Rennata-S live! sex cams for YOU!

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33 thoughts on “Rennata-S live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Also I just want to suggest this too.

    This can also be a sign he’s experiencing a depression of some sort, or something else might be bothering him. So when you do talk to him, be open to listening to him if he’s going through something.

  2. Here’s my take.

    Your bf doesn’t like to see you validated and happy from something you do out of kindness. Why would he not be happy that you are happy? Why does this threaten his feelings toward you if what makes you happy in turn make others happy?

    People put their own insecurities on others. Does he not like that you have a moment where others show your value to the world?

  3. Two commands is not proper training, you know that, right. Dump the a-hole boyfriend and concentrate on the dog training.

  4. That’s fair- I think both sides are valid and we have settled on going out to dinner before I celebrate!

  5. Big ones do hurt. And can make you tear and bleed. I had to break up with a guy because of his monstrous dick. I just couldn't do it. It hurt so much and I'd bleed afterward for days. He's not thinking about this logically.

  6. Your mom is sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. Your bf comes across as *fiscally prudent and mature*.

  7. Okay thank you very much for ur responses. My last therapist got moved to a different section so I have a new one. As soon as I'm comfortable with her I'll bring it up! Never realized this was probably linked to my disorders, thought I was just an anxious teen haha lol. Thanks again!

  8. Well yeah you're right. You already know this is wrong. You know you need more time to grieve and heal from your previous relationship. Being with him just so you won't be alone is neither helpful to you or to him, on top of being massively selfish

  9. Oof, sorry this is getting downvoted. People on here are nuts. There's maybe not a huge benefit to going so if you and/or your husband feel weird about it I think it's a perfectly fine decision not to go.

    But I feel like everyone telling you you're not over him and you clearly are more in love with him than you've ever been with your husband and he should preemptively divorce you since you're going to have an affair are just going totally off the rails and projecting all kinds of things that aren't in your post.

    In a trusting relationship, this shouldn't be a big deal. I'm not saying your husband is a bad person for admitting he was slightly uncomfortable but he should be able to trust you to get coffee with an ex.

  10. Op, I wasn't in exactly the same situation but I was assaulted by my ex when I was 16, and at 19 I confided in my new boyfriend about what had happened to me, he was not happy, but not because I was assaulted, but because he wasn't the first one inside me and our first time “didnt feel as special”. At the time I really did think he was the best boyfriend ever, but he was emotionally abusive.

    The fact that he says you “had sex on” the chair at first instead of “raped” indicates that he doesn't really fully understand the difference between sex and rape. He may logically know that rape is non-consenting, but it doesn't seem to click, he has no clue how traumatic it is. It seems to me he is much more upset about the thought of you having sex than he is about you being raped. You are spot on when you said YOU are the only one who gets to decide if something relating to your rape is traumatic. YOU were the only one who experienced it, not him, but he's making it about him and his feelings.

    It seems he has no regard for how reminding you of your rape and being so insensitive about it may be triggering to you. Because he really just views it as his girlfriend having sex with another man.

    He could have inadvertently created an association of that chair with the acts that took place near it and he didn't care because HE couldn't bear the thought. He would rather risk traumatizing you all over again by reminding you of that and making it into a huge argument than to just live with the darn chair.

    And the fact that he pays no rent? Come on..this guy reeks of immaturity.

  11. I'm confused. If you agree with me, then what is the point of posting this? He's not okay with it, that's a natural consequence of your actions.

  12. Do you get worried about your mother when you bring her around? Cus… I think you should sit down for this…

  13. Legally they do have the right though. Unless they're currently a risk (and mostly, a physical risk) to the child. And it will be decided based on legal rights, not ethical rights.

  14. Yes you should ask if you want to borrow something. Even if it’s your partner. Because what if you accidentally take their favorite hoodie and spill something on it? My boyfriend gives me the sweaters that are old or don’t fit him anymore because he needs the ones that fit him. I’ve borrowed him my stuff too when he showered at my place. You just ask, it’s the polite and right thing to do. Your exes are exes for a reason, people taking your stuff without asking is a red flag about how much they respect you

  15. The only thing I like about a (constant clubbing) guy like that is that my beloved wife's ex behaved that way before she dumped him and found me.

  16. This is crazy. Both of you. I had 3 wisdom teeth out & cared for myself from the moment I got home. It's not major surgery. Why would you ever agree to such a scheme? She's overly dramatic & you're overly complacent. You both have some self reflection to do. This is non issue. Invite your bf over & you don't need her permission. End of story.

  17. It seems as tho that would be the universal rule that couples stay in contact while away from each other, but it's not always like that. You can express to her that you feel she may forget about you sometimes so she can give you reassurance.

    If it makes you feel better you cam reach put and text her letting her know you are thinking of her


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