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16 thoughts on “Mollybonay on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. U should have told him “oh yeah, well my ex's d*** is bigger than yours so I guess we are even” and walked away like the boss you are!

  2. Man no one should realistically care if there was a coworker you fucked that works with your current partner.

    Jesus christ though you have to be one dumb fuck to have sex with your current partners sister just before you started dating. Honestly you should tell her so she ditches you and possibly her sister.

  3. Yes, and he gets annoyed by it too because sometimes he just doesn’t have answers for them and I don’t have answers either so they hound me to hound him until he gets it. This always ramps up when he’s gone and I hate to pester him about it so we talked about it a couple times before he left. I asked him to respond in a timely manner so his family doesn’t turn to me and he said he would and he’s sorry they hound me, but as of this time they haven’t reached out to him at all. He called his mom the morning after he got there. He’s not even in a different country ffs just a different time zone. I told him this morning his grandma has called and texted a bunch and he said he’s going to call her today. He’s making an effort but they still keep calling.

  4. This girl would be putting her life on hold for this relationship. It’s 4 years of med school plus 4 or 5 for residency if I’m correct. She’s 29, if she wants a husband and children, she can’t wait that long. And she can’t even move with him since she’d need a visa which are hot as shit to come by. He can’t be surprised this was the end of his relationship.

  5. Why should I be ashamed? I know it was wrong of me, but I was only following my feelings. It DID make me feel uncomfortable and upset when she told me about her new bf. I can't help feeling the way I do.

  6. I'm sorry for all the things that had happened to you. You need to leave her. If anything, she's the one who needs to make it right to you.

    She's horrible for saying you manipulated her when it was her who kept pushing you to talk. What a POS.

  7. ESH. it’s your and your wife’s job to make sure you talk through things thoroughly before starting an open relationship, and you clearly failed to do that. you need to go over all possible issues that could come from it and how to handle it, pregnancy should be a major one. no birth control is 100% effective, there should’ve always been a plan in case she got pregnant. unfortunately, there’s nothing left to do now but end things since you didn’t want kids, you’re simply incompatible now.

  8. I’ve typed out I’m sorry in text so many times these last few days. I’m an overthinker though and feel like this is going to make it worse which is stupid because sorry is necessary. We both have a lot to work on and through, I’m just allowing fear to rule my thoughts.

  9. Listen, even if she doesn’t want to be friends anymore, she can always ignore the text or message. If you didn’t end on bad terms, send the text. Just to let her know you remembered and are thinking about her. What can it hurt?

  10. You violated her trust and privacy by going through her phone, but you are complaining about the violation of her talking to her mom? Do you realize how hypocritical that is? Just because you apologized, that doesn’t mean your actions or the hurt they caused disappeared. She still gets to be mad at you for that. The apology is the first step to redemption, not the last.

    Also, a textbook early move from abusers is to try to cut someone off from the support of family and friends. You are are a parade of red flags.

  11. Same here, almost exactly with tje dates. What I don't understand is how gf had a positive pregnancy test on August 26, assuming OP learned about that in real time and wasn't told months later. Did she miscarry and then get pregnant again?

  12. and I'ld nip the hope of getting back in a bud. Let it go and move on. If the relationship returns, that's just fine but I wouldn't push it. I get the sense you're still thinking that option is valid and are playing to attain it. Focus on taking care of urself and healing. NO one is strong and ready to end a relationship they weren't willing to end on their own.


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