Harmony-big-breasts live! sex cams for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “Harmony-big-breasts live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I think you should do it until it isn't a net benefit for each of you. My personal opinion is that FWB is inherently unstable and won't last forever. But you can do check ins and just talk to them, make sure this situation is still working, see if it is turning into unrequited love, etc and see if you should keep going

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  3. Regardless of you knowing each other for most of your lives, that's entirely different to being in a relationship and living together. I mean, you didn't know he'd had pinworms before, did you?

    People can be great friends for years, but they decide to become housemates, and everything goes to hell. Living with someone is an entirely different level of friendship, and being great friends doesn't mean you're compatible as housemates. And when you're living with a partner, this compatibility is even MORE important. Sexual compatibility is a massive deal.

    His lack of hygiene is a bad start. There's a reason pinworms is a problem most commonly found in children, is because adults know they have to wash their hands, especially if they've been scratching their arse!

    He doesn't take his own hygiene seriously, which has led you to be infected, and when you make it clear that you do take it seriously, and want to get rid of the worms, he's telling you that doing so will break you up. Think about that for a minute; you want to get rid of a parasitic infection, and all he cares about is sex. All he can think about is that he won't get laid for 2 weeks. Not, “oh hell, I've given my gf worms, we need to everything possible to get rid of them”, no, he's just thinking, “but what about my DICK?!”

    Even if you do get rid of the worms, chances are, he will re-infect you, as he doesn't see it as a problem. Is he going to change and wash his sheets and towels every day? Wash his hands regularly? Change his underwear twice a day, hard washing them?

    In short, is he ever going to consider your feelings? Your wants and needs? Because right now, the only thing he's considering is his penis.

  4. Yes, she should’ve spoken with you before assuming you’d be ok with her plan. But maybe you all can compromise? I mean, you’re literally never ever ever once going to be alone with your grandchild? Because that’s the relationship I have with my parents and it honesty makes me resent them. My baby had to be hospitalized for 2 days and I had no one to help with getting my big kids to and from school or to sleep at my house with them while I was at the hospital. You can’t even commit to babysitting a few hours once every other month? It’s hard as hell being a parent with 0 support as you already know from experience.

  5. You could be reading a lot into her use of the word friend. I often call people “friend” and know many others who do as well. It could be just the way she speaks. I don't think you should overthink this.

  6. Oh wow so the abuse must have been try then if there was a public record. His dad used to be a cop so he'd know too! That's horrible, I can see why he doesn't want to deal with it anymore. It's really sad!

  7. The not maintaining an erection is a red flag for me. Clearly it’s not a physical issue.

    Is he watching a large amount of porn?

    The only time I’ve heard of men changing sexual appetites while not being able to maintain an erection from “normal/vanilla” sex is when the man has developed a porn addiction.

  8. Well, genetics are a funny grab bag of what you'll get.

    Yup. I look like nobody in my immediate family, but if you pull out the old photo albums, I'm a carbon copy of my grandma's grandma.

  9. I'm not sure why a breakup isn't an option when he's basically your child and most likely won't change as he's already stuck in his ways. He knows you're not going anywhere even though he doesn't treat you well. Maybe couples counseling will help. Well wishes.

  10. Sorry to hear man, this really seems like a tough one. I guess the main question to ask yourself will be – can you ever process this to an extend to move on with life with this person as your partner? I.e. can the 10 years of good conduct + future efforts of her make balance things out for you emotionally? Or will there always be some resentment and the relationship will just become a source that drains your energy rather than giving you a healthy and safe, most importantly, honest environment, to do life with your SO?

    Take some time off, away from her.. also getting advise on this one with respect on what to do from friends/family should be taken with care. They are not the ones feeling what you do. They haven't spent their lives with someone on a very intimate level, living the life with their love of their lives, only to find out this person was a cheater and lied to you 10 years ago – what makes you think that is everything she hid from you? What if another few years down the road, there is another secret discovered ? Now she just had a flirt and a ONS with a work colleague?

    Good luck! I think it helps to know, there is no right or wrong here.. only what works and will work for you, continuing to do life with this person.

  11. I'm on team tell her, just say hey my ex did this and it bothered me. It'll be a good litmus test to see if she cares and tries to stop or just continues on.

    This seems so basic, don't tell your girlfriend she's fat, don't make fun of your boyfriend's penis size. I like to sing songs about my boyfriend's penis, and they're nice songs.

  12. I’ve wondered the same thing many times… what will happen to me? I don’t know. I think you’re right that he’s thinking of someone else, shutting his eyes during sex and putting his hands behind his back so he was quite literally elsewhere mentally, and it made me feel dirty if I’m perfectly honest. I did question his sexuality a long time before I spoke to the 20 year ex and I never gave her any clues to my suspicions so when she said that she thought he was in the closet I just realised we can’t both be wrong, surely?

  13. You weren’t dating and you hadn’t communicated anything with her. She didn’t cheat on you and you need to stop treating her like she did. Seriously either break up w her of get over it. You’re creating unnecessary drama for both of you and it’s gross.

  14. this kid is going to have no family line technically, i'd feel not so happy personally if my parents made me something not realated on paper to anyone in my biological family. What a ridiculous idea and I'm really in disbelief people here are surprised the FIL would take issue with it. It's incredibly disrespectful, pointless, and non sensical. Traditions hold value in culture and society, I guess you didn't realize that?

  15. A better way to do it is to approach her in person and initiate contact.

    Establish a little bit of a friendship and then ask for the Instagram.

  16. Actually, you totally do. Which is, as I understand it, the whole point of your complaint.

    Pretty ironic you're now arguing you don't need to be a professional to diagnose autism, when you're here to complain about your boyfriend's unprofessionally diagnosed autism.

  17. Absolutely Of course, the matter is complicated by yhe fact OP is pregnant with her husband's baby so may not be as calm.as she should. OP's husband may be treating the twins as his own now, but will he do the same after his baby is born?

  18. Curious, did they book a room with 2 single beds? Copious red flags aside, check their hotel booking, if it’s one bed it’s even more suspicious than it already is.

    Also he definitely didn’t forget to book you a ticket, he planned this the entire time. I bet if you checked their chat logs it would also confirm it.

  19. I thought my wife was op but we don't have a kid and she goes with her girlfriends. We argue about it often. She says we will go together next time. It never happens. I don't want to go every time. But once in a while so I'm not sitting at home babysitting the dogs would be nice.

  20. Why is he handling your fragile things to begin with? Can he possibly just… Not touch them at all?

  21. As someone who has been living with their husband's disabled brother for years now, I'm telling you, do NOT do this. Do not put yourself in this position. You WILL end up resentful and miserable. And it will not get better. You will spend every second of your life wanting to run away, and will end up thinking lots of things that make you hate yourself.


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