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26 thoughts on “MirraGray online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I just wish he had only been with me sexually or that he had less than 4 partners. Maybe 2 but 4 feels like a lot to me. I feel like I shared him with other people. I don’t like it.

  2. It's on twitter. If he didn't want the world to know, he should not have been trolling for sex partners on twitter.

    10 to 1, you can link him to the account through any number of HR services like Spokeo.

    She'll likely get pushback from a number of people when she says they are divorcing. It's unlikely she's been sharing her marital issues. If she wants to maintain a support network for herself, she should tell people what he's doing and how he's treating her, 100%. They need to know to understand why it's over. He has been isolating her from her family and friends this entire time he's been sexually exploring. His “trust” for her does not trump his actual abusive mistreatment.

    Further, this is all relevant to custody, She's going to have to discuss his sex life and his friendships because they will impact on the time he has custody of the kids. These are probably not people he should be bringing ids or teens around to attend events. It's going to figure into their agreement.

  3. Alot of pretty girls are arrogant, full of themselves, entitled.. So why not go down a step for a partner you can actually make a life with, that dosent add a lot of stress in your life.

    So no, insecurity might not always be the case, sometimes a guy just want peace of mind

  4. These comments are kinda weird. I think you should think about why you felt weird, do you wonder if he’ll ever hurt you if you guys fight? Does it make you feel insecure about your strength? Was he purposely going full strength? Things like that. Real honest questions in the privacy of your own mind. Not these dumb ass fuck around and find out comments, like, go hate women somewhere else ?. He sounds remorseful honestly. It’s good that he let go and I think you were just stunned to find out your partner is strong. Understandable. It’s a weird feeling. I personally love play fighting but then again I’m a lesbian so the playing field is generally pretty level and depending on the girl I’ll take it easy or get my ass kicked but it’s all jokes. Wish you the best.

  5. Holy crap, I wouldn't want to see anyone after a 12 hour shift. Don't you realize that it takes energy to be a good partner to someone? When you have someone over, you need to engage with that person. You can't just lie on your bed and think nothing and just be exhausted. You need to be mentally present – something you already had to be during work all the time. Focused, listening, engaging.

    What you are asking of him is absolutely insane. What he is telling you is absolutely logical. No one goes to bed right after coming back home from work. What kind of life would it be to work from 5am to 7pm and then not have some time for yourself?!

    Break up with him if you want, but be absolutely aware that the amount of potential partners who will be fine with having zero alone time and you being over every single minute of their free time, with none for their friends or themselves, will be very, very, very, very small.

  6. I was only being mean to drive the point home. You need to dwell in this sorrow for a while and understand it.

    This is the challenging part:

    How should i talk to her about it without reminding her about the hurtfulness of it? Honestly asking if there would be a good way to address the topic.

    You're going to have a lot of hard conversations coming your way, but the more you have them, the easier they will become. Unfortunately, she will need to be reminded of that pain if she is to get past it.

    You're going to operate as therapy sessions for each-other. And how do you deal with trauma? You talk it out and bring awareness to it, you don't ignore it. Obviously, you need to know when its appropriate to back off on the topic, you should know her well enough to know when it's time to ease up. She doesn't need the constant reminder, but you need to be an outlet for her when she dumps a load on you.

    If she needs space, you give it to her.

    But yeah, you two are in for a bumpy ride. It might do your reletionship some good if you talk to her about you wanting to fix your mistake and how you want to go about it. Presenting some genuine evidence that you're going to put into the work.

    You let her know that it will take a long time to earn back her trust, but you want to win it back. What are some things that you can do to achieve that.

    And it would also be good to know when to keep it light and when to make it heavy. Right now, she's probably in pain so you're probably best to keep it serious but light until she can handle a conversation with depth.

  7. He's already done it, but she doesn't want to accept it and says she doesn't believe “her brother is doing this to her”.

  8. Depends on the precedent set.

    My parents pay for all of my car repairs, my credit cards, etc. If I needed 1200 for my car, my parents would give it to me. So for my parents to randomly say no would be wild to me. To be quite honest, I've never even touched a gas pump

    That being said, it seems like she is financially reliant on him (helped with where she stayed for instance). So it's possible that while she isn't entitled to it, she's accustomed to his help.

    I think OP needs to either cut her off, wean her off and let her know his expectations, keep giving her money, or let her know that she is grown and needs to take care of herself. OP needs to set a new precedent and stick to it. That's all.

  9. So, the literal words you said really aren't going to describe the 'how you said it' which is what they picked up on.

    Were you smiling, not smiling. Did you make eye contact or not. Did you grip his hand tightly in a handshake, or not. Did you wrap your around her, or not. Was your voice higher or lower pitched than usual, did you talk fast or slow, all of that comes up in your tone.

    Anxiety tends to tense you up and and trigger a lot of the things that make you seem more closed off and cold. So it's likely you came off that way without meaning to and their reactions are valid to the tone you seemed to have at the time.

    You are kind of in the 'wrong' here in that you accidentally came off in a way you didn't intend and should apologize and try to come off better, both to your gf and this guy if you happen to encounter him again.

    However, given the overall tone of this post and the fact you got so anxious in the first place, you likely have other trust issues to work out on top of this single instance. The gf at least is probably responding to those issues as well as this exact moment and is letting those issues set the context of the moment.

