Marrylou Anne the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Marrylou Anne, 32 y.o.


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30 thoughts on “Marrylou Anne the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. She has told you she won't stop loving you. If she does just because you get some tattoos on the surface of your skin, then her love wasn't skin deep anyway.

  2. You are never going to find your self confidence if you stay with a man who constantly tells you that you’re not good enough yet. Yet? He is an ass, you deserve better.

  3. At the end of the day nothing is going to change for her until SHE wants to do it. She has to want to improve her wellness for herself for it to stick and sometimes that can be a very hot mental journey. What’s important here is that she has set a boundary with you. Not respecting that boundary isn’t going to push her to start her health journey in fact it may have the opposite effect. I would respect her boundary aNd drop the topic for now. Wait for her to bring it back up again before you discuss it again. Focus on your own health and the things you can control. You can help by cooking healthy meals when it is your turn to cook etc…. Hopefully she will find her way eventually on her own terms.

  4. It was clear early on in your story she wasn't raped. She did this willingly and gave the POS the threesome you wanted. Oh, and she definitely fucked that guy.

    Yet, you were making every excuse for her you could. Sack up and talk to the other couple. Then, seriously consider divorce. I mean, how in the hell are you ever going to trust a woman that let you believe she was raped?


  5. Men or women, my advice is always the same. No harsh decisions until the baby is at least 6 months to a year old (of course unless there's blatant abuse). She's pregnant and what she's saying should be taken with a grain of salt. Be kind and patient.

  6. Thank you for explaining this.

    It’s strange when you consider the fact that she’s complimented his physique. It’s difficult for me to tell you that this is trustworthy behavior on his part even if she consented to him taking the photos. It’s very weird.

  7. After 5 years she still doesn’t trust you. It doesn’t sound like she ever will. That’s not a healthy relationship and frankly you should be glad to be done with it.

  8. get the vibe that she's more into this guy than she's into you.

    Possibly. She has been spending a lot more time away from me after a worse turn in our relationship. I believe she doesn't have much interest in fixing the relationship.

    But I also kind of get the vibe that you're steering the vibe that way with the way you described the situation. I don't know if that's intentional, subconscious, or you're just accurately reflecting what happened, but people often have a bit of bias without realizing it, so I tend to allow for the potential of subconscious bias. You kind of have to when you're only getting one side of the story.

    I try not to be but of course I may be doing so, subconsciously. This story is mainly from my perspective so I don't know what it's like from her side. She could actually have been ignoring my calls or not, I wouldn't know. I doubt she is cheating, but she does want to spend more time with other people rather than with me nowadays.

    I think it's fair to be firm that she has to inform guys she hangs out with that she's not single. I think that's a very fair boundary to have. Like you're not even saying she can't hang with guys, but they have to know she's not single.

    I agree, and if my relationship doesn't end, I'll be sure to communicate this to her. And yes, I allow her to hang with guys, but I did tell her to let me know if she's going alone to a singular guy's house.

  9. Do things that you enjoy, preferably also things that will improve your self-esteem, and they will find you.

  10. Honestly OP, you seem incredibly naive! Everyone commenting on this thread can see it too! I just hope you don’t get taken to the cleaners through all of this!

  11. See I want to say haha obvious made up story from a troll.

    I want to. Except my brother was also this dumb.

    Anyway, 35 is a bit late to find out how babies are made but good luck with being her latest baby daddy.

    No doubt once it's born, she will be after the next child support paycheck and if that doesn't work out, she can always find some easily manipulated chump like my brother, to pay for all the other men's children to come after she's had yours, hey, that chump might even be you.

  12. After talking to a few people everyone has said the same thing. I love her but she can’t use my past against me and I know that now. I know she has growing up to do but to let this ruin what we have it just hurts to think about. I don’t do this to her so why do I receive it back especially when I am nothing but good to her

  13. is very different to telling your partner they cant have any 'alone time' at all

    So are you saying that if their partner said no to “alone time” and he agreed to it but then broke his promise that would be okay? I think we can all agree that some boundaries are ridiculous and breaking a boundary, while always a bad thing, isn't equally as bad regardless of the boundary

  14. Excuse me? If someone spits in my face they are not getting any gifts from me. Ever. And why do you allow your parents to disrespect you bf like that?? I'd see your behaviour as a MASSIVE red flag, and certainly wouldn't be marrying you or into your family. Stop making excuses for your parents – their behaviour is unacceptable. And apologize for not defending the man you say you want to marry

  15. Thank you for your reply. We have spent every birthday and holiday together for the past 4 years and say I love You. Why do you think that?

  16. You're an idiot. And a misogynist.

    I like all size dicks. But it's men like you that make me prefer women.

  17. My bf is well off and has no issue with me not working but it hasn’t stopped me from trying to find out what work environment I’ll do best in

    I have social anxiety, not only that but I crack easily under pressure. Someone would yell at me and I’d start crying, it’s uncontrollable and I asked a few therapists how I can fix it and their answer was always this doesn’t seem like something to fix

    I want to work, to help and feel useful, your gf though? Apparently expects you to do everything now.

    She’s not worth it man

  18. he's nuts! Me as a guy, I could care less if a girl's natural or not! what I care is what I see and feel! Find someone who appreciates you. Seriously!! what a spoiled brat he seems!

  19. We already have cameras at our house. She’s currently putting together dates and times these incidents happened so I can check them against our cameras so we can see if they line up. Hopefully if we have enough at the same time we can use it as proof for the police.

  20. This is really petty and controlling behavior. I’m sure it doesn’t feel that way, but don’t deny him an experience with his friends that he’s excited about. Be excited for him, and go do and see things he didn’t get to do/see the first time around.

    I went to Italy for the first time with a friend, and my boyfriend at the time was jealous. He managed, from thousands of miles away, to ruin the trip for me with his sulking. What I remember most about the trip was sitting in my Airbnb and crying, and honestly I resent him for it. I was in fucking ITALY and I couldn’t enjoy it. I would have loved to go and have an entirely new experience with him later, or share the things I wanted to reexperience with someone I cared about.

  21. Gosh. What a situation.

    I guess I have a couple of different thoughts…

    1) Part of our job as parents is to demonstrate healthy relationships for our kids to model. Even if you’re not fighting in front of them, kids can feel tension and they notice lack of intimacy outside of the bedroom. They observe interactions. Is what you’re demonstrating what you want your kids to have for their partnerships down the line? Staying “for the kids” is rarely beneficial to the kids.

    2) If you want to try to make it work and be happy with what you have then couples counseling in addition to your individual therapy is likely necessary. Seems to me that your husband is happy and has no true idea how you’re feeling. Since you got married so young, I wonder if some of this is more about wanting to have some other experiences since you missed out on being a twenty something dating around and having fun. Dating in your late 30’s and 40’s is a little more complicated as there are usually exes and kids in the mix.

    3) I got divorced when I was 2 years younger than you. The only thing I regret about my divorce was having not done it sooner. I am repartnered and very happy after taking some time to be alone and recalibrate after my divorce.

    4) kids adapt pretty well to going between two homes. Kids are generally happier when their parents are happy and healthy. You’re not doing your kids any favors if you’re miserable and think you’re martyring yourself for them.


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