Rebecca77valentine online sex chats for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Rebecca77valentine online sex chats for YOU!

  1. i really, honestly, wonders when did people come to think that it is a good idea to record their sexuality in a time when there is no E-privacy anymore.

    I mean, girls showing their tits in some obscure paper in the 70's are still harassed today. What is the chance it won't happen with digital photo and video on a apparel conceived to send data all over the world?

  2. I think the bigger point here is that you’re finding an incompatibility between you and this girl. Having a long term partner is more than just chemistry, and from the fact that you’re writing this post, I’m assuming you have long term intentions for this relationship based on the good chemistry you guys have had.

    I’ve been in this situation where I was seeing a girl and we had great chemistry when it was us, but when it wasn’t, she would engage in behaviors that me feel uncomfortable and insecure in the ways your describing. I’ve seen where you’re arguing against you yourself being insecure, however that’s really what it is and it is okay to feel that way. Admit it, you’re uncomfortable. You don’t know this 3rd party or the nature of their relationship. You’re also the new guy in her life trying to fit in.

    Even though you don’t have any concrete evidence that this woman is being dishonest with you and even state that you don’t think she would, you’ve only been with her 2 months. It takes much longer to know someone on a deep level, even then, we’re all just individuals at the end of the day. The greater point here is that there is something signaling concern to you, whether it be your own issue or a signal of intuition.

    My honest suggestion is to not put that shit on the girl. I wouldn’t push her for anything, arrange a group hangout with your friends, hers, and suggest she invite him. Part of a long term partnership is melding worlds together. Whatever you do, keep your cool and make a collected decision about how you want to move forward. If it becomes a regular discomfort that isn’t getting resolved, leave the relationship. Do not put your issues on her, you care about her and the way she chooses to on-line her life is up to her. Your job is to see how her life fits with yours and go from there.

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  4. I actually worked at a hospital where there had been a baby mix up while I was there, it does happen. I like this option.

  5. Yes but she made me feel guilty that I didn’t want to try to fix it with her, or give her a chance to make it work. So I thought I owed her that

  6. Fair, but I don’t feel like that necessarily applies to issues in a relationship. My curiosity is always going to be there, and letting it eat at me I feel like would be worse than knowing the truth, but that’s just my opinion

  7. Yes, you are rude. You are forcing your husband to get rid of his culture and be rude to people who brought him up. It is good that you stayed married 20 years. I am married, too and my solution worked in my marriage.

  8. You aren't trapped. If they are a danger to themselves, you can call their family or emergency support services.

    You do not have to stay in a relationship you don't want to be in because the other person threatens to hurt themselves.

  9. Yeah, I wouldn’t do that, and it’s a little weird. But, I’ve probably done weirder things in other contexts where my weirdness is totally justified in my own head. Unless this is completely out of character or getting in his way of being a functional adult, who cares?

  10. Maybe there is just overthinking. You say her family is well off, but she still has a loan to pay off? A student loan, I presume? Her parents did not pay for her studies?

    Anyways, you just got engaged and still have time to discuss the future. You can always wait till she gets pregnant before marriage. That might lessen some of your concerns. Good luck.

  11. Thinking you folks will need some renters.

    Perhaps a 300k house is just not plausible.

    If you combined make 125k, looking at 300k home sounds foolish tbh.

  12. That's not even a friendhip.

    She continues just like before.

    So there is something she chose to ignore and got away with it up to now.

  13. If you're tight on space then that's all the more reason to respect it and keep it clean.

    Put the wrappers in his shoe, I dunno, hahaha. The point is you gotta stop tidying up after him because that's not showing him any consequences for being messy.

  14. Marriage, if you're lucky, lasts many years. No one's body stays unchanged for that long. Don't marry someone whose affection depends on you staying the same. That marriage will have the longevity of a jug of milk.

  15. The disgust won’t go away. My ex hooked up with someone during our week break and I never looked at her the same.

  16. Very true, just for the record. We are currently on ft. She ftd me randomly 30 min ago after I said we need to finalize our decision and if we break up I want no contact, calling me bub again, acting normal and a lot more calm and clear headed. Should I let this happen or break it off?


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