    Either way, you need to do a better job communicating all around. Some key points that I'm calling out in your post:

    You've shared locations with each other You waited an hour when you knew she was just around the corner and could have just gone and said hey whenever (assuming she consented to you dropping in on her like that) It seems to be a big deal to you that she hasn't told the guy that she's dating someone – a potentially valid feeling, but I get the sense you're telling reddit this feeling more than you're telling her this feeling You 'left it at that' implying that you don't believe her – trust issue You know she's spending time with a friend but you keep shooting her messages anyway – isn't it a bit rude to constantly be on your phone when you're hanging out with someone? What did you have to say that was so important? At this point I wonder if she even agreed to you 'popping by' in the first place or whether you just kind of pressured on her and she went with it and leaving her phone off was her kind of way of resisting.

    Of course, she could be cheating on you with this guy, or wanting to, who knows. The possibility is there. But the possibility is also always going to be there, so, you have to decide whether this is a woman you trust or not.

    You might want to speak with a therapist about this. Not saying anything bad about you but it might help you sort out your own feelings and give you better communication skills.

  10. If you were to open the door to possible reconciliation, do so in a family therapy setting. It doesn’t make sense to do it in any other format, until some kind of trust is built. If it can be built. I’m sorry you went through all of those things, and whatever decision you make I hope you find peace in it.

  11. She knew it was going to upset you because shes led the conversation afterwards by calling herself a cunt and apologising which means she knows that it upset you, people like that will often do things like that carelessly and then try to make you forgive it by calling themselves awful and apologising profusely and feeling guilt but they don't necessarily change any behaviour. If she's doing that literally as soon as you've gone out together with the premise of it being a date, she's saved you a lot of hassle of knowing what the relationship might be like. I know a lot of people who do stuff like this and they're just messy and turbulent to be around.

  12. I find the age comments very confusing. I’m 51, my husband 58. Is that weird? No. But I was 19 and he was 25 when we got together. I will admit my daughter feels the same way as you do! But as a young woman who dated older men than my husband (and who treated me very well) I see no issue.

  13. I know this sounds extreme to you now but when you’re 30 you’ll understand. No 30 year old man sees a 17 year old and wants her unless he’s in it for sex or power. It doesn’t happen. Even if you are mature for your age you haven’t collected the same experiences (sexual AND non-sexual), the same abilities that come with brain development in the mid 20’s, or even the same stages in life.

    As someone in their late 20’s pushing 30 I guarantee you once you hit 23-24 teens look like kids. The older you get the more they do.

    It’s likely an ego trip, a power thing, and sex.

    MOST adult women won’t date a man once she’s heard he dated a teen at that age. Especially when he knew you underage. I don’t know where you work but I have a hard time believing your coworkers are TRULY supportive. Maybe one or two sleaze balls but most likely they’re just not saying anything to keep the peace, not get reported, or bc they’re friends with him but 98% of people would be shocked and disgusted.

    I REALLY wish I could show you what I see when I see 19 year olds. You would have no doubts that he’s a problem and you’ve got to go.

  14. Trust me, 30 year olds do not see 18 year olds as adults. It's just the lowest they can go, legally. He's not different. He's a creep. I'm sorry.

  15. Definitely would understand someone asking questions and making suggestions but outright shitting on your idea? Not a partner.

    Personally I would ditch her and create a business plan.

  16. You might be better off if she declares bankruptcy. This is not so much a relationship advice scenario (you can still be with, love and support her) as it is a finance question best posed in a subreddit for your country’s personal finance/banking community.

  17. Yeah that wasn't a parasite. As others have said, it's the lining of his intestine and he NEEDS to see a doctor. OP, please show him this thread.

  18. Info: is the ex present at your parents when you and your gf are there? They should never have them at the same events. Pregnant women are very hormonal and things like this will greatly affect her. Your parents can be friends with the ex provided they treat the mother of their grandchild with respect and quit trying to ostracize her. Your gf may become more comfortable and secure in your relationship after the baby is born and not mind if the ex is present. However, if they are treating the gf as less than the ex this is only going to get worse. Proceed cautiously.

  19. Whether or not you stay with him is up to you. You need to ask yourself if this is what you want out of a relationship. He’s been dishonest with you for over a year—and entertaining other people throughout that year. He likely would’ve continued to do what he was doing if you hadn’t caught him (which he still tried to lie about after you did). He admitted to you that he enjoys talking to other people and tried to use his anxiety as a scapegoat. I have anxiety, and I can assure you cheating on my partner is not something I would ever entertain to “escape” my anxiety.

    You should not have to child lock his phone for peace of mind. You should be able to trust that your partner wouldn’t cross such a line in the first place. He’s picking up healthier habits? Good for him! Doesn’t change a thing. If he really felt like you weren’t attracted to him anymore, he should’ve come to you. He had a year to come to you, and instead he decided to ask other people what they’re wearing on Omegle.

    While I won’t tell you what to do—or even what I would do—I can tell you the only person that knows what’s best for you going forward IS YOU. Since you live! with him, and I assume you both share financial responsibility for your shared space, it can be tricky to end a relationship while being bound by a lease. You should also take that into consideration and see what your options are for possibly breaking the lease (should you decide to leave him/move out). Regardless of what you decide to do, it’s only been 3 days. So really think this through and choose what you feel is best for you going forward.

    This may not have been the response you were looking for, but I genuinely wish you the best & if you couldn’t tell, I think you deserve way better than what your partner is putting you through. Best of luck going forward. I hope things work out for you—no matter what you decide.

  20. This is actually such a well articulated post from a bot, im actually impressed. They're getting better.


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