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14 thoughts on “Beautiful-bru live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Knowingly giving someone false information is lying by every definition. If she didn't want to tell him something she should have said she doesn't feel comfortable telling him. You can feel however you want about him and the situation but the fact is she did lie.

  2. Well bro I had a similar issue with my gf, she had an ex which has a dick 8 centimeters bigger than mine (I dont live in the us) so i was pretty insecure about it, always remember the conversation I couldn't handle it anymore and just told her how insecure and inferior I felt. In this case we talked it out and it help me feel better, I'm really sorry she doesn't show any interest, I really encourage you to talk it out with her, explaining how does it make you feel her past and her preferences, if she really loves you she'll do her best to change this situation. Wish you luck with this problem. It's difficult but try to work on your perspective of yourself, be confident about what you offer.

  3. This is tricky. Would you say you’re close at all? It sort of sounds like it but also maybe not at the same time. Lol. Perhaps you socialize often enough but not exactly with deep conversations and emotions. I would try and make an opportunity to bring up your lack of a desire for a relationship. Perhaps while she brings up her past relationships. I say something like, “yeah, I’m definitely not missing out on that. Haha. I’m so happy to be single.” And if she’s a girl with a crush she’ll try to pry that statement open more with, “well relationships can be good…I miss the company…when relationships are good their great…don’t you want one?…intimacy is rewarding…” or some sort of statement to attempt to make you reconsider, back down from your statement or back track. That’s when you stand your ground. “Honestly, I’m happy single. I have a fulfilling career, have a loving family and am enjoying my time alone. I don’t have any desire for a relationship and don’t feel like I’m missing out. More power to people who are in relationships and I wish the best of luck to people looking for one but that’s just nothing I’m interested in anytime soon.” That’s a clear sign that you’re not on the market and if she has half a clue she’ll start backing off. Also, I’d start encouraging her to talk to some girlfriends about the ex. Maybe make a comment about how you wish you had more advice or helpful words and you’re sure her other friends might have more to add to the conversation or something. She needs to be treating you as a friend, not an emotional caretaker, and for a girl recovering from a breakup and seeking male attention, confiding in you and receiving her primary emotional comfort from you will only strengthen any interest or feelings she might have.

  4. Advice on what, honey? Are you happy? Is this healthy? Sounds like you’re going to have to have an intense conversation about your trust issues and boundaries

  5. Could be worth seeing a doctor. I had a horrible breath despite brushing teeth 3x a day and flossing for a decade. My parents didn't take it serious so never listened to my pleas to see a doctor. Once I was 18 I went myself, one look in my throat with a flashlight and the doctor immediately diagnosed me with chronically infected tonsils. It was treatable with a simple mouthwash solution but it never healed properly. Eventually had my tonsils removed in my early 20s. Never had bad breath again (except in mornings, hah).

  6. Hello /u/ThrowRA_asos,

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  7. Also, I think the reason why I’m always bringing it up is because my preferences upgraded.

    I mean, really think about the framing here. It isn't an 'upgrade' to have a change in preferences. If he went and found a thinner girl, or maybe someone with bigger breasts and told everyone how he 'upgraded' I am sure you'd consider him a pig for it.

    And that's the reality. He has said, loud and clear, that you are upsetting him. That you are making him insecure. You are a toxic presence in his life. If you can't stop yourself from being this way you need to end it before you cause damage that he can't come back from.

  8. Yeah your wife is going to give your kid really unhealthy food issues. Not just for the sake of your mom but also for the sake of your kid, your wife's issues need to be addressed.

  9. Why exactly does it bother you?

    He's not going to share a bed with her and he's not attracted to her so what exactly are you worried about?

  10. Long distance is tough for sure but being able to visit on some weekends and during holidays have made it manageable. This past month has been a rough patch though and we're trying to work through it.

    I'm fully aware that compromise is gonna be a thing and I'm ready for it. I just hope I can realize when a compromise turns into a *sacrifice*. Though that might take some more time and exploration of boundaries.

    And this is fantastic advice by the way, thank you for all this.

  11. He isn't “seeming” hypocritical, he is being hypocritical. It wasn't okay for you to grab coffee with your ex, but somehow lunch AND dinner was fine with his? Why did he NEED to see her if it wasn't okay for you to do?

    That, coupled with the fact that he lied to you early on is a huge problem. It sounds like he's okay doing things he knows would upset you as long as it benefits him. How would he react if you did those things?

  12. yeah, the advice is mostly – talk to her NOW, no more procrastinating. They are already in counseling, OP says they have had problems for quite awhile now: “we are in an unhappy relationship, and we have been for a long time.” So yeah, they are getting married because they got pregnant. They are still arguing over everything. The fiancee is getting stuffed around by OP, because OP doesn't have the guts to sit down and have that honest conversation with her about “what are we doing here? Does either one of us really want this, when we can't even agree on cake??”

  13. THEN MAYBE GO TO THERAPY LONGER THAN TWO DAYS. My guy, you are such a fucking coward. Who walks out on their pregnant girlfriend who you have been with for TEN years? Shouldn’t you be more mature? Why are you letting your dad talk you out of a relationship because of his own insecurities? He’s a bias source. Talk to a professional before breaking it off. You are going to regret it.


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