the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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18 thoughts on “ the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. So what do I do now?

    Learn from this for the next one ?

    How do I fix this?

    Don’t think you do, sounds like it’s no undoable

  2. Yeah it's not okay. The fact he didn't check up on you is not okay. The fact you told him what you were crying about and he initiated after that is not okay. Esepcially when he did it in such a cold way. So many people have trouble understanding the concept of emotionally safe sex. But it's so important. Your soul dies a little when you have sex that you don't want. Especially when you were a victim before this. You do not deserve to be treated this way. Please. Please find someone who will treat you kindly.

  3. You have the right to debit sex, what a lack of respect to wake someone up at that time to have sex. The way he said it also indicates that he only cares about sex.

  4. Yes thank you ?. Like I can see him trying some middle ground here and offering to steam clean it. Which hurts no one other than cost which is significantly lower than a new bed.

  5. If you are so afraid of someone you need to bring a friend to talk to them the conversation should be about how you're going to break up with them. There's no version of “me and my friend want to talk about your behavior” that leads to a productive discussion and changed behavior. If you think you need protection the relationship is already over.

  6. I am not a meth head. I have been clean for over 6 years now. February will be 7 years for me. I have a very tumultuous life and he was a constant. When things were bad for me he cared about me when nobody else would. I fell in love with him and I thought he was doing better

  7. I wouldn't try to be friends with her if you're still feeling like you're going to freak out about her dating someone. That's not a healthy way for a friend to behave. I'd reach out, say you're dealing with some feelings right now but would be open to being friends once you've chilled out.

  8. This is why I always no contact whenever a relationship ends. Nine times out of ten she has someone on the backburner and trying to stay in contact is going to get you hurt

  9. I have never, ever, everevereverever consented to unprotected sex until we are monogamous and have had full STI panels.

    I have a condom in every purse and inner jacket pocket I own.

    A guy asking for unprotected sex is the only thing that ruins the mood for me.

    Maybe I'm a stuck-up prude, but it helps me sleep at night

  10. The block button exists. If you can’t get over it…then don’t. You have commitment issues and now don’t trust her. She’s desperate to get back to you but will probably be wondering if you’re gonna break up with her randomly again in the future.

  11. He's an a******. I mean he's been screwing you for a year but he's not sexually attracted to you all that's interesting you can get it up you can have sex with me you can come in me but you're not sexually attracted okay. Tell him to go to hell if you want to lose weight for you do it for you not because you want him as your boyfriend.

  12. You know how your husband accused reddit of just being a hive mind of like minded people? He says that, because that's his 'normal'. To be surrounded by people who share his views too. I guarantee you, the reason he wants his friends therapist, is because he knows that therapist agrees with his worldview. What would he do, if after a few sessions with the new therapist, you said you wanted to stop seeing that therapist because you didn't agree with what they were saying (but he did agree). Would he do what you did with the 1st therapist, and stop attending and find a new one? Or would he tell you you're wrong (again) and patronise you like you're a child who's talking about adult topics that they don't understand, and pat you on the head. That's exactly what he did, in the conversation you described

  13. Write what he says down, time and date it. If someone overheard it, ask if they'll consign it.

    Get evidence.

  14. Can you elaborate? I don't understand why you think he isn't in a place to have/maintain a relationship.


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