realize you even extra resources that I can use as the way my parents put it to me is it's only a way to get money from the government and that's it

  8. Glad to hear he changed and respected your decision! My dad really seem to like my bf in every way and there are no other signs of him not approving, but I guess I should just ask him

  9. There’s ways to be protective without being aggressive? How are you an adult with this mentality?

    He could’ve sternly asked the guy to back off or be more considerate without threatening to throw him down the stairs. Especially because that man wasn’t even bothering you. It sounds like he lacks special awareness, not that he was actually trying to intimidate you.

    Men who act like this only get worse over time. I wouldn’t be surprised if he turns his aggression towards you in the future.

  10. It’s really hot because his home life isn’t great. We bonded over the fact that our moms both struggle and don’t make enough. We’ve both gone through that and seen how it happens. But I wanna make it work with him and I don’t know how to at least encourage him more. If he doesn’t have anything done soon before we plan on moving in together then I don’t think we’ll work.

  11. He denied sleeping with us both and told me he was just there for her emotionally as a friend because he felt so bad for her. And from what I’ve gathered he does want to help people because he has a kind heart, he has been through a lot himself and has had a terrible childhood.

    I feel like he told me about the instagram photos because he is actually being honest with me. Why would he post romantic photos of us if he still wants to sleep around? I can feel how much he loves me and I can see how with me he is different. I just don’t understand how all this can be an act.

  12. Thanks so much I appreciate your honesty! I know for me it’s just the communication part for him is just so hot to just be real ?

  13. I don’t really like watching tv/movies with people. It’s so stifling. But I hear you. I dated someone with awful movie/tv taste and it was excruciating. Maybe you could ask to pick a series together?

  14. Do you feel you want to spend the rest of your life with her ? What vibes the idea of marrying her gives you ? You might be scared, you might be concerned of the future (work, finances etc), which is normal but on the other hand you want her to be with you. Then go for it. If it hurts your stomach, if you don't feel it in your bones, if the idea to build your life around you both repels you, then no doubt, don't marry her and be clear to her about it, which probably means the end of your relationship.

  15. If your father’s drinking negatively impacted your family, then he is an alcoholic. This is genetic and learned. You have inherited this behavior and now it is impacting your relationships. You are an alcoholic. This is deadly serious. You are at a crossroads in your life on which way your life could go. You can excuse, explain, deny etc but this is what is really happening to you.

  16. I have no idea what happened, we been quite physical in the early years, up to oral for her, but never did penetration even fingers. I guess the passion died.


